sg. (m, f, n) |
pl. |
du. | |
dobry [1], dobra, dobre [4] |
dobre |
dobrej |
dobrego, dobreje, dobrego / [5] |
dobrych [1] |
dobreju |
dobremu [5], dobrej, dobremu [5] |
dobrym [1] |
dobryma [1] |
=NOM./GEN. [2], dobru, dobre |
=NOM./GEN. [3] |
=NOM./GEN. [3] |
dobrym [1], dobreju, dobrym [1] |
dobrymi [1] |
dobryma [1] |
dobrem, dobrej, dobrem |
dobrych [1] |
dobryma [1] |
[1] endings of masculine NOM. sg.: (a) –y, (b) –i,
(a) –y ending: adjectives not mentioned in (b)
(b) –i ending:
- soft-stemmed adjectives
- adjectives: (1) tuni `cheap`, (2) dwoji `twofold`, (3) tšoji `threefold`, (4) tśeśi `third`, (5) chłošći `voracious`, (6) kokośi `hen-like`, (7) kurośi `rooster-like`
- adjectives ending with –ki, –gi, e.g. daloki, drogi
[2] category of (un)animacy
[3] category of (non-)personhood
[4] neuter adjectives in a predicative meaning take –o ending, np. źěnsa jo śopło `today is warm`
[5] when 2 or more' adjectives ending with –ego, -eje, -emu stay concatenated, the last vowel is being omitted, np. dobrem a pśijaznem cłowjekoju
[6] there exists a noun ženska `woman`, which is inflected following a feminine adjectival pattern, only alternatively taking forms of nominal inflection in GEN. DAT. INS. LOC. sg. and NOM. ACC. du. and pl.