< Japanese Phrasebook
English | Rōmaji | Japanese |
Japanese (language) | nihongo | 日本語 |
Good afternoon! | konnichi wa | こんにちは |
Good evening! | konban wa | こんばんは |
Good morning! | ohayō gozaimasu (casually shortened to ohayō) | おはようございます |
Hello? (on the telephone) | moshi moshi | もしもし |
Good bye! (farewell) | sayōnara | さようなら |
Good bye! (I’ll be back.) | ittekimasu | 行って来ます |
Good bye! (Come back soon.) | itterasshai | 行ってらっしゃい |
See you later | mata ne | またね |
Please give me [...] / Please do [...] | kudasai | 下さい |
Please. (Go ahead. / Be my guest.) | dōzo | どうぞ |
Please [...] (request) | onegai shimasu (often shortened to "onegai") | お願いします |
Thank you. | arigatō | ありがとう |
Excuse me. | sumimasen | すみません |
Sorry. (informal) | gomen | ごめん |
I’m sorry. (formal) | gomen nasai | ごめんなさい |
That one. (near you) | sore | それ |
That one. (over there) | are | あれ |
How much? (price) | ikura desu ka | いくらですか |
English (language) | eigo | 英語 |
Do you speak English? | eigo ga hanasemasu ka | 英語が話せますか |
Yes. | hai | はい |
No. | iie | いいえ |
Bon appétit! (corresponds to the humble form of “I receive” in Japanese) | itadakimasu | いただきます |
Thank you for the meal. | gochisōsama deshita | ごちそうさまでした |
Where's the bathroom? | toire wa doko desu ka? | トイレはどこですか |
Cheers! (toast) | kanpai | 乾杯 |
foreigner | gaikokujin (should not be shortened) | 外国人 |
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