'App Smashing' - Appsmashing is a creative learning and teaching process which involves students and teachers using a combination of apps to publish content to the web. The learning outcome is students undertaking creative projects that involve using a range of applications, across a range of devices, to create a visual presentation of what they are learning.
App Smashing is used to display data and show learning and progress in not just a simple linear fashion, but in a dynamic, personalised and interactive way. Students can choose which apps to use to publish their content with teachers having the privilege of granting creative freedom.
Any browser or device.
Any time. The marvel of modern technology gives you the power to app smash in your pocket.
To allow students to express themselves in creative ways using technology and to learn and develop valuable IT skills along the way. The blend of creativity and learning empowers young people to value themselves as the leader of their own learning journey.
By using the combination of content creation apps to create a multimedia presentation built around what has been learned through the project. (example recipe below in image form)
Let me explore
There are hundreds of apps that can be used in your app smash, you are limited only by your own imagination! Some free examples are provided as starting points, but any application or program that lets you control and display data can be used. It is your app smash after all.
App Smashing Recipes