- amba age si aibici jihe?
- bi coohiyan wang ging ci jihe.
- te absi genembi ?
- bi gemun hecen i baru genembi.
- si atanggi wang ging ci juraka?
- bi ere biyai ice de juraka.
- si ere biyai ice de jurafi, te hontoho biya hamika bime ainu teni ubade isinjiha?
- emu gucu tutafi jime ofi, bi elhe seme aliyakiyame yabure jakade tuttu jime goidaha.
- tere gucu te amcame isinjimbio akvn?
- ere uthai tere gucu inu, sikse teni jihe.
- si bodoci ere biyai manashvn gemun hecen de isinambio isinarakvn?
- bi adarame bahafi sambi? abka gosifi beye elhe oci isinambi dere.
- si coohiyan i niyalma kai, geli ai xolo de nikan i gisun be mujakv sain i taciha?
- bi daci nikan i niyalma de bithe taciha be dahame, nikan i gisun be majige bahanambi.
- si wede bithe taciha?
- bi nikan i tacikv de bithe taciha.
- si ai jergi bithe be taciha?
- bi leolen gisuren mengdzi ajigan tacin i bithe be taciha.
- si inenggidari aibe kicembi?
- inenggidari gersi fersi de ilifi tacikv de genefi sefu de bithe tacimbi, tacikv ci facame boode jifi buda jeme wajiha manggi, uthai tacikv de genefi bithe arame sefui juleri bithe be giyangnambi.
- ai bithe be giyangnambi?
- leolen gisuren mengdzi ajigan tacin i bithe be giyangnambi.
- bithe giyangname wajifi jai aibe kicembi?
- yamji oho manggi, sefui juleri sibiya tatafi bithe xejilembi, xejileme mutehengge oci sefu guwebure bithe emke be bumbi, aika xejileme muterakv oci, kadalara xusai tere be dedubufi ilan moo tantambi.
- sibiya tatafi bithe xejilere, guwebure bithe burengge adarame?
- Big older brother where did you come from?
- I came from Seoul (Wang Kyeong (Korean) or Wang Jing(Chinese) means 'City of King', which means Seoul) in Korea
- Where are you going now?
- I am going towards the Capital city
- When did you leave Seoul?
- I set out on the first day of the month
- You left on the first day of the month, now it has nearly been half a month. How is it that you have only arrived here?
- A friend fell behind so I am travelling slow to wait for him, and that is way I am late.
- Has that friend caught up?
- This is that friend, he came yesterday
- Do you estimate that you will be able to make it to the capital by the end of the month?
- How would I know? If the heavens are kind and our health (body) is okay, then we should be able to.
- You are Korean! What free time did you have to study Chinese that well.
- I originally studied with Chinese people, and therefore I know a bit of Chinese
- Who did you study with?
- I studied at a Chinese school
- What type of books did you study?
- I studied the analects, Mengzi(Mencius) and some elementry school books.
- What classwork do you have each day
- Each day I get up at day break and go to school to study with my teacher. After class I go home and eat, and after that I go back to school to write and to recite books in front of my teacher.
- What books do you recite?
- I recite the Analects, Mengzi and some elementry school books.
- What classwork do you do after you have finished reciting the books?
- In the evening (after it becomes night) the teacher does a ballot to see who has to recite from memory. If the person can recite from memory then my teacher gives them an avoid punishment card, if they can't then the managing Xiucai then tells them to lie down and they get hit three times with a piece of wood.
- How can it be that you get an avoid punishment card from the ballot to see who has to recite from memory?
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Manchu Vocabulary | English Translation | Manchu Vocabulary | English Translation |
aibici | From what place | absi | How |
age | Older brother | ajigan | Small |
aliyakiyambi | To wait, to walk slowly | amcambi | To catch up |
atanggi | what time | bahambi | to get |
baru | Towards | bime | And |
bodombi | To think, to estimate | buda | Food |
coohiyan | Korean | dahambi | To follow |
dahame | Because | dedubumbi | To make lie down (active of dedumbi to lie down) |
elhe | Peace, slow | emke | One |
facambi | To disperse, to finish class | gemun | Capital |
gersi fersi | Dawn | giyangnambi | To talk about, to recite |
goidambi | To be a long time | gosimbi | To be kind, to be generous to |
guwebumbi | To let somebody off | hamimbi | Enough, nearly |
hecen | City, city wall | hontoho | Half, a half |
ice | New, first day of the month | ilimbi | To stand |
jakade | Because | jembi | To eat |
jergi | Type, level | juleri | In front of |
jurambi | To set out | kadalambi | To manage |
kicembi | To be industrious | leolen gisuren | The Analects |
manashvn | End of the month | moo | Wood, a piece of wood |
mujakv | Very | mutembi | To be able to |
sefu | Teacher | sibiya tatambi | To draw straws, a ballot |
tacin | Studies | tantambi | To hit |
tatambi | To pull, to stay somewhere | teni | and only then…. (才) |
tutambi | To fall behind, to stay behind | wajimbi | To finish |
xejilembi | To recite, repeat from memory | xusai | Scholar (秀才-Xiucai) someone who has passed the county level imperial exams |
yamji | Night | ||
Verbs (part 3)
Converbs (副动词)
The main converbs in Manchu are:
1) Coordinative -me
This converb modifies the following verb and can be used to link several verbs. It also expresses simultaneous action, or can be used to start a quote. E.g.
- ai baita be arame genembi? (what are you going to do)
- yacin gvlmahvn sakda niman i boode efime genehe (the black rabbit went to the old mountain goat's house to play.)
- suwe ai erinde gurime jihengge? (when did you move here?)
- ajige xanyan gvlmahvn jabume:... (the small white rabbit said:....)
2) Subordinative -fi
Refers to a sequence of actions where one action is completed before another one begins. It is like English 'then', and also a bit like 'because' E.g.
- bi genefi tuwaki (I will go and (then) have a look)
- ajige yacin gvlmahvn lafu sogi be gaifi, hendume:"yeyede baniha!" (the small black rabbit took the bok choi and then said: thank you grandfather)
- yacin gvlmahvn ningge jetere jaka akv ofi, geli sakda niman i boode sogi baime genehe (As the small black rabit had nothing to eat, he then went to the old mountain goat's house to ask for more vegetables)
3) Conditional -ci
This is the conditional converb and is similar to English 'if'. E.g.
- bi tuwaci (if I look)
- jalan de suwe akvci ergen de jurgan akv ni (If this world did not have you all, then life would have no meaning)
- si Harbin de geneci (if you go to Harbin)
4) Durative -hai (-hei, -hoi)
This converb is used to express that an action occurs or continues at the same time as another action is performed. E.g.
- necimbihei yabumbi (to continuously invade)
5) Terminative -tala (-tele, -tolo)
This converb is used to show that an action occurs up to a certain time.
- aratala (until he writes)
- tetele (till now)
6) Instrumental -tai (-tei, -toi)
This converb is used to show that an action is being forced
- bucetei daharakv (I will not submit even if I die)
7) Preparative -nggala (-nggele, -nggolo)
This converb is like English ‘before’
- utala inenggi onggolo (several days ago)
8) Concessive -cibe
This converb is like Enlgish ‘although’
- tuttu bicibe (although it is like that)
9) Alternative -ralame (-relame, -rolame)
This converb is used to show that two actions are being performed at the same time
- bi yaburalame tuwambi (looking as I’m going along)
10) Simultaneous -mbime
This converb is used to show that one action is occurring (or not) while another action takes place
- si baita be sambi sembime, ainu takarakv (while you say you know about the matter, how come you don’t?)
auxiliary verbs (助动词)
Three important auxiliary verbs in Manchu are:
- sembi – sembi means ‘to say’
- ombi – ‘ombi’ can be translated as ‘to become’, ‘to be’, ‘to act as’,
- bimbi – ‘bimbi’ can be translated as ‘to be or ‘is’.
Irregular verbs (table)
This table is a list of all the irregular Manchu verbs and their irregular forms. Note a blank space indicates that this form of the verb is regular. Note verbs where the suffix ‘-fi’ becomes ‘-pi’ or ‘-mpi’ are not included.
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Dictionary form | Meaning | Past tense | Future Tense | Imperative |
gerembi | Dawn | gereke | gerendere | |
guwembi | To avoid | guwengke | guwendere | |
colgorombi | To be complete | colgoroko | ||
ombi | To become, can | ojoro | oso | |
gvmbi | To bite furiously | gvndere | ||
gvwaliyambi | To change | gvwaliyaka | ||
jimbi | To come | jidere | jio | |
wasimbi | To desced, be defeated | wasika (wasiha) | wasinu | |
jembi | To eat | jeke (jengke) | jetere (jendere) | jefu |
tucimbi | To exit, to set out, to come out | tucike (tucihe) | tucinu | |
sumbi | To explain, to get rid of | suhe (sungke) | ||
jailambi | To flee, hide | jailara (jailandara) | ||
ukambi | To flee, hide | ukaha (ukaka) | ||
bahambi | To get | baha | ||
xahvrambi | To get a cold | xahvraka | ||
yombi | To go | yoro (yondoro) | ||
bimbi | To have / at | bisire | bisu | |
xumbi | To know copletely | xungke | ||
baimbi | To look for | baisu | ||
wembi | To melt into | wengke | were (wendere) | |
juwambi | To open, open one's mounth | jawangka (juwaka) | ||
hafumbi | To pass through | hafuka | hafundara | |
jombi | To raise | jongko | jondoro | |
wesimbi | To raise | wesike | wesina | |
teyembi | To rest | teyere (teyendere) | ||
eldembi | To shine on | eldeke | ||
xambi | To stare | xaha (xangka) | ||
gajimbi | To take back | gaju | ||
gombi | To take back | gondoro | ||
gaimbi | To take, to want | gaisu | ||
fumbi | To wipe | fungke | ||
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Lesson 7 (Verbs 2) ---- Contents ---- Lesson 9 (Adverbs)