< Microprocessor Design
Common Benchmarks
- block move
- Eratosthenes sieve
- matrix multiply
- MINC/Benchmarks
- "AN910: ST7 and ST9 performance benchmarking" describes a collection of short benchmark programs that measure interrupt latency and execution time and code size, and discusses architectural features that affect the scores. Eratosthenes sieve, Ackermann function, string search, block move, block translation, etc.
- "Benchmarks and Case Studies of Forth Kernels" describes some very frequently used, very short code fragments.
- Wikipedia: benchmark (computing)
- Wikipedia: EEMBC Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium
- MIPS/Watt benchmarks; "Philips Challenges 8-bit MCUs"; "Innovative Techniques for Extremely Low Power Consumption with 8-bit Microcontrollers"
- real-time benchmark: "the number of voices of MIDI-driven OPL2-style FM synthesis (at a 48k sample rate) that each chip can perform ... the clock required for sample output has the potential to test
interrupt latency ... it scales down to the lowest PICs ... and up to the scary fast GPUs ..." -- Gwenhwyfaer 2008
Benchmark Problems
Further reading
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