
This is the opening page to the Living in a Connected World 2018 Wikibook.

As the title suggests, this is a book which seeks to record contributions to the understanding of a specific set of topics, loosely grouped under the subject area of "Digital Culture", of particular salience to 2018.

It is put together through the combined talents and efforts of a cohort of students taking the new graduate level module CMCPP10 during the Autumn of 2018 at the University of Stirling in Scotland, UK. It is an assessed educational project. We would like to thank the Wikibooks community for assistance given in the course of this project, and also encourage leniency in dealing with our work - we are all beginners in the world of wiki here, but are keen to learn!

The aim of this educational project is, firstly, for students to record the content of their learning and their contributions to this book will reflect their studies on one of the featured themes. This will appear in the form of a series of Collaborative Essays, and therefore this Wikibook is a sort of edited collection or anthology, much like examples found in academic publishing. However, secondly and most importantly, the hope is that students will learn the values associated with working at different levels as individual researchers, as research teams, and as research communities on Wikimedia and other open knowledge platforms. That is to say: producing knowledge; collaboration and sharing; and peer-reviewing the work of others for the good of the community Wikimedia, but in particular on Wikibooks.

Students will thus gain hands-on experience of a wiki environment, and what it is like to be part of a knowledge-building community, within the auspices of one of Wikimedia's large projects (i.e. Wikibooks) and make something that adds to currents in the academic field of digital media and society.

Note that while this is a class project, anyone may contribute as Wikibooks does not permit "ownership" of material.

Table of Contents

In what ways do social platforms like Twitter impact on user emotional intelligence?

In what ways does Instagram and Instagram culture flatten out cultural specificity?

What categories of data can benefit merchants to improve their sale profit?

In what ways does the practice of copywriting shape the affordance of platforms and websites?

List of Contributors

This Wikibook is being put together as an on-going a collaborative class project by the following Wikimedian contributors. Together, they form a cohort of students studying Living in a Connected World as part of their graduate degree programme in the Division of Communications, Media and Culture, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK. Doubtless, there are other contributors within the Wikibooks and Wikipedia community who have contributed advice, support, suggestions and content in collaboration with these students. Your help and advice is most appreciated. Thank you!

Contributors, please feel free to sign your username on the contributors page here


A list of definitions of key terms to be found in this Wikibook, student contribs from all project groups welcome. See here.


This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.