This page explains to what a subject, object and verb are.
Words to learn:
loD - man
legh - see
jup - friend
Example sentence
The man eats the chicken
The verb is in italic. It is the 'action word', it tells you what the subject (the man) is doing. In this sentence it is 'eat'. Other verbs could be 'walk' 'sit' or 'jump'
The subject is in bold. It is the thing that is doing the action (verb). In this sentence 'the man' is the subject. He 'eats'
The object is underlined. It is the thing that the verb is being 'done to'. So in this sentence it is the chicken that is being eaten. Unlike the other two, a sentence does not have to have an object. The sentence 'The man eats.' makes sense, while 'Eats the chicken' does not.
In English, the order is Subject Verb Object. In other languages other word orders are used e.g. in Turkish Subject Object Verb, in Welsh Verb Subject Object.
In Klingon the order is Object Verb Subject. (This is unusual; 95% of languages have the Subject before the Object). This takes time to get used to; 'Man sees friend' is not 'loD legh jup' but 'jup legh loD'. It may help you if you think of it as 'Friend is seen by man'.