< JLPT Guide < JLPT N1 Vocabulary
- 他意, たい -ill will, malice, another intention, secret purpose, ulterior motive, fickleness, double-mindedness
- 対応, たいおう -interaction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with
- 退化, たいか -degeneration, retrogression
- 体格, たいかく -physique, constitution
- 大概, たいがい -in general, mainly
- 退学, たいがく -dropping out of school
- 大金, たいきん -great cost
- 待遇, たいぐう -treatment, reception
- 対決, たいけつ -confrontation, showdown
- 体験, たいけん -personal experience
- 対抗, たいこう -opposition, antagonism
- 対して, たいして -for, in regard to, per
- 大衆, たいしゅう -general public
- 対処, たいしょ -deal with, cope
- 退職, たいしょく -retirement (from office)
- 退治, たいじ -extermination
- 態勢, たいせい -attitude, conditions, preparations
- 対談, たいだん -talk, dialogue, conversation
- 対等, たいとう -equivalent
- 滞納, たいのう -non-payment, default
- 対比, たいひ -contrast, comparison
- 大部, たいぶ -most (e.g. most part), greater, fairly, a good deal, much
- 対辺, たいへん -(geometrical) opposite side
- 待望, たいぼう -expectant waiting
- 怠慢, たいまん -negligence, procrastination, carelessness
- 対面, たいめん -interview, meeting
- 対立, たいりつ -confrontation, opposition, antagonism
- 体力, たいりょく -physical strength
- 対話, たいわ -interactive, interaction, conversation, dialogue
- 耐える, たえる -to bear, to endure
- 絶える, たえる -to die out, to peter out, to become extinct
- 堪える, たえる -to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t
- 高, たか -quantity, amount, volume, number, amount of money
- 高まる, たかまる -to rise, to swell, to be promoted
- 焚火, たきび -(open) fire
- 沢山, たくさん -many, a lot, much
- 逞しい, たくましい -burly, strong, sturdy
- 巧み, たくみ -skill, cleverness
- 類, たぐい -a kind
- 丈, たけ -height, stature, length, measure, all (one has)
- 足し算, たしざん -addition
- 多数決, たすうけつ -majority rule
- 助け, たすけ -assistance
- 携わる, たずさわる -to participate, to take part
- 漂う, ただよう -to drift about, to float, to hang in air
- 館, たち -1. mansion, small castle
- 立方, たちかた -dancing (geisha)
- 忽ち, たちまち -at once, in a moment, suddenly, all at once
- 立ち寄る, たちよる -to stop by, to drop in for a short visit
- 達者, たっしゃ -skillful, in good health
- 達成, たっせい -achievement
- たった -only, merely, but, no more than
- 尊い, たっとい -precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred
- 貴い, たっとい -precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred
- 尊ぶ, たっとぶ -to value, to prize, to esteem
- 絶つ, たつ -to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to abstain (from)
- 盾, たて -shield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext
- 建前, たてまえ -face, official stance, public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)
- 奉る, たてまつる -to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully
- 例え, たとえ -example, even if, if, though, although
- 仮令, たとえ -example, even if, if, though, although
- 他動詞, たどうし -transitive verb (direct obj)
- 辿り着く, たどりつく -to grope along to, to struggle on to, to arrive somewhere after a struggle
- 辿る, たどる -to follow (road), to pursue (course), to follow up
- 掌, たなごころ -the palm
- 楽しむ, たのしむ -to enjoy oneself
- 頼み, たのみ -request, favor, reliance, dependence
- 煙草, たばこ -(pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tabaco), cigarettes
- 度々, たびたび -often, repeatedly, frequently
- 他方, たほう -another side, different direction, (on) the other hand
- 多忙, たぼう -busy, pressure of work
- 給う, たまう -to receive, to grant
- 偶に, たまに -occasionally, once in a while
- 堪らない, たまらない -intolerable, unbearable, unendurable
- 溜まり, たまり -collected things, gathering place, arrears
- 賜る, たまわる -to grant, to bestow
- 例, ためし -instance, example, case, precedent, experience, custom, usage, parallel, illustration
- 躊躇う, ためらう -to hesitate
- 保つ, たもつ -to keep, to preserve, to hold, to retain, to maintain, to support, to sustain, to last, to endure, to keep we
- 容易い, たやすい -easy, simple, light
- 多様, たよう -diversity, variety
- 弛み, たるみ -slack, slackening, dullness, letdown
- 弛む, たるむ -to slacken, to loosen, to relax
- 誰, たれ -adjectival suffix for a person
- 垂れる, たれる -to hang, to droop, to drop, to lower, to pull down, to dangle, to sag, to drip, to ooze, to trickle, to leave
- 歎, たん -grief, sigh, lamentation
- 反, たん -roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.), .245 acres, 300 tsubo
- 単一, たんいつ -single, simple, sole, individual, unitory
- 短歌, たんか -tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem
- 担架, たんか -stretcher, litter
- 短気, たんき -quick temper
- 探検, たんけん -exploration, expedition
- 短縮, たんしゅく -shortening, abbreviation, reduction
- 箪笥, たんす -chest of drawers
- 炭素, たんそ -carbon (C)
- 短大, たんだい -junior college
- 単調, たんちょう -monotony, monotone, dullness
- 単独, たんどく -sole, independence, single, solo (flight)
- 短波, たんぱ -short wave
- 蛋白質, たんぱくしつ -protein
- 第, だい -ordinal
- 大胆, だいたん -bold, daring, audacious
- 台無し, だいなし -mess, spoiled, (come to) nothing
- 大便, だいべん -feces, excrement, shit
- 代弁, だいべん -pay by proxy, act for another, speak for another
- 台本, だいほん -libretto, scenario
- 代用, だいよう -substitution
- 打開, だかい -break in the deadlock
- 妥協, だきょう -compromise, giving in
- 丈, だけ -only, just, as
- 妥結, だけつ -agreement
- 打撃, だげき -1. blow, shock, strike, damage, 2. batting (baseball)
- 駄作, ださく -poor work, rubbish
- 脱出, だっしゅつ -escape
- 脱する, だっする -to escape from, to get out
- 脱退, だったい -secession
- だぶだぶ -loose, baggy
- 騙す, だます -to trick, to cheat, to deceive
- だらけ -implying (negatively) that something is full of e.g. mistakes
- 怠い, だるい -sluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull
- 壇, だん -1. platform, podium, rostrum, 2. (arch) mandala
- 団結, だんけつ -unity, union, combination
- 断言, だんげん -declaration, affirmation
- 断然, だんぜん -firmly, absolutely, definitely
- 段々, だんだん -gradually, by degrees
- 旦那, だんな -master (of house), husband (informal)
- 断面, だんめん -cross section
- 弾力, だんりょく -elasticity, flexibility
- 治安, ちあん -public order
- 近付く, ちかづく -to approach, to get near, to get acquainted with, to get closer
- 違える, ちがえる -to change
- 契る, ちぎる -to pledge, to promise, to swear
- 畜産, ちくさん -animal husbandry
- 畜生, ちくしょう -beast, brute, damn
- 蓄積, ちくせき -accumulation, accumulate, store
- 知性, ちせい -intelligence
- 乳, ちち -milk, breast, loop
- 父母, ちちはは -father and mother, parents
- 縮まる, ちぢまる -to be shortened, to be contracted, to shrink
- 窒息, ちっそく -suffocation
- 些とも, ちっとも -not at all (neg. verb)
- 秩序, ちつじょ -order, regularity, system, method
- 知的, ちてき -intellectual
- 著, ちゃく -counter for suits of clothing, arriving at ..
- 着, ちゃく -counter for suits of clothing, arriving at ..
- 着手, ちゃくしゅ -embarkation, launch
- 着色, ちゃくしょく -colouring, coloring
- 着席, ちゃくせき -sit down, seat
- 着目, ちゃくもく -attention
- 着陸, ちゃくりく -landing, alighting, touch down
- 着工, ちゃっこう -start of (construction) work
- 茶の間, ちゃのま -living room (Japanese style)
- 茶の湯, ちゃのゆ -tea ceremony
- ちやほや -pamper, make a fuss of, spoil
- 昼間, ちゅうかん -daytime, during the day
- 宙返り, ちゅうがえり -somersault, looping-the-loop
- 中継, ちゅうけい -relay, hook-up
- 忠告, ちゅうこく -advice, warning
- 中指, ちゅうし -middle finger
- 中傷, ちゅうしょう -slander, libel, defamation
- 忠実, ちゅうじつ -fidelity, faithfulness
- 中枢, ちゅうすう -centre, pivot, mainstay, nucleus, backbone, central figure, pillar, key man
- 抽選, ちゅうせん -lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots)
- 中断, ちゅうだん -interruption, suspension, break
- 中腹, ちゅうっぱら -irritated, offended
- 中毒, ちゅうどく -poisoning
- 仲人, ちゅうにん -go-between, matchmaker
- 昼飯, ちゅうはん -lunch, midday meal
- 中立, ちゅうりつ -neutrality
- 中和, ちゅうわ -neutralize, counteract
- 腸, ちょう -guts, bowels, intestines
- 蝶, ちょう -butterfly
- 超, ちょう -super-, ultra-, hyper-
- 庁, ちょう -government office
- 調印, ちょういん -signature, sign, sealing
- 聴覚, ちょうかく -the sense of hearing
- 長官, ちょうかん -chief, (government) secretary
- 聴講, ちょうこう -lecture attendance, auditing
- 徴収, ちょうしゅう -collection, levy
- 聴診器, ちょうしんき -stethoscope
- 挑戦, ちょうせん -challenge, defiance
- 長大, ちょうだい -very long, great length
- 調停, ちょうてい -arbitration, conciliation, mediation
- 恰度, ちょうど -just, right, exactly
- 長編, ちょうへん -long (e.g. novel film)
- 丁目, ちょうめ -district of a town, city block (of irregular size)
- 調理, ちょうり -cooking
- 調和, ちょうわ -harmony
- ちょくちょく -often, frequently, now and then, occasionally
- 直面, ちょくめん -confrontation
- 著書, ちょしょ -literary work, book
- 貯蓄, ちょちく -savings
- 直感, ちょっかん -intuition
- 一寸, ちょっと -(ateji) (adv int) (uk) just a minute, a short time, a while, just a little, somewhat, easily, readily, rath
- 著名, ちょめい -well-known, noted, celebrated
- ちらっと -at a glance, by accident
- 塵取り, ちりとり -dustpan
- 治療, ちりょう -medical treatment
- 賃金, ちんぎん -wages
- 沈殿, ちんでん -precipitation, settlement
- 沈没, ちんぼつ -sinking, foundering
- 沈黙, ちんもく -silence, reticence
- 陳列, ちんれつ -exhibition, display, show
- 追及, ついきゅう -gaining on, carrying out, solving (crime)
- 追跡, ついせき -pursuit
- 次いで, ついで -next, secondly, subsequently
- 追放, ついほう -exile, banishment
- 費やす, ついやす -to spend, to devote, to waste
- 墜落, ついらく -falling, crashing
- 通, つう -connoisseur, counter for letters
- 痛感, つうかん -feeling keenly, fully realizing
- 通常, つうじょう -common, general, usually
- 痛切, つうせつ -keen, acute
- 杖, つえ -cane
- 遣い, つかい -mission, simple task, doing
- 使い道, つかいみち -use
- 仕える, つかえる -to serve, to work for
- 司る, つかさどる -to rule, to govern, to administer
- 束の間, つかのま -moment, brief time, brief, transient
- 付き, つき -attached to, impression, sociality, appearance, furnished with, under, to
- 付き合う, つきあう -to associate with, to keep company with, to get on with
- 月並み, つきなみ -every month, common
- 尽きる, つきる -to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end
- 継ぎ目, つぎめ -a joint, joining point
- 吐く, つく -1. to breathe, 2. to tell (lies), 3. to vomit, to disgorge
- 尽くす, つくす -to exhaust, to run out, to serve (a person), to befriend
- 作り, つくり -make-up, sliced raw fish
- 造り, つくり -make up, structure, physique
- 造る, つくる -to make, to create, to manufacture, to draw up, to write, to compose, to build, to coin, to cultivate, to org
- 繕う, つくろう -to mend, to repair, to fix, to patch up, to darn, to tidy up, to adjust, to trim
- 接ぐ, つぐ -to join, to piece together, to set (bones), to graft (trees)
- 継ぐ, つぐ -to succeed
- 付け加える, つけくわえる -to add one thing to another
- 告げる, つげる -to inform
- 辻褄, つじつま -coherence, consistency
- 途中, つちゅう -on the way, en route
- 突っ張る, つっぱる -to support, to become stiff, to become taut, to thrust (ones opponent), to stick to (ones opinion), to in
- 筒, つつ -pipe, tube
- 銃, つつ -gun
- 突く, つつく -1. to thrust, to strike, to attack, 2. to poke, to nudge, to pick at
- 慎む, つつしむ -to be careful, to be chaste or discreet, to abstain or refrain
- 伝言, つてごと -verbal message, rumor, word
- 勤まる, つとまる -to be fit for, to be equal to, to function properly
- 勤め先, つとめさき -place of work
- 努めて, つとめて -make an effort!, work hard!
- 津波, つなみ -tsunami, tidal wave
- 抓る, つねる -to pinch
- 募る, つのる -to invite, to solicit help participation etc
- 唾, つば -saliva, sputum
- 呟く, つぶやく -to mutter, to murmur
- 瞑る, つぶる -to close the eyes
- 壷, つぼ -tsubo jar, pot, vase
- 蕾, つぼみ -bud, flower bud
- 躓く, つまずく -to stumble, to trip
- 摘む, つまむ -to pinch, to hold, to pick up
- 詰らない, つまらない -insignificant, boring, trifling
- 詰まり, つまり -in short, in brief, in other words, that is to say, in the long run, after all, blockade, stuffing, ultimate
- 積もり, つもり -intention, plan
- 露, つゆ -dew
- 強まる, つよまる -to get strong, to gain strength
- 強める, つよめる -to strengthen, to emphasize
- 連なる, つらなる -to extend, to stretch out, to stand in a row
- 貫く, つらぬく -to go through
- 連ねる, つらねる -to link, to join, to put together
- 釣り, つり -fishing, angling
- 吊り革, つりかわ -strap
- 釣鐘, つりがね -hanging bell
- 吊るす, つるす -to hang
- 手当て, てあて -allowance, compensation, treatment, medical care
- 体, てい -appearance, air, condition, state, form
- 提供, ていきょう -offer, tender, program sponsoring, furnishing
- 定義, ていぎ -definition
- 提携, ていけい -cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up
- 体裁, ていさい -decency, style, form, appearance, show, get-up, format
- 梯子, ていし -ladder, stairs
- 定食, ていしょく -set meal, special (of the day)
- 提示, ていじ -presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation
- 訂正, ていせい -correction, revision
- 停滞, ていたい -stagnation, tie-up, congestion, retention, accumulation, falling into arrears
- 邸宅, ていたく -mansion, residence
- 定年, ていねん -retirement age
- 堤防, ていぼう -bank, weir
- 手遅れ, ておくれ -too late, belated treatment
- 手数, てかず -number of moves, trouble
- 手掛かり, てがかり -contact, trail, scent, on hand, hand hold, clue, key
- 手掛ける, てがける -to handle, to manage, to work with, to rear, to look after, to have experience with
- 手軽, てがる -easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap
- 適応, てきおう -adaptation, accommodation, conformity
- 適宜, てきぎ -suitability
- 適性, てきせい -aptitude
- 手際, てぎわ -performance, skill, tact
- 手順, てじゅん -process, procedure, protocol
- 手錠, てじょう -handcuffs, manacles
- 手近, てぢか -near, handy, familiar
- てっきり -surely, certainly, beyond doubt
- 鉄鋼, てっこう -iron and steel
- 徹する, てっする -to sink in, to penetrate, to devote oneself, to believe in, to go through, to do intently and exclusively
- 鉄片, てっぺん -iron scraps
- 手配, てはい -arrangement, search (by police)
- 手筈, てはず -arrangement, plan, programme
- 手引き, てびき -guidance, guide, introduction
- 手本, てほん -model, pattern
- 手回し, てまわし -preparations, arrangements
- 手元, てもと -on hand, at hand, at home
- 照り返す, てりかえす -to reflect, to throw back light
- 手分け, てわけ -division of labour
- 店, てん -store, shop, establishment
- 点火, てんか -ignition, lighting, set fire to
- 転回, てんかい -revolution, rotation
- 転換, てんかん -convert, divert
- 転居, てんきょ -moving, changing residence
- 転勤, てんきん -transfer, transmission
- 点検, てんけん -inspection, examination, checking
- 転校, てんこう -change schools
- 天国, てんごく -paradise, heaven, Kingdom of Heaven
- 天才, てんさい -genius, prodigy, natural gift
- 天災, てんさい -natural calamity, disaster
- 展示, てんじ -exhibition, display
- 天井, てんじょう -ceiling, ceiling price
- 転じる, てんじる -to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract
- 点線, てんせん -dotted line, perforated line
- 天体, てんたい -heavenly body
- 転転, てんてん -rolling about, moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly
- てんで -(not) at all, altogether, entirely
- 転任, てんにん -change of post
- 展望, てんぼう -view, outlook, prospect
- 転落, てんらく -fall, degradation, slump
- 出合う, であう -to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter, to hold a rendezvous, to have a date
- 出入り口, でいりぐち -exit and entrance
- でかい -huge
- 出来物, できもの -able man, tumour, growth, boil, ulcer, abcess, rash, pimple
- 出切る, できる -to be out of, to have no more at hand
- 出くわす, でくわす -to happen to meet, to come across
- 出鱈目, でたらめ -irresponsible utterance, nonsense, nonsensical, random, haphazard, unsystematic
- 出直し, でなおし -adjustment, touch up
- 田園, でんえん -country, rural districts
- 電源, でんげん -source of electricity, power (button on TV etc.)
- 伝説, でんせつ -tradition, legend, folklore
- 電線, でんせん -electric line
- 伝達, でんたつ -transmission (e.g. news), communication, delivery
- 伝来, でんらい -ancestral, hereditary, imported, transmitted, handed down
- と -1. if (conjunction), 2. promoted pawn (shogi) (abbr)
- 問い合わせる, といあわせる -to enquire, to seek information
- 問屋, といや -wholesale store
- 問う, とう -to ask, to question, to charge (i.e. with a crime), to accuse, without regard to (neg)
- 棟, とう -place, section, building
- 等, とう -et cetera, etc., and the like
- 陶器, とうき -pottery, ceramics
- 等級, とうきゅう -grade, class
- 討議, とうぎ -debate, discussion
- 登校, とうこう -attendance (at school)
- 統合, とうごう -integration, unification, synthesis
- 倒産, とうさん -(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency
- 投資, とうし -investment
- 統治, とうじ -rule, reign, government, governing
- 統制, とうせい -regulation, control
- 当選, とうせん -being elected, winning the prize
- 逃走, とうそう -flight, desertion, escape
- 統率, とうそつ -command, lead, generalship, leadership
- 到達, とうたつ -reaching, attaining, arrival
- 到底, とうてい -(cannot) possibly
- 丁々, とうとう -clashing of swords, felling of trees, ringing of an ax
- 投入, とうにゅう -throw, investment, making (an electrical circuit)
- 当人, とうにん -the one concerned, the said person
- 逃亡, とうぼう -escape
- 冬眠, とうみん -hibernation, winter sleep
- 登録, とうろく -registration, register, entry, record
- 討論, とうろん -debate, discussion
- 遠ざかる, とおざかる -to go far off
- 遠回り, とおまわり -detour, roundabout way
- 通りかかる, とおりかかる -to happen to pass by
- 兎角, とかく -anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, this and that, many, be apt to
- 咎める, とがめる -to blame, to find fault, to take someone to task, to aggravate (an injury)
- 時折, ときおり -sometimes
- 跡切れる, とぎれる -to pause, to be interrupted
- 説く, とく -to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuade
- 特技, とくぎ -special skill
- 特産, とくさん -specialty, special product
- 特集, とくしゅう -feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, report
- 得点, とくてん -score, points made, marks obtained, runs
- 特派, とくは -send specially, special envoy
- 特有, とくゆう -characteristic (of), peculiar (to)
- 研ぐ, とぐ -to sharpen, to grind, to scour, to hone, to polish, to wash (rice)
- 刺, とげ -thorn, splinter, spine, biting words
- 遂げる, とげる -to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out
- 床, とこ -bed, sickbed, alcove, padding
- 所が, ところが -however, while, even if
- 所で, ところで -by the way, even if, no matter what
- 年頃, としごろ -age, marriageable age, age of puberty, adolescence, for some years
- 年寄り, としより -old people, the aged
- 戸締り, とじまり -closing up, fastening the doors
- 途上, とじょう -en route, half way
- 綴じる, とじる -to bind, to file
- 途絶える, とだえる -to stop, to cease, to come to an end
- 特許, とっきょ -special permission, patent
- 疾っくに, とっくに -long ago, already, a long time ago
- 特権, とっけん -privilege, special right
- 咄嗟, とっさ -moment, instant
- 取っ手, とって -handle, grip, knob
- 突破, とっぱ -breaking through, breakthrough, penetration
- 突如, とつじょ -suddenly, all of a sudden
- 迚も, とても -very, awfully, exceedingly
- 整える, ととのえる -to put in order, to get ready, to arrange, to adjust
- 届け, とどけ -report, notification, registration
- 滞る, とどこおる -to stagnate, to be delayed
- 止まる, とどまる -to be limited to
- 留める, とどめる -to stop, to cease, to put an end to
- 止める, とどめる -to stop, to cease, to put an end to
- 唱える, となえる -to recite, to chant, to call upon
- 兎に角, とにかく -anyhow, at any rate, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case
- 殿様, とのさま -feudal lord
- 幕, とばり -curtain, bunting, act (in play)
- 帳, とばり -curtain
- 扉, とびら -door, opening
- 徒歩, とほ -walking, going on foot
- 乏しい, とぼしい -meagre, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, scanty, poor
- 富, とみ -wealth, fortune
- 富む, とむ -to be rich, to become rich
- 兎も角, ともかく -anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case
- 共稼ぎ, ともかせぎ -working together, (husband and wife) earning a living together
- 灯, ともしび -light
- 伴う, ともなう -to accompany, to bring with, to be accompanied by, to be involved in
- 共働き, ともばたらき -dual income
- 捕らえる, とらえる -to seize, to grasp, to capture, to arrest
- 取りあえず, とりあえず -at once, first of all, for the time being
- 取り扱い, とりあつかい -treatment, service, handling, management
- 取り扱う, とりあつかう -to treat, to handle, to deal in
- 鳥居, とりい -torii (Shinto shrine archway)
- 取り替え, とりかえ -swap, exchange
- 取り組む, とりくむ -to tackle, to wrestle with, to engage in a bout, to come to grips with
- 取り締まり, とりしまり -control, management, supervision
- 取り締まる, とりしまる -to manage, to control, to supervise
- 取り調べる, とりしらべる -to investigate, to examine
- 取り立てる, とりたてる -to collect, to extort, to appoint, to promote
- 取り次ぐ, とりつぐ -to act as an agent for, to announce (someone), to convey (a message)
- 取り除く, とりのぞく -to remove, to take away, to set apart
- 取り引き, とりひき -transactions, dealings, business
- 取り巻く, とりまく -to surround, to circle, to enclose
- 取り混ぜる, とりまぜる -to mix, to put together
- 取り戻す, とりもどす -to take back, to regain
- 取り寄せる, とりよせる -to order, to send away for
- 取り分, とりわけ -especially, above all
- 蕩ける, とろける -to be enchanted with
- とんだ -terrible, awful, serious, preposterous, absolutely not
- 胴, どう -trunk, body, frame
- 働, どう -work, labor
- 同, どう -the same, the said, ibid.
- 同意, どうい -agreement, consent, same meaning, same opinion, approval
- 動員, どういん -mobilization
- 同感, どうかん -agreement, same opinion, same feeling, sympathy, concurrence
- 動機, どうき -motive, incentive
- 同級, どうきゅう -the same grade, same class
- 同居, どうきょ -living together
- 動向, どうこう -trend, tendency, movement, attitude
- 同士, どうし -fellow, companion, comrade
- 同志, どうし -same mind, comrade, kindred soul
- 如何して, どうして -why?, for what reason, how, in what way, for what purpose, what for
- 如何しても, どうしても -by all means, at any cost, no matter what, after all, in the long run, cravingly, at any rate, surely
- 同情, どうじょう -sympathy, compassion, sympathize, pity, feel for
- 道場, どうじょう -dojo, hall used for martial arts training, mandala
- 何卒, どうぞ -please, kindly, by all means
- どうぞ宜しく, どうぞよろしく -pleased to meet you
- 同調, どうちょう -sympathy, agree with, alignment, tuning
- 動的, どうてき -dynamic, kinetic
- 同等, どうとう -equality, equal, same rights, same rank
- 堂々, どうどう -magnificent, grand, impressive
- どうにか -in some way or other, one way or another
- 導入, どうにゅう -introduction, bringing in, leading in
- 同封, どうふう -enclosure (e.g. in a letter)
- 同盟, どうめい -alliance, union, league
- どうやら -it seems like, somehow or other
- 動揺, どうよう -disturbance, unrest, shaking, trembling, pitching, rolling, oscillation, agitation, excitement, commotion
- 動力, どうりょく -power, motive power, dynamic force
- 独裁, どくさい -dictatorship, despotism
- 読者, どくしゃ -reader
- 独自, どくじ -original, peculiar, characteristic
- 独占, どくせん -monopoly
- 独創, どくそう -originality
- 何処, どこ -where, what place
- 何処か, どこか -somewhere, anywhere, in some respects
- 土産, どさん -product of the land
- 土台, どだい -foundation, base, basis
- 何方, どちら -which, who
- 土手, どて -embankment, bank
- 何方, どなた -who?
- 怒鳴る, どなる -to shout, to yell
- 何の, どの -which, what
- 土俵, どひょう -arena
- 土木, どぼく -public works
- 何れ, どれ -well, now, let me see, which (of three or more)
- 何々, どれどれ -which (emphatic)
- 度忘れ, どわすれ -lapse of memory, forget for a moment
- 鈍感, どんかん -thickheadedness, stolidity
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