< Japanese < Dialects
Some notable aspects of Toyama dialect:
- Pauses in sentences are often accompanied by a pitch vibration.
- あのねぇ ano nee
- それで sore de
- そこへ行って soko e itte
- In each of these examples, the pitch goes up-down-up-down, or even up-down-up-down-up-down. Pitch intervals can be as much as as 5-8 whole steps.
- の no is replaced by が ga (except in the possessive).
- そうなの? sou na no? becomes そうなが? sou na ga?
- できないので dekinai no de becomes できないがで dekinai ga de
- か ka as a question marker is replaced by っけ kke
- 分かるか wakaru ka becomes 分かるっけ wakaru kke
- いる iru becomes おる oru or おん
- ここにいる koko ni iru becomes ここにおる koko ni oru or ここにおん koko ni on
- てる -te ru (contraction of ている -te iru) becomes とる -toru or とん -ton
- 分かってる wakatteru becomes 分かっとる wakattoru or 分かっとん wakatton
- ない -nai becomes -ん
- できない dekinai becomes できん dekin
- 分からない wakaranai becomes 分からん wakaran
- だれもいない dare mo inai becomes だれもおらん dare mo oran
Putting everything together, you can get the very comical phrase:
- トンガ行っとんが知っとんが? Tonga itton ga shitton ga?
- meaning トンガに行っているのを知っているの Tonga itte iru no o shitte iru no? or "Did you know he went to Tonga?"
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