< JLPT Guide < JLPT N1 Vocabulary
- 佐, さ -help
- 再, さい -re-, again, repeated
- 差異, さい -difference, disparity
- 再会, さいかい -another meeting, meeting again, reunion
- 災害, さいがい -calamity, disaster, misfortune
- 細菌, さいきん -bacillus, bacterium, germ
- 細工, さいく -work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick
- 採掘, さいくつ -mining
- 採決, さいけつ -vote, roll call
- 再建, さいけん -rebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation
- 再現, さいげん -reappearance, reproduction, return, revival
- 採算, さいさん -profit
- 採集, さいしゅう -collecting, gathering
- 再生, さいせい -playback, regeneration, resuscitation, return to life, rebirth, reincarnation, narrow escape, reclamation, r
- 最善, さいぜん -the very best
- 採択, さいたく -adoption, selection, choice
- 再発, さいはつ -return, relapse, reoccurrence
- 栽培, さいばい -cultivation
- 細胞, さいぼう -cell (biology)
- 採用, さいよう -use, adopt
- 遮る, さえぎる -to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct
- 囀る, さえずる -to sing, to chirp, to twitter
- 冴える, さえる -to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful
- 竿, さお -rod, pole (e.g. for drying laundry)
- 栄える, さかえる -to prosper, to flourish
- 杯, さかずき -wine cups
- 逆立ち, さかだち -handstand, headstand
- 逆上る, さかのぼる -to go back, to go upstream, to make retroactive
- 盛る, さかる -to prosper, to flourish, to copulate (animals)
- 差額, さがく -balance, difference, margin
- 下がる, さがる -to hang down, to abate, to retire, to fall, to step back
- 一昨昨日, さきおととい -two days before yesterday
- 先に, さきに -before, earlier than, ahead, beyond, away, previously, recently
- 詐欺, さぎ -fraud, swindle
- 作, さく -a work, a harvest
- 策, さく -plan, policy
- 柵, さく -fence, paling
- 削減, さくげん -cut, reduction, curtailment
- 錯誤, さくご -mistake
- 作戦, さくせん -military or naval operations, tactics, strategy
- 作物, さくぶつ -literary work
- 叫び, さけび -shout, scream, outcry
- 裂ける, さける -to split, to tear, to burst
- 捧げる, ささげる -to lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate
- 差し掛かる, さしかかる -to come near to, to approach
- 指図, さしず -instruction, mandate
- 差し出す, さしだす -to present, to submit, to tender, to hold out
- 差し支える, さしつかえる -to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded
- 差し引く, さしひく -to deduct
- 些事, さじ -something small or petty, trifle
- 授ける, さずける -to grant, to award, to teach
- 嘸, さぞ -I am sure, certainly, no doubt
- 定まる, さだまる -to become settled, to be fixed
- 定める, さだめる -to decide, to establish, to determine
- 錯覚, さっかく -optical illusion, hallucination
- 早急, さっきゅう -urgent
- 察する, さっする -to guess, to sense, to presume, to judge, to sympathize with
- さっと -quickly, suddenly
- 冊, さつ -counter for books
- 殺人, さつじん -murder
- 偖, さて -well, now, then
- 悟る, さとる -to attain enlightenment, to perceive, to understand, to discern
- 真実, さな -truth, reality
- 裁く, さばく -to judge
- 錆び, さび -rust (colour)
- 左程, さほど -(not) very, (not) much
- 様, さま -Mr. or Mrs., manner, kind, appearance
- 三味線, さみせん -three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisen
- 侍, さむらい -Samurai, warrior
- 然も, さも -with gusto, with satisfaction
- 作用, さよう -action, operation, effect, function
- 左様なら, さようなら -good-bye
- 拐う, さらう -to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct
- 爽やか, さわやか -fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent
- 障る, さわる -to hinder, to interfere with, to affect, to do one harm, to be harmful to
- 酸, さん -acid
- さん -Mr or Mrs
- 酸化, さんか -oxidation
- 山岳, さんがく -mountains
- 産休, さんきゅう -maternity leave
- 桟橋, さんきょう -wharf, bridge, jetty, pier
- 参議院, さんぎいん -House of Councillors
- 産後, さんご -postpartum, after childbirth
- 産出, さんしゅつ -yield, produce
- 参照, さんしょう -reference, consultation, consultation
- 参上, さんじょう -calling on, visiting
- 賛成, さんせい -approval, agreement, support, favour
- 賛美, さんび -praise, adoration, glorification
- 産婦人科, さんふじんか -maternity and gynecology department
- 産物, さんぶつ -product, result, fruit
- 山腹, さんぷく -hillside, mountainside
- 山脈, さんみゃく -mountain range
- 財, ざい -fortune, riches
- 財源, ざいげん -source of funds, resources, finances
- 在庫, ざいこ -stockpile, stock
- 財政, ざいせい -economy, financial affairs
- 座談会, ざだんかい -symposium, round-table discussion
- 雑貨, ざっか -miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries
- 雑, ざつ -rough, crude
- 雑談, ざつだん -chatting, idle talk
- 雑木, ざつぼく -various kinds of small trees, assorted trees
- 座標, ざひょう -coordinate(s)
- 残金, ざんきん -remaining money
- 残酷, ざんこく -cruelty, harshness
- 残高, ざんだか -(bank) balance, remainder
- 死, し -death, decease
- し -10^24 (kanji is JIS X 0212 kuten 4906), septillion (American), quadrillion (British)
- 次, し -order, sequence, times, next, below
- 仕上がり, しあがり -finish, end, completion
- 仕上げ, しあげ -end, finishing touches, being finished
- 仕上げる, しあげる -to finish up, to complete
- 明々後日, しあさって -two days after tomorrow
- 飼育, しいく -breeding, raising, rearing
- 強いて, しいて -by force
- 強いる, しいる -to force, to compel, to coerce
- 仕入れる, しいれる -to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure
- しいんと -silent (as the grave), (deathly) quiet
- 歯科, しか -dentistry
- 資格, しかく -qualifications, requirements, capabilities
- 視覚, しかく -sense of sight, vision
- 仕掛け, しかけ -device, trick, mechanism, gadget, (small) scale, half finished, commencement, set up, challenge
- 仕掛ける, しかける -to commence, to lay (mines), to set (traps), to wage (war), to challenge
- 然し, しかし -however, but
- 然しながら, しかしながら -nevertheless, however
- 而も, しかも -moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, and yet
- 市街, しがい -urban areas, the streets, town, city
- 指揮, しき -command, direction
- 色彩, しきさい -colour, hue, tints
- 式場, しきじょう -ceremonial hall, place of ceremony (e.g. marriage)
- 為来り, しきたり -customs
- 頻りに, しきりに -frequently, repeatedly, incessantly, eagerly
- 仕切る, しきる -to partition, to divide, to mark off, to settle accounts, to toe the mark
- 資金, しきん -funds, capital
- 施行, しぎょう -1. execution, enforcing, carrying out
- しくじる -to fail, to fall through, to blunder
- 仕組み, しくみ -devising, plan, plot, contrivance, construction, arrangement
- 死刑, しけい -death penalty, capital punishment
- 湿気る, しける -to be damp, to be moist
- 思考, しこう -thought
- 志向, しこう -intention, aim
- 嗜好, しこう -taste, liking, preference
- 視察, しさつ -inspection, observation
- 資産, しさん -property, fortune, means, assets
- 刺繍, ししゅう -embroidery
- 支持, しじ -support, maintenance
- 指示, しじ -indication, instruction, directions
- 雫, しずく -drop (of water)
- 沈める, しずめる -to sink, to submerge
- 施設, しせつ -institution, establishment, facility, (army) engineer
- 子息, しそく -son
- 慕う, したう -to yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly
- 従って, したがって -therefore, consequently, in accordance with
- 下心, したごころ -secret intention, motive
- 親しむ, したしむ -to be intimate with, to befriend
- 下調べ, したしらべ -preliminary investigation, preparation
- 下地, したじ -groundwork, foundation, inclination, aptitude, elementary knowledge of, grounding in, prearrangement, spade
- 認める, したためる -to write up
- 仕立てる, したてる -to tailor, to make, to prepare, to train, to send (a messenger)
- 下取り, したどり -trade in, part exchange
- 下火, したび -burning low, waning, declining
- 失格, しっかく -disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)
- 確り, しっかり -firmly, tightly, reliable, level-headed, steady
- 質素, しっそ -simplicity, modesty, frugality
- 失調, しっちょう -lack of harmony
- 嫉妬, しっと -jealousy
- 尻尾, しっぽ -tail (animal)
- 室, しつ -room
- 質疑, しつぎ -question
- 躾, しつけ -home discipline, training, upbringing, breeding
- 仕付ける, しつける -to be used to a job, to begin to do, to baste, to tack, to plant
- 指摘, してき -pointing out, identification
- 視点, してん -opinion, point of view, visual point
- 萎びる, しなびる -to wilt, to fade
- 嫋か, しなやか -supple, flexible, elastic
- 屎尿, しにょう -excreta, raw sewage, human waste, night soil
- 凌ぐ, しのぐ -to outdo, to surpass, to endure, to keep out (rain), to stave off, to tide over, to pull through, to defy, t
- 始発, しはつ -first train
- 芝, しば -lawn, sod, turf
- 屡, しばしば -often, again and again, frequently
- 暫く, しばらく -little while
- 痺れる, しびれる -to become numb, to go to sleep (i.e. a limb)
- 渋い, しぶい -1. tasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity, 2. astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), 3
- 私物, しぶつ -private property, personal effects
- しぶとい -tenacious, stubborn
- 司法, しほう -administration of justice
- 脂肪, しぼう -fat, grease, blubber
- 志望, しぼう -wish, desire, ambition
- 萎む, しぼむ -to wither, to fade (away), to shrivel, to wilt
- 仕舞, しまい -end, termination, informal (Noh play)
- 仕舞う, しまう -to finish, to close, to do something completely, to put away, to put an end to
- しまった -Damn it!
- 始末, しまつ -management, dealing, settlement, cleaning up afterwards
- 泌み泌み, しみじみ -keenly, deeply, heartily
- 染みる, しみる -to pierce, to permeate
- 使命, しめい -mission, errand, message
- 締め切り, しめきり -closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance
- 僕, しもべ -manservant, servant (of God)
- 社交, しゃこう -social life, social intercourse
- 謝絶, しゃぜつ -refusal
- 社宅, しゃたく -company owned house
- 吃逆, しゃっくり -hiccough, hiccup
- 喋る, しゃべる -to talk, to chat, to chatter
- 斜面, しゃめん -slope, slanting surface, bevel
- 洒落, しゃらく -frank, open-hearted
- 洒落る, しゃれる -to joke, to play on words, to dress stylishly
- 視野, しや -field of vision, outlook
- 種, しゅ -kind, variety, species
- 衆, しゅう -masses, great number, the people
- 周, しゅう -circuit, lap, circumference, vicinity, Chou (dynasty)
- 収益, しゅうえき -earnings, proceeds, returns
- 修学, しゅうがく -learning
- 周期, しゅうき -cycle, period
- 衆議院, しゅうぎいん -Lower House, House of Representatives
- 就業, しゅうぎょう -employment, starting work
- 修行, しゅうぎょう -pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice, discipline
- 集計, しゅうけい -totalization, aggregate
- 襲撃, しゅうげき -attack, charge, raid
- 収支, しゅうし -income and expenditure
- 終始, しゅうし -beginning and end, from beginning to end, doing a thing from beginning to end
- 修士, しゅうし -Masters degree program
- 収集, しゅうしゅう -gathering up, collection, accumulation
- 修飾, しゅうしょく -ornamentation, embellishment, decoration, adornment, polish up (writing), modification (gram)
- 終日, しゅうじつ -all day
- 執着, しゅうじゃく -attachment, adhesion, tenacity
- 収容, しゅうよう -accommodation, reception, seating, housing, custody, admission, entering (in a dictionary)
- 修了, しゅうりょう -completion (of a course)
- 守衛, しゅえい -security guard, doorkeeper
- 主演, しゅえん -starring, playing the leading part
- 主観, しゅかん -subjectivity, subject, ego
- 祝賀, しゅくが -celebration, congratulations
- 宿命, しゅくめい -fate, destiny, predestination
- 主権, しゅけん -sovereignty, supremacy, dominion
- 手芸, しゅげい -handicrafts
- 主催, しゅさい -organization, sponsorship
- 取材, しゅざい -choice of subject, collecting data
- 趣旨, しゅし -object, meaning
- 主食, しゅしょく -staple food
- 主人公, しゅじんこう -protagonist, main character, hero(ine) (of a story), head of household
- 主体, しゅたい -subject, main constituent
- 主題, しゅだい -subject, theme, motif
- 出血, しゅっけつ -bleeding, haemorrhage
- 出産, しゅっさん -(child)birth, delivery, production (of goods)
- 出社, しゅっしゃ -arrival (in a country at work etc.)
- 出生, しゅっしょう -birth
- 出世, しゅっせ -promotion, successful career, eminence
- 出費, しゅっぴ -expenses, disbursements
- 出品, しゅっぴん -exhibit, display
- 出演, しゅつえん -performance, stage appearance
- 出題, しゅつだい -proposing a question
- 出動, しゅつどう -sailing, marching, going out
- 主導, しゅどう -main leadership
- 主任, しゅにん -person in charge, responsible official
- 首脳, しゅのう -head, brains
- 守備, しゅび -defense
- 手法, しゅほう -technique
- 私有, しゆう -private ownership
- 諸, しょ -various, many, several
- 背負う, しょう -to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
- 象, しょう -phenomenon
- 症, しょう -illness
- 傷, しょう -wound, injury, hurt, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scar, weak point
- 商, しょう -quotient
- 消去, しょうきょ -elimination, erasing, dying out, melting away
- 衝撃, しょうげき -shock, crash, impact, ballistic
- 証言, しょうげん -evidence, testimony
- 証拠, しょうこ -evidence, proof
- 消耗, しょうこう -exhaustion, consumption
- 照合, しょうごう -collation, comparison
- 詳細, しょうさい -detail, particulars
- 昇進, しょうしん -promotion
- 少数, しょうすう -minority, few
- 称する, しょうする -to pretend, to take the name of, to feign, to purport
- 消息, しょうそく -news, letter, circumstances
- 承諾, しょうだく -consent, acquiescence, agreement
- 象徴, しょうちょう -symbol
- 小児科, しょうにか -pediatrics
- 証人, しょうにん -witness
- 照明, しょうめい -illumination
- 勝利, しょうり -victory, triumph, conquest, success, win
- 奨励, しょうれい -encouragement, promotion, message, address
- 職員, しょくいん -staff member, personnel
- 植民地, しょくみんち -colony
- 職務, しょくむ -professional duties
- 諸君, しょくん -Gentlemen!, Ladies!
- 所在, しょざい -whereabouts
- 所々, しょしょ -here and there, some parts (of something)
- 所持, しょじ -possession, owning
- 所属, しょぞく -attached to, belong to
- 処置, しょち -treatment
- しょっちゅう -always, constantly
- 所定, しょてい -fixed, prescribed
- 所得, しょとく -income, earnings
- 初版, しょはん -first edition
- 処罰, しょばつ -punishment
- 書評, しょひょう -book review
- 処分, しょぶん -disposal, dealing, punishment
- 庶民, しょみん -masses, common people
- 庶務, しょむ -general affairs
- 私用, しよう -personal use, private business
- 仕様, しよう -way, method, resource, remedy, (technical) specification
- 使用人, しようにん -employee, servant
- 調べ, しらべ -preparation, investigation, inspection
- 知り合い, しりあい -acquaintance
- 退く, しりぞく -to retreat, to recede, to withdraw
- 退ける, しりぞける -to repel, to drive away
- 記す, しるす -to note, to write down
- 指令, しれい -orders, instructions, directive
- 代, しろ -price, materials, substitution
- 皺, しわ -wrinkles, creases
- 新, しん -new
- 進化, しんか -evolution, progress
- 殿, しんがり -rear, rear unit guard
- 審議, しんぎ -deliberation
- 進行, しんこう -advance
- 新興, しんこう -rising, developing, emergent
- 振興, しんこう -promotion, encouragement
- 申告, しんこく -report, statement, filing a return, notification
- 新婚, しんこん -newly-wed
- 審査, しんさ -judging, inspection, examination, investigation
- 紳士, しんし -gentleman
- 進出, しんしゅつ -advance, step forward
- 信者, しんじゃ -believer, adherent, devotee, Christian
- 真珠, しんじゅ -pearl
- 心中, しんじゅう -double suicide, lovers suicide
- 心情, しんじょう -mentality
- 新人, しんじん -new face, newcomer
- 神聖, しんせい -holiness, sacredness, dignity
- 親善, しんぜん -friendship
- 真相, しんそう -truth, real situation
- 新築, しんちく -new building, new construction
- 進呈, しんてい -presentation
- 進展, しんてん -progress, development
- 神殿, しんでん -temple, sacred place
- 進度, しんど -progress
- 振動, しんどう -oscillation, vibration
- 新入生, しんにゅうせい -freshman, first-year student
- 信任, しんにん -trust, confidence, credence
- 審判, しんばん -refereeing, trial, judgement, umpire, referee
- 神秘, しんぴ -mystery
- 辛抱, しんぼう -patience, endurance
- 真理, しんり -truth
- 侵略, しんりゃく -aggression, invasion, raid
- 診療, しんりょう -medical examination and treatment, diagnosis
- 進路, しんろ -course, route
- 自覚, じかく -self-conscious
- 地方, じかた -area, locality, district, region, the coast
- 自我, じが -self, the ego
- 磁気, じき -magnetism
- 磁器, じき -porcelain, china
- 事業, じぎょう -project, enterprise, business, industry, operations
- 地形, じぎょう -terrain, geographical features, topography
- 軸, じく -axis, stem, shaft, axle
- 自己, じこ -self, oneself
- 事項, じこう -matter, item, facts
- 時刻表, じこくひょう -table, diagram, chart, timetable, schedule
- 地獄, じごく -hell
- 時差, じさ -time difference
- 自在, じざい -freely, at will
- 自主, じしゅ -independence, autonomy
- 自首, じしゅ -surrender, give oneself up
- 辞職, じしょく -resignation
- 自信, じしん -self-confidence
- 事前, じぜん -prior, beforehand, in advance
- 自尊心, じそんしん -self-respect, conceit
- 持続, じぞく -continuation
- 字体, じたい -type, font, lettering
- 辞退, じたい -refusal
- じっくり -deliberately, carefully
- 実質, じっしつ -substance, essence
- 実践, じっせん -practice, put into practice
- 実態, じったい -truth, fact
- 実費, じっぴ -actual expense, cost price
- 十分, じっぷん -10 minutes
- 実, じつ -truth, reality, sincerity, fidelity, kindness, faith, substance, essence
- 実業家, じつぎょうか -industrialist, businessman
- 実情, じつじょう -real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs
- 自転, じてん -rotation, spin
- 自動詞, じどうし -intransitive verb (no direct obj)
- 地主, じぬし -landlord
- 耳鼻科, じびか -otolaryngology
- 地元, じもと -local
- 弱, じゃく -weakness, the weak, little less then
- 若干, じゃっかん -some, few, number of
- 砂利, じゃり -gravel, ballast, pebbles
- じゃん拳, じゃんけん -rock-scissors-paper game
- 住, じゅう -dwelling, living
- 従業員, じゅうぎょういん -employee, worker
- 従事, じゅうじ -engaging, pursuing, following
- 充実, じゅうじつ -fullness, completion, perfection, substantiality, enrichment
- 十字路, じゅうじろ -crossroads
- 絨毯, じゅうたん -carpet
- 柔軟, じゅうなん -flexible, lithe
- 重複, じゅうふく -duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration
- 重宝, じゅうほう -priceless treasure, convenience, usefulness
- 従来, じゅうらい -up to now, so far, traditional
- 塾, じゅく -coaching school, lessons
- 樹木, じゅもく -trees and shrubs, arbour
- 樹立, じゅりつ -establish, create
- 準急, じゅんきゅう -local express (train slower than an express)
- 準じる, じゅんじる -to follow, to conform, to apply to
- 準ずる, じゅんずる -to apply correspondingly, to correspond to, to be proportionate to, to conform to
- 助, じょ -help, rescue, assistant
- 情, じょう -feelings, emotion, passionf
- 尉, じょう -jailer, old man, rank, company officer
- 嬢, じょう -young woman
- 状, じょう -shape
- 上位, じょうい -superior (rank not class), higher order (e.g. byte), host computer (of connected device)
- 上演, じょうえん -performance (e.g. music)
- 城下, じょうか -land near the castle
- 乗客, じょうかく -passenger
- 上空, じょうくう -sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air
- 上司, じょうし -superior authorities, boss
- 情緒, じょうしょ -emotion, feeling
- 上昇, じょうしょう -rising, ascending, climbing
- 情勢, じょうせい -state of things, condition, situation
- 情熱, じょうねつ -passion, enthusiasm, zeal
- 丈夫, じょうふ -1. hero, gentleman, warrior, manly person, 2. good health, robustness, strong, solid, durable
- 譲歩, じょうほ -concession, conciliation, compromise
- 条約, じょうやく -treaty, pact
- 上陸, じょうりく -landing, disembarkation
- 蒸留, じょうりゅう -distillation
- 除外, じょがい -exception, exclusion
- 助言, じょげん -advice, suggestion
- 徐行, じょこう -going slowly
- 女史, じょし -Ms.
- 助詞, じょし -particle, postposition
- 助動詞, じょどうし -auxiliary verb
- 自立, じりつ -independence, self-reliance
- 人, じん -man, person, people
- 人格, じんかく -personality, character, individuality
- 人材, じんざい -man of talent
- 迅速, じんそく -quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt
- 人体, じんたい -human body
- 人民, じんみん -people, public
- 人目, じんもく -glimpse, public gaze
- 水気, すいき -1. moisture, dampness, vapor, 2. dropsy, edema
- 水源, すいげん -source of river, fountainhead
- 推進, すいしん -propulsion, driving force
- 水洗, すいせん -flushing
- 吹奏, すいそう -playing wind instruments
- 推測, すいそく -guess, conjecture
- 水田, すいでん -(water-filled) paddy field
- 推理, すいり -reasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie novel etc.)
- 数詞, すうし -numeral
- 崇拝, すうはい -worship, adoration, admiration, cult
- 据え付ける, すえつける -to install, to equip, to mount
- 据える, すえる -to set (table), to lay (foundation), to place (gun), to apply (moxa)
- 清々しい, すがすがしい -fresh, refreshing
- 過ぎ, すぎ -past, after
- 救い, すくい -help, aid, relief
- 掬う, すくう -to scoop, to ladle out
- 少なくとも, すくなくとも -at least
- 直ぐ, すぐ -immediately, soon, easily, right (near), honest, upright
- 健やか, すこやか -vigorous, healthy, sound
- 濯ぐ, すすぐ -to rinse, to wash out
- 進み, すすみ -progress
- 勧め, すすめ -recommendation, advice, encouragement
- 裾, すそ -(trouser) cuff, (skirt) hem, cut edge of a hairdo, foot of mountain
- 廃れる, すたれる -to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashion
- 酸っぱい, すっぱい -sour, acid
- 素敵, すてき -lovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool, capital
- 即ち, すなわち -that is, namely, i.e.
- すばしこい -nimble, smart, quick
- 素早い, すばやい -fast, quick, prompt, agile
- 済ます, すます -to finish, to get it over with, to settle, to conclude, to pay back
- 澄ます, すます -to clear, to make clear, to be unruffled, to look unconcerned, to look demure, look prim, put on airs
- 済まない, すまない -sorry (phrase)
- 済みません, すみません -sorry, excuse me
- 天皇, すめらぎ -Emperor of Japan
- 刷り, すり -printing
- 剃る, する -to shave
- 擦れ違い, すれちがい -chance encounter
- すれ違う, すれちがう -to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each other
- 擦れる, すれる -to rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated
- すんなり -pass with no objection, slim, slender
- 図々しい, ずうずうしい -impudent, shameless
- ずばり -decisively, decidedly, once and for all, unreservedly, frankly
- ずぶ濡れ, ずぶぬれ -soaked, dripping wet
- ずらっと -in a line, in a row
- ずるずる -sound or act of dragging, loose, inconclusive but unwanted situation, trailingly
- ずれ -gap, slippage
- ずれる -to slide, to slip off
- 制, せい -system, organization, imperial command, laws, regulation, control, government, suppression, restraint, holdin
- 生育, せいいく -growth, development, breeding
- 成果, せいか -results, fruits
- 正解, せいかい -correct, right, correct interpretation (answer solution)
- 正規, せいき -regular, legal, formal, established, legitimate
- 正義, せいぎ -justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning
- 生計, せいけい -livelihood, living
- 政権, せいけん -administration, political power
- 精巧, せいこう -elaborate, delicate, exquisite
- 制裁, せいさい -restraint, sanctions, punishment
- 政策, せいさく -political measures, policy
- 清算, せいさん -liquidation, settlement
- 星座, せいざ -constellation
- 生死, せいし -life and death
- 静止, せいし -stillness, repose, standing still
- 青春, せいしゅん -youth, springtime of life, adolescent
- 聖書, せいしょ -Bible, scriptures
- 誠実, せいじつ -sincere, honest, faithful
- 成熟, せいじゅく -maturity, ripeness
- 清純, せいじゅん -purity, innocence
- 正常, せいじょう -normalcy, normality, normal
- 制する, せいする -to control, to command, to get the better of
- 整然, せいぜん -orderly, regular, well-organized, trim, accurate
- 盛装, せいそう -be dressed up, wear rich clothes
- 盛大, せいだい -grand, prosperous, magnificent
- 清濁, せいだく -good and evil, purity and impurity
- 制定, せいてい -enactment, establishment, creation
- 静的, せいてき -static
- 製鉄, せいてつ -iron manufacture
- 晴天, せいてん -fine weather
- 正当, せいとう -just, justifiable, right, due, proper, equitable, reasonable, legitimate, lawful
- 成年, せいねん -majority, adult age
- 制服, せいふく -uniform
- 征服, せいふく -conquest, subjugation, overcoming
- 製法, せいほう -manufacturing method, recipe, formula
- 精密, せいみつ -precise, exact, detailed, minute, close
- 声明, せいめい -declaration, statement, proclamation
- 姓名, せいめい -full name
- 制約, せいやく -limitation, restriction, condition, constraints
- 生理, せいり -physiology, menses
- 勢力, せいりょく -influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy
- 整列, せいれつ -stand in a row, form a line
- 急かす, せかす -to hurry, to urge on
- 伜, せがれ -son, my son
- 責務, せきむ -duty, obligation
- 世辞, せじ -flattery, compliment
- 世帯, せたい -household
- 世代, せだい -generation, the world, the age
- 切開, せっかい -clearing (land), opening up, cutting through
- 接触, せっしょく -touch, contact
- 設置, せっち -establishment, institution
- 折衷, せっちゅう -compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism
- 設定, せってい -establishment, creation
- 説得, せっとく -persuasion
- 節, せつ -node, section, occasion, time
- 切実, せつじつ -compelling, serious, severe, acute, earnest, pressing, urgent
- 接続詞, せつぞくし -conjunction
- 切ない, せつない -painful, trying, oppressive, suffocating
- 設立, せつりつ -establishment, foundation, institution
- 攻め, せめ -attack, offence
- 世論, せろん -public opinion
- 仙, せん -hermit, wizard
- 前, せん -before
- 繊維, せんい -fibre, fiber, textile
- 選挙, せんきょ -election
- 宣教, せんきょう -religious mission
- 宣言, せんげん -declaration, proclamation, announcement
- 先行, せんこう -preceding, going first
- 選考, せんこう -selection, screening
- 戦災, せんさい -war damage
- 専修, せんしゅう -specialization
- 戦術, せんじゅつ -tactics
- 潜水, せんすい -diving
- 先先月, せんせんげつ -month before last
- 先先週, せんせんしゅう -week before last
- 先代, せんだい -family predecessor, previous age, previous generation
- 先だって, せんだって -recently, the other day
- 先着, せんちゃく -first arrival
- 先天的, せんてんてき -a priori, inborn, innate, inherent, congenital, hereditary
- 戦闘, せんとう -battle, fight, combat
- 潜入, せんにゅう -infiltration, sneaking in
- 船舶, せんぱく -ship
- 専用, せんよう -exclusive use, personal use
- 占領, せんりょう -occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself
- 戦力, せんりょく -war potential
- 税務署, ぜいむしょ -tax office
- 是正, ぜせい -correction, revision
- 絶版, ぜっぱん -out of print
- 絶望, ぜつぼう -despair, hopelessness
- 是非とも, ぜひとも -by all means (with sense of not taking no for an answer)
- 膳, ぜん -(small) table, tray, meal
- 禅, ぜん -Zen (Buddhism)
- 全快, ぜんかい -complete recovery of health
- 全盛, ぜんせい -height of prosperity
- 前提, ぜんてい -preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite
- 前途, ぜんと -future prospects, outlook, the journey ahead
- 全滅, ぜんめつ -annihilation
- 善良, ぜんりょう -goodness, excellence, virtue
- 前例, ぜんれい -precedent
- 僧, そう -monk, priest
- 沿う, そう -to run along, to follow
- 添う, そう -to accompany, to become married, to comply with
- 総, そう -whole, all, general, gross
- 相応, そうおう -suitability, fitness
- 総会, そうかい -general meeting
- 創刊, そうかん -launching (e.g. newspaper), first issue
- 送金, そうきん -remittance, sending money
- 走行, そうこう -running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car), traveling
- 総合, そうごう -synthesis, coordination, putting together, integration, composite
- 捜査, そうさ -search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation
- 捜索, そうさく -search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation
- 然うして, そうして -and, like that
- 装飾, そうしょく -ornament
- 操縦, そうじゅう -management, handling, control, manipulation
- 創造, そうぞう -creation
- 壮大, そうだい -magnificent, grand, majestic, splendid
- 騒動, そうどう -strife, riot, rebellion
- 遭難, そうなん -disaster, shipwreck, accident
- 相場, そうば -market price, speculation, estimation
- 装備, そうび -equipment
- 創立, そうりつ -establishment, founding, organization
- 添える, そえる -to add to, to attach, to append, to accompany, to garnish, to imitate, to annex
- 即座に, そくざに -immediately, right away
- 促進, そくしん -promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
- 即する, そくする -to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on
- 束縛, そくばく -restraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding
- 側面, そくめん -side, flank, sidelight, lateral
- 其処, そこ -that place, there
- 其処で, そこで -so (conj), accordingly, now, then, thereupon
- 損なう, そこなう -to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing
- 其処ら, そこら -everywhere, somewhere, approximately, that area, around there
- 素材, そざい -raw materials, subject matter
- 阻止, そし -obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction
- 然して, そして -and
- 訴訟, そしょう -litigation, lawsuit
- 育ち, そだち -breeding, growth
- 措置, そち -measure, step
- 其方, そちら -over there, the other
- 素っ気ない, そっけない -cold, short, curt, blunt
- 率直, そっちょく -frankness, candour, openheartedness
- 外方, そっぽ -look (or turn) the other way
- 備え付ける, そなえつける -to provide, to furnish, to equip, to install
- 備わる, そなわる -to be furnished with, to be endowed with, to possess, to be among, to be one of, to be possessed of
- 園, その -garden, park, plantation
- その上, そのうえ -in addition, furthermore
- その内, そのうち -eventually, sooner or later, of the previously mentioned
- その為, そのため -hence, for that reason
- その外, そのほか -besides, in addition, the rest
- 其の儘, そのまま -without change, as it is (i.e. now)
- 聳える, そびえる -to rise, to tower, to soar
- 素朴, そぼく -simplicity, artlessness, naivete
- 染まる, そまる -to dye
- 背く, そむく -to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringe
- 染める, そめる -to dye, to colour
- 逸らす, そらす -to turn away, to avert
- 反り, そり -warp, curvature, curve, arch
- 其れ, それ -it, that
- 其れから, それから -and then, after that
- 各々, それぞれ -each, every, either, respectively, severally
- 其れで, それで -and (conj), thereupon, because of that
- 其れでは, それでは -in that situation, well then ...
- 其れでも, それでも -but (still), and yet, nevertheless, even so, notwithstanding
- 其れ共, それとも -or, or else
- 其れに, それに -besides, moreover
- 其れ程, それほど -to that degree, extent
- 其れ故, それゆえ -therefore, for that reason, so
- 揃い, そろい -set, suit, uniform
- 徐々, そろそろ -gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly, soon
- 損失, そんしつ -loss
- 存続, そんぞく -duration, continuance
- 沿い, ぞい -along
- 像, ぞう -statue, image, figure, picture, portrait
- 増強, ぞうきょう -augment, reinforce, increase
- 蔵相, ぞうしょう -Minister of Finance
- 増進, ぞうしん -promoting, increase, advance
- ぞんざい -rude, careless, slovenly
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