Malay is an Austronesian language. It is spoken in southeastern Asia in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and the Philippines. It is fairly simple compared to other Asian languages, as it uses the Latin script. It is similar to Indonesian in pronunciation and shares some words such as "Halo" with this language. The creators of this book hope you enjoy it and use it as a source for your studies, whether it is primary or secondary.
Why Should I learn Malay?
Learning Malay can not only be a fun thing to do, but you could then also communicate with Malay speaking people in the countries mentioned above. It would also be a great opportunity to visit a Malay speaking country, or just learn a little more about Malaysian culture and lifestyle. You could learn simple phrases to use while traveling or if you plan on moving to Malaysia, it would help you out with situations such as not knowing the area and be able to communicate with people if you need help.
How this book is Designed
This book is designed to help you in your studies of Malay. It is divided into sections with Introduction, Alphabet, Pronunciation, Vowels, Consonants, Basics, Beginner Level, Intermediate Level, Advanced Level, Quick Phrases and other useful links. We hope you enjoy this book, and please take the time to explore more about the Malay culture, as it is very unique. One good place to do so is on Wikipedia and you can also research other websites online for information about the Malay language and Malaysia.
Please continue to next page Malay/Alphabet