
This text is not about ready patterns, but a guide as to how you can produce your own patterns. It is my hope that it will be a useful reference for many years to come, regardless of changing fashions.
I have organized the text with the easiest things first. This is so in the chapter on Knitting samples, and in the following text about knitting from specific measurements, which I have divided into two chapters. The first of these, Knitting to measure, is for those who just want to concentrate on knitting straightforward jumpers in the easiest way possible, whilst in the later chapter, Garment patterns, I have written about fitting methods and how to create a basic pattern from that, firstly, showing the easiest method of doing this, and later telling how from the basic pattern, you can make alterations and adjustments. In this way, it is my hope that there is something for everyone. You may then use whatever part of it you want to use, but a condition for understanding the text is that you have read the chapter about Knitting samples, because it is a basic idea behind the whole text that you use your own knitting sample for all measurements.
But of course, there are many ways of making things, and the methods described should be conceived just as suggestions.
I hope that with this book, I can spare someone for making all the same mistakes as I have made myself during the 40 years that I have been machine-knitting.
Many thanks to my son Agner who has helped me with illustrations and advice and published this on the web, and to my son Kåre who has made an admirable effort to help with the translation.
This book was originally written in Danish ([]). The English translation has been carried out mainly by my son Kåre and other family members who have helped with translation and linguistic corrections. However, it has been difficult to find correct translations for many technical expressions, and I apologize for any misleading translations. I would be happy if somebody will correct and improve the English translation.
August 2003, Gudde Fog.
About the author
Gudrun Benedicte Fog, called Gudde, was born in Copenhagen on September 29, 1923, and died on June 10, 2014. She was married to professor Bjarke Fog.
This book is published in April 2009 by her son Agner Fog [].