Dialogue & Translation
Dialogue 1 | Dialogue 1 |
be oci mafa gurun i ilha | We are the fatherland's flowers |
ajige orho i eme oci amba na, | The mother of the small grass is the large land, |
ajige nimaha i eme oci amba mederi, | the mother of the small fish is the large sea, |
usiha i eme oci abka i untuhun, | the mother of the stars is the heavens, |
meni eme oci mafa gurun---jungg’o. | Our mother is our fatherland --- China. |
be oci mafa gurun i ilha, | We are the fatherland's flowers, |
fuldun fuldun ilha mafa gurun be miyamimbi, | All these bunches of flowers decorate the fatherland, |
mafa gurun membe ujime hvwaxabuha, | The fatherland raised us, |
be mafa gurun be hairambi. | We love the fatherland. |
.............................................................................................................................................. | .............................................................................................................................................. |
Dialogue 2 | Dialogue 2 |
A) gucu te udu erin oho? | A) Friend, what time is it? |
B) juwan erin oho. | B) It is 10:00. |
A) baniha. si oci Xiao Wang i tacin gucu inuo? | A) Thank you. Are you Xiao Wang's fellow student? |
B) inu. bi Xiao Wang i emgi emu minggan uyun tanggv nadanju sunja ci aniya oros gisun be taciha | B) Yes. I studied Russian with Xiao Wang in 1975. |
A) si ya tacikv de oros gisun be taciha? | A) What school did you study Russian at? |
B) Qinghua amba tacikv de | B) At Qinghua university. |
A) si ere aniya udu se oho? | A) How old are you this year? |
B) bi susai juwe se oho. | B) I am 52 years old. |
.............................................................................................................................................. | .............................................................................................................................................. |
Dialogue 3 | Dialogue 3 |
A) sinde udu indahvn bio? | A) How many dogs do you have? |
B) uheri tofohon indahvn bi. tofohon i ilan ubu i emu boode | B) Altogether i have 15. One third of them are at home. |
A) tuttu oci boode udu indahvn bio? | A) In that case, how many dogs do you have at home? |
B) boode sunja indahvn bi. | B) There are 5 dogs at home. |
............................................................ | ............................................................ | ............................................................ | ............................................................ |
Manchu Vocabulary | English Translation | Manchu Vocabulary | English Translation |
abka | Heaven/sky | abka i untuhun | The heavens |
ajige | Small | amba | Big |
amba tacikv | University (大学) | aniya | Year |
be | We | emgi | With |
erin | Time | fuldun | A bunch of (flowers) |
gurun | Country | hairambi | To cherish, to love |
hvwaxabumbi | To raise | ilha | Flower |
indahvn | Dog | jungg'o | China |
mafa | Ancestor | mafa gurun | Fatherland, homeland |
mederi | Ocean/sea | miyamimbi | To put on make up, to decorate |
na | Land | nimaha | Fish |
oho | To have become (past tense of ombi) | orho | Grass |
oros | Russian | se | Years old (岁) |
tacikv | School | tacin gucu | Fellow student (同学) |
tuttu oci | In that case | ubu | (Times) see numerals for explanation |
udu | How many/how much | uheri | Altogether |
ujimbi | To raise | untuhun | The heavens, empty |
usiha | Star | ya | What |
Manchu cardinal numerals
The cardinal numbers in Manchu are:
...................................... | ...................................... | ...................................... | ...................................... |
emu (emke) | 1 | juwan jakvn | 18 |
juwe | 2 | juwan uyun | 19 |
ilan | 3 | orin | 20 |
duin | 4 | orin emu | 21 |
sunja | 5 | gvsin | 30 |
ninggun | 6 | dehu | 40 |
nadan | 7 | susai | 50 |
jakvn | 8 | ninju | 60 |
uyun | 9 | nadanju | 70 |
juwan | 10 | jakvnju | 80 |
juwan emu | 11 | uyunju | 90 |
juwan juwe | 12 | tanggv | 100 |
juwan ilan | 13 | juwe tanggv susai emu | 251 |
juwan duin | 14 | minggan | 1,000 |
tofohon | 15 | tumen | 10,000 |
juwan ninggun | 16 | juwan tumen | 100,000 |
juwan nadan | 17 | tanggv tumen | 1,000,000 |
...................................... | ...................................... | ...................................... | ...................................... |
Note: the number for 15 is irregular
Manchu ordinal numerals
Ordinal numbers in Manchu are formed by adding ‘-ci’ to the end of the cardinal form of the number. In the case of numbers that end in an ‘n’, the final n is dropped (except for in the case of juwan and tumen). E.g:
- emuci (First)
- juwe tanggv susai emuci (251st)
- ningguci (Sixth)
- minggaci (One thousandth)
- juwanci (Tenth)
- tumenci (Ten thousandth)
- juwan duici (Fourteenth)
Manchu distributive numerals
Distributive numerals can be formed by adding the suffix ‘-ta’, ‘-te’ or ‘-to’ depending on the rules of vowel harmony. E.g.:
- ilata (one of three)
- tofohoto (one of 15)
- emte (one each).
Manchu multiplicative numerals
As for multiplicative numerals, one can either use the word ‘ubu’ (times), or use one of the postpositions such as ‘mudan’ (time), ‘jergi’ (time). E.g.:
- juwe ubu (twice)
- juwe mudan (twice)
- juwe jergi (twice)
Manchu fractions
Fractional numerals can be formed by either using the genitive or ablative case, or by using the dative/locative case in combination with the word ‘ubu’ (times). E.g
- sunja i emu (1/5)
- sunja ci emu (1/5)
- sunja ubu de emu ubu (1/5).
Lesson 3 (Pronouns) ---- Contents ---- Lesson 5 (Adjectives)