< KanjiMemo
common kanji
国、國 国、国家 nation, country. [国] 掴、摑 掴む grasp, grab, catch. (掴)
common words
【国際】international. 【外国】foreign. 【全国】whole country. 【愛国】patriotism. 【帝国】empire. 【国籍】nationality. 【国境】national border. 【国語】national language. 【王国】kingdom. 【天国】kingdom of heaven. 【米国】United States of America. 【英国】United Kingdom, England. 【中国】China. 【韓国】Korea.
rare kanji
腘、膕 (腘) 帼、幗 (帼) 蝈、蟈 (蝈)
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