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Content can be created or edited from both the frontend of your Mambo website or from the Administration backend. In both cases it is required that you have logged in. For basic explanations of content items, see content basics-article. You can also read the administration basics article
From frontend
Browse to the content category were you want the article - e.g. "news > latest news". Here you can see a list of all the content items in the category, or a pagination or something similar. Somewhere on this page a "new"-icon shows up. Press this, and you enter the "new content item"-section.
Write the content as usual . On the bottom of this page, below the text fields, you can see some tabs and some parameters. Enter the parameters here as usual.
Press the save-button at the top of the page.
From backend
At the main page of the backend (the home-link), use the "All content items"-button in the quickicons-section. Here you get a list of all the content items available. Press the "new" button in the toolbar.
This takes you to the standard inputbox-view. Write content, and choose content section and category in the drop-down menus to the right of the items "title" and "alias"-fields.
The parameters box appear on the right of the inputs, and this should be configured the way you want it to.