< MediaWiki User Guide
MediaWiki has graph extension that allows to enter data into the wiki markup and have a graph rendered automatically as a raster image. Many wikis have Graph:Chart template that encapsulates the raw markup for the graphs.
A mimimal example of a line chart:
A bar chart with dimensions, axis titles, a grid that shows values above the bars and setting of a bar color:
{{Graph:Chart |width=700|height=150 |xAxisTitle=Axis X|yAxisTitle=Axis Y |type=rect |xGrid= |yGrid= |colors=#66CC66 |showValues=offset:2 |x=1,2,3,4,5|y=5,4,3,2,1}}
A line chart with x-axis values of the type date and x-axis labels at an angle:
{{Graph:Chart |type=line |xType=date |xAxisFormat=%b %e |xAxisAngle=-45 |x=2020/01/05,2020/01/01,2020/01/02,2020/01/03,2020/01/04|y=1,5,4,3,2}}
A line chart with two data series with line colors set and a legend:
{{Graph:Chart |type=line |colors=#0066cc,#cc6600 |legend=Legend |y1Title=x squared |y2Title=x ^ 3 |x=1,2,3,4,5 |y1=1,4,9,16,25 |y2=1,8,27,64,125 }}
A semilog line chart, that is, one with logarithmic scale of the y-axis:
{{Graph:Chart |type=line |yScaleType=log |x=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |y=3, 7, 20, 55, 148, 403, 1097, 2981, 8103, 22026 }}
A pie chart with colors, values shown in the chart and a legend showing the x values:
{{Graph:Chart| |type=pie |width=150 |legend=Legend |colors=#66C, #C66, #6C6, #CC6, #C6C, #6CC |showValues= |x=Milk, Honey, Bread, Rice, Cheese |y=100, 200, 150, 300, 50 }}
- Extension:Graph/Demo, mediawiki.org
- Extension:Graph, mediawiki.org
- Template:Graph:Chart, wikipedia.org
- Module:Graph, mediawiki.org - documents arguments of graphing, such as type
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