< JLPT Guide < JLPT N1 Vocabulary
- 仮, か -tentative, provisional
- 科, か -department, section
- 個, か -article counter
- 下位, かい -low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte)
- 改悪, かいあく -deterioration, changing for the worse
- 海運, かいうん -maritime, marine transportation
- 改革, かいかく -reform, reformation, innovation
- 貝殻, かいがら -shell
- 階級, かいきゅう -class, rank, grade
- 海峡, かいきょう -channel
- 会見, かいけん -interview, audience
- 介護, かいご -nursing
- 開催, かいさい -holding a meeting, open an exhibition
- 回収, かいしゅう -collection, recovery
- 改修, かいしゅう -repair, improvement
- 怪獣, かいじゅう -monster
- 解除, かいじょ -cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off
- 回送, かいそう -forwarding
- 階層, かいそう -class, level, stratum, hierarchy
- 開拓, かいたく -reclamation (of wasteland), cultivation, pioneer
- 会談, かいだん -conversation, conference, discussion, interview
- 改定, かいてい -reform
- 改訂, かいてい -revision
- 街道, かいどう -highway
- 介入, かいにゅう -intervention
- 開発, かいはつ -development, exploitation
- 海抜, かいばつ -height above sea level
- 介抱, かいほう -nursing, looking after
- 解剖, かいぼう -dissection, autopsy
- 回覧, かいらん -circulation
- 海流, かいりゅう -ocean current
- 改良, かいりょう -improvement, reform
- 回路, かいろ -circuit (electric)
- 顧みる, かえりみる -to look back, to turn around, to review
- 省みる, かえりみる -to reflect
- 返る, かえる -to return, to come back, to go back
- 顔付き, かおつき -(outward) looks, features, face, countenance, expression
- 掲げる, かかげる -to publish, to print, to carry (an article), to put up, to hang out, to hoist, to fly (a sail), to float (a
- 踵, かかと -(shoe) heel
- 係り, かかり -official, duty, person in charge
- 課外, かがい -extracurricular
- 書き取り, かきとり -dictation
- 書き取る, かきとる -to write down, to take dictation, to take notes
- 掻き回す, かきまわす -to stir up, to churn, to ransack, to disturb
- 欠く, かく -to lack, to break, to crack, to chip
- 角, かく -1. angle, 2. bishop (shogi)
- 核, かく -nucleus, kernel
- 格, かく -status, character, case
- 佳句, かく -beautiful passage of literature
- 画, かく -stroke
- 格差, かくさ -qualitative difference, disparity
- 拡散, かくさん -scattering, diffusion
- 各種, かくしゅ -every kind, all sorts
- 隔週, かくしゅう -every other week
- 確信, かくしん -conviction, confidence
- 革新, かくしん -reform, innovation
- 確定, かくてい -definition (math), decision, settlement
- 獲得, かくとく -acquisition, possession
- 確保, かくほ -guarantee, ensure, maintain, insure, secure
- 革命, かくめい -revolution
- 確立, かくりつ -establishment
- 賭け, かけ -betting, gambling, a gamble
- 掛け, かけ -credit
- 駆け足, かけあし -running fast, double time
- 家計, かけい -household economy, family finances
- 駆けっこ, かけっこ -(foot) race
- 駆ける, かける -to run (race esp. horse), to gallop, to canter
- 賭ける, かける -to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble
- 加工, かこう -manufacturing, processing, treatment
- 化合, かごう -chemical combination
- 嵩張る, かさばる -to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous
- 嵩む, かさむ -to pile up, to increase
- 風車, かざぐるま -1. windmill, 2. pinwheel
- 畏まりました, かしこまりました -certainly!
- 華奢, かしゃ -luxury, pomp, delicate, slender, gorgeous
- 箇所, かしょ -passage, place, point, part
- 火傷, かしょう -burn, scald
- 箇条書き, かじょうがき -itemized form, itemization
- 噛る, かじる -to chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to nibble, to munch, to crunch, to have a smattering of
- 微か, かすか -faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched
- 霞む, かすむ -to grow hazy, to be misty
- 化する, かする -to change into, to convert into, to transform, to be reduced, to influence, to improve (someone)
- 擦る, かする -to touch lightly, to take a percentage (from)
- 火星, かせい -Mars (planet)
- 化石, かせき -fossil, petrifaction, fossilization
- 河川, かせん -rivers
- 化繊, かせん -synthetic fibres
- 過疎, かそ -depopulation
- 過多, かた -excess, superabundance
- 難い, かたい -difficult, hard
- 片思い, かたおもい -unrequited love
- 敵, かたき -enemy, rival
- 気質, かたぎ -spirit, character, trait, temperament, disposition
- 片言, かたこと -a smattering, talk like a baby, speak haltingly
- 片付け, かたづけ -tidying up, finishing
- 傾く, かたぶく -to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to
- 傾ける, かたむける -to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to
- 固める, かためる -to harden, to freeze, to fortify
- 偏る, かたよる -to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased
- 傍ら, かたわら -beside(s), while, nearby
- 課題, かだい -subject, theme, task
- 花壇, かだん -flower bed
- 家畜, かちく -domestic animals, livestock, cattle
- 画期, かっき -epoch-making
- 活発, かっぱつ -vigor, active
- 且つ, かつ -yet, and
- 割, かつ -divide, cut, halve, separate, split, rip, break, crack, smash, dilute
- 嘗て, かつて -once, ever
- 日付, かづけ -date, dating
- 門, かど -gate
- 叶う, かなう -to come true (wish)
- 叶える, かなえる -to grant (request wish)
- 金槌, かなづち -1. (iron) hammer, 2. punishment
- 鉄棒, かなぼう -iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics)
- 可成, かなり -considerably, fairly, quite
- 加入, かにゅう -becoming a member, joining, entry, admission, subscription, affiliation, adherence, signing
- 金庫, かねぐら -safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds
- 予言, かねごと -prediction, promise, prognostication
- 兼ねて, かねて -simultaneously
- 下番, かばん -going off duty
- 下品, かひん -inferior article
- 華美, かび -pomp, splendor, gaudiness
- 花粉, かふん -pollen
- 株式, かぶしき -stock (company)
- 気触れる, かぶれる -to react to, to be influenced by, to go overboard for
- 貨幣, かへい -money, currency, coinage
- 構え, かまえ -posture, pose, style
- 構える, かまえる -to set up
- 加味, かみ -seasoning, flavoring
- 噛み切る, かみきる -to bite off, to gnaw through
- 過密, かみつ -crowded
- 瓶, かめ -earthenware pot
- かも知れない, かもしれない -may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly
- 粥, かゆ -(rice) gruel
- 痒い, かゆい -itchy, itching
- 揶揄う, からかう -to ridicule, to tease, to banter with, to make fun of
- 身体, からだ -the body
- 体付き, からだつき -body build, figure
- 絡む, からむ -to entangle, to entwine
- 借り, かり -borrowing, debt, loan
- 下吏, かり -lower official
- 加留多, かるた -(pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta)
- 涸れる, かれる -to dry up, to run out
- 過労, かろう -overwork, strain
- 辛うじて, かろうじて -barely, narrowly, just manage to do st
- 側, かわ -side, row, surroundings, part, (watch) case
- 可愛い, かわいい -pretty, cute, lovely, charming, dear, darling, pet
- 可愛がる, かわいがる -to love, to be affectionate
- 可哀想, かわいそう -poor, pitiable, pathetic
- 可愛らしい, かわいらしい -lovely, sweet
- 交わす, かわす -to exchange (messages), to dodge, to parry, to avoid, to turn aside
- 代わる, かわる -to take the place of, to relieve, to be substituted for, to be exchanged, to change places with, to take
- 代わる代わる, かわるがわる -alternately
- 乾, かん -heaven, emperor
- 管, かん -pipe, tube
- 幹, かん -(tree) trunk
- 冠, かん -crown, diadem, first, best, peerless, cap, naming, designating, initiating on coming of age, top character ra
- 観, かん -look, appearance, spectacle
- 館, かん -house, hall, building, hotel, inn, guesthouse
- 簡易, かんい -simplicity, easiness, quasi-
- 感慨, かんがい -strong feelings, deep emotion
- 寒気, かんき -cold, frost, chill
- 簡潔, かんけつ -brevity, conciseness, simplicity
- 還元, かんげん -resolution, reduction, return to origins
- 刊行, かんこう -publication, issue
- 慣行, かんこう -customary practice, habit, traditional event
- 勧告, かんこく -advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation
- 看護, かんご -nursing, (army) nurse
- 漢語, かんご -Chinese word, Sino-Japanese word
- 換算, かんさん -conversion, change, exchange
- 監視, かんし -observation, guarding, inspection, surveillance
- 慣習, かんしゅう -usual (historical) custom
- 観衆, かんしゅう -spectators, onlookers, members of the audience
- 干渉, かんしょう -interference, intervention
- 感触, かんしょく -sense of touch, feeling, sensation
- 肝心, かんじん -essential, fundamental, crucial, vital, main
- 歓声, かんせい -cheer, shout of joy
- 感染, かんせん -infection, contagion
- 幹線, かんせん -main line, trunk line
- 関税, かんぜい -customs, duty, tariff
- 簡素, かんそ -simplicity, plain
- 観点, かんてん -point of view
- 感度, かんど -sensitivity, severity (quake)
- 幹部, かんぶ -management, (executive) staff, leaders
- 勘弁, かんべん -pardon, forgiveness, forbearance
- 完璧, かんぺき -perfection, completeness, flawless
- 感無量, かんむりょう -deep feeling, inexpressible feeling, filled with emotion
- 勧誘, かんゆう -invitation, solicitation, canvassing, inducement, persuasion, encouragement
- 関与, かんよ -participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in
- 慣用, かんよう -common, customary
- 寛容, かんよう -forbearance, tolerance, generosity
- 観覧, かんらん -viewing
- 官僚, かんりょう -bureaucrat, bureaucracy
- 慣例, かんれい -custom, precedent, of convention
- 還暦, かんれき -60th birthday
- 貫禄, かんろく -presence, dignity
- 緩和, かんわ -relief, mitigation
- 蓋, がい -cover, lid, cap
- 街, がい -~street, ~quarters
- 外貨, がいか -imported goods, foreign money
- 外観, がいかん -appearance, exterior, facade
- 外相, がいしょう -Foreign Minister
- 害する, がいする -to injure, to damage, to harm, to kill, to hinder
- 概説, がいせつ -general statement, outline
- 該当, がいとう -corresponding, answering to, coming under
- 街頭, がいとう -in the street
- 概念, がいねん -general idea, concept, notion
- 外来, がいらい -imported, outpatient clinic
- 概略, がいりゃく -outline, summary, gist, in brief
- 学芸, がくげい -arts and sciences, liberal arts
- 学士, がくし -university graduate
- 学説, がくせつ -theory
- 楽譜, がくふ -score (music)
- 学歴, がくれき -academic background
- 崖, がけ -cliff
- 雅致, がち -artistry, good taste, elegance, grace
- がっくり -heartbroken
- 合唱, がっしょう -chorus, singing in a chorus
- がっしり -firmly, solidly, tough
- 合致, がっち -agreement, concurrence, conforming to
- がっちり -solidly built, tightly, shrewd, calculating
- 月日, がっぴ -(the) date
- 合併, がっぺい -combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorpor
- がる -feel
- 側, がわ -side, row, surroundings, part, (watch) case
- 癌, がん -cancer
- 眼科, がんか -ophthalmology
- 眼球, がんきゅう -eyeball
- 眼鏡, がんきょう -spectacles, glasses
- 頑固, がんこ -stubbornness, obstinacy
- 願書, がんしょ -written application or petition
- 頑丈, がんじょう -solid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy
- 岩石, がんせき -rock
- 元年, がんねん -first year (of a specific reign)
- 贋物, がんぶつ -imitation, counterfeit, forgery, sham
- 元来, がんらい -originally, primarily, essentially, logically, naturally
- 生, き -pure, undiluted, raw, crude
- 期, き -period, time
- 企画, きかく -planning, project
- 規格, きかく -standard, norm
- 着飾る, きかざる -to dress up
- 器官, きかん -organ (of body), instrument
- 季刊, きかん -quarterly (e.g. magazine)
- 危害, きがい -injury, harm, danger
- 気兼ね, きがね -hesitance, diffidence, feeling constraint, fear of troubling someone, having scruples about doing someth
- 気軽, きがる -cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted
- 危機, きき -crisis
- 聞き取り, ききとり -listening comprehension
- 効き目, ききめ -effect, virtue, efficacy, impression
- 帰京, ききょう -returning to Tokyo
- 基金, ききん -fund, foundation
- 棄権, きけん -abstain from voting, renunciation of a right
- 喜劇, きげき -comedy, funny show
- 起源, きげん -origin, beginning, rise
- 機構, きこう -mechanism, organization
- 既婚, きこん -marriage, married
- 記載, きさい -mention, entry
- 気障, きざ -affectation, conceit, snobbery
- 兆し, きざし -signs, omen, symptoms
- 兆, きざし -signs, omen, symptoms
- 軋む, きしむ -to jar, to creak, to grate
- 気象, きしょう -weather, climate
- 期日, きじつ -fixed date, settlement date
- 記述, きじゅつ -describing, descriptor
- 奇数, きすう -odd number
- 築く, きずく -to build, to pile up, to amass
- 傷付く, きずつく -to be hurt, to be wounded, to get injured
- 規制, きせい -regulation
- 汽船, きせん -steamship
- 寄贈, きそう -donation, presentation
- 貴族, きぞく -noble, aristocrat
- 鍛える, きたえる -to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline
- 来る, きたる -to come, to arrive, to be due to, to be next, to be forthcoming
- 気立て, きだて -disposition, nature
- きちっと -exactly, perfectly
- 几帳面, きちょうめん -methodical, punctual, steady
- 切っ掛け, きっかけ -chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion
- きっかり -exactly, precisely
- 喫茶, きっさ -tea drinking, tea house
- きっちり -precisely, tightly
- 屹度, きっと -1. (uk) surely, undoubtedly, certainly, without fail, 2. sternly, severely
- きっぱり -clearly, plainly, distinctly
- 規定, きてい -regulation, provisions
- 起点, きてん -starting point
- 軌道, きどう -orbit, railroad track
- 甲, きのえ -1st in rank, first sign of the Chinese calendar, shell, instep, grade A
- 気配, きはい -indication, market trend, worry
- 規範, きはん -model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example
- 気品, きひん -aroma
- 気風, きふう -character, traits, ethos
- 起伏, きふく -undulation
- 規模, きぼ -scale, scope, plan, structure
- 気まぐれ, きまぐれ -whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper
- 生真面目, きまじめ -too serious, person who is too serious, honesty, sincerity
- 期末, きまつ -end of term
- 決まり悪い, きまりわるい -feeling awkward, being ashamed
- 決まる, きまる -to be decided, to be settled, to look good in (clothes)
- 記名, きめい -signature, register
- 脚色, きゃくしょく -dramatization (e.g. film)
- 脚本, きゃくほん -scenario
- 客観, きゃっかん -objective
- 規約, きやく -agreement, rules, code
- 救援, きゅうえん -relief, rescue, reinforcement
- 休学, きゅうがく -temporary absence from school, suspension
- 究極, きゅうきょく -ultimate, final, eventual
- 窮屈, きゅうくつ -narrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained
- 球根, きゅうこん -(plant) bulb
- 救済, きゅうさい -relief, aid, rescue, salvation, help
- 給食, きゅうしょく -school lunch, providing a meal
- 給仕, きゅうじ -office boy (girl), page, waiter
- 休戦, きゅうせん -truce, armistice
- 旧知, きゅうち -old friend, old friendship
- 宮殿, きゅうでん -palace
- 窮乏, きゅうぼう -poverty
- 丘陵, きゅうりょう -hill
- 共, きょう -both, neither (neg), all, and, as well as, including, with, together with, plural ending
- 供, きょう -offer, present, submit, serve (a meal), supply
- 驚異, きょうい -wonder, miracle
- 教員, きょういん -teaching staff
- 教科, きょうか -subject, curriculum
- 協会, きょうかい -association, society, organization
- 共感, きょうかん -sympathy, response
- 共学, きょうがく -coeducation
- 協議, きょうぎ -conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation
- 教訓, きょうくん -lesson, precept, moral instruction
- 境遇, きょうぐう -environment, circumstances
- 強行, きょうこう -forcing, enforcement
- 強硬, きょうこう -firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn
- 凶作, きょうさく -bad harvest, poor crop
- 共産, きょうさん -communism
- 教材, きょうざい -teaching materials
- 教習, きょうしゅう -training, instruction
- 郷愁, きょうしゅう -nostalgia, homesickness
- 教職, きょうしょく -teaching certificate, the teaching profession
- 享受, きょうじゅ -reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given
- 興じる, きょうじる -to amuse oneself, to make merry
- 強制, きょうせい -obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement
- 共存, きょうそん -coexistence
- 姉妹, きょうだい -sisters
- 協調, きょうちょう -co-operation, conciliation, harmony, firm (market) tone
- 協定, きょうてい -arrangement, pact, agreement
- 脅迫, きょうはく -threat, menace, coercion, terrorism
- 共鳴, きょうめい -resonance, sympathy
- 郷里, きょうり -birth-place, home town
- 強烈, きょうれつ -strong, intense, severe
- 共和, きょうわ -republicanism, cooperation
- 曲, きょく -tune, piece of music
- 局限, きょくげん -limit, localize
- 極端, きょくたん -extreme, extremity
- 居住, きょじゅう -residence
- 拒絶, きょぜつ -refusal, rejection
- 拒否, きょひ -denial, veto, rejection, refusal
- 許容, きょよう -permission, pardon
- 距離, きょり -distance, range
- 寄与, きよ -contribution, service
- 清らか, きよらか -clean, pure, chaste
- 気楽, きらく -at ease, comfortable
- 煌びやか, きらびやか -gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay
- 切り, きり -limits, end, bounds, period, place to leave off, closing sentence, all there is, only, since
- 桐, きり -paulownia tree
- 切り替える, きりかえる -to change, to exchange, to convert, to renew, to throw a switch, to replace, to switch over
- 気流, きりゅう -atmospheric current
- 奇麗, きれい -pretty, clean, nice, tidy, beautiful, fair
- 切れ目, きれめ -break, pause, gap, end, rift, interruption, cut, section, notch, incision, end (of a task)
- 際, きわ -edge, brink, verge, side
- 木綿, きわた -cotton
- 極めて, きわめて -exceedingly, extremely
- 僅, きん -a little, small quantity
- 近眼, きんがん -nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia
- 緊急, きんきゅう -urgent, pressing, emergency
- 近々, きんきん -nearness, before long
- 近郊, きんこう -suburbs, outskirts
- 均衡, きんこう -equilibrium, balance
- 近視, きんし -shortsightedness
- 禁じる, きんじる -to prohibit
- 禁ずる, きんずる -to forbid, to suppress
- 勤勉, きんべん -industry, diligence
- 勤務, きんむ -service, duty, work
- 禁物, きんもつ -taboo, forbidden thing
- 勤労, きんろう -labor, exertion, diligent service
- 議案, ぎあん -legislative bill
- 戯曲, ぎきょく -play, drama
- 議決, ぎけつ -resolution, decision, vote
- 議事堂, ぎじどう -Diet building
- 犠牲, ぎせい -sacrifice
- 偽造, ぎぞう -forgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting
- 議題, ぎだい -topic of discussion, agenda
- 技能, ぎのう -technical skill, ability, capacity
- 逆転, ぎゃくてん -(sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball)
- 行, ぎょう -line, row, verse
- 業者, ぎょうしゃ -trader, merchant
- 行政, ぎょうせい -administration
- 業績, ぎょうせき -achievement, performance, results, work, contribution
- 業務, ぎょうむ -business, affairs, duties, work
- 玉, ぎょく -king (shogi)
- 漁船, ぎょせん -fishing boat
- 漁村, ぎょそん -fishing village
- 義理, ぎり -duty, sense of duty, honor, decency, courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation
- 疑惑, ぎわく -doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion
- 吟味, ぎんみ -testing, scrutiny, careful investigation
- 区, く -ward, district, section
- 食い違う, くいちがう -to cross each other, to run counter to, to differ, to clash, to go awry
- 空腹, くうふく -hunger
- 区画, くかく -division, section, compartment, boundary, area, block
- 区間, くかん -section (of track etc)
- 茎, くき -stalk
- 区切り, くぎり -an end, a stop, punctuation
- 潜る, くぐる -1. to drive, to pass through, 2. to evade, to hide, 3. to dive (into or under water), to go undergro
- 種々, くさぐさ -variety
- 嚏, くしゃみ -sneeze
- 旧事, くじ -past events, bygones
- 籤引, くじびき -lottery, drawn lot
- 擽ぐったい, くすぐったい -ticklish
- 草臥れる, くたびれる -to get tired, to wear out
- 下らない, くだらない -good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless
- 件, くだん -example, precedent, the usual, the said, the above-mentioned, (man) in question
- 口ずさむ, くちずさむ -to hum something, to sing to oneself
- 嘴, くちばし -beak, bill
- 朽ちる, くちる -to rot
- くっきり -distinctly, clearly, boldly
- 屈折, くっせつ -bending, indentation, refraction
- くっ付く, くっつく -to adhere to, to keep close to
- くっ付ける, くっつける -to attach
- 覆す, くつがえす -to overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine
- 諄い, くどい -verbose, importunate, heavy (taste)
- 国境, くにざかい -national or state border
- 首飾り, くびかざり -necklace
- 首輪, くびわ -necklace, choker
- 組み合わせ, くみあわせ -combination
- 組み合わせる, くみあわせる -to join together, to combine, to join up
- 組み込む, くみこむ -to insert, to include, to cut in (printing)
- 蔵, くら -warehouse, cellar, magazine, granary, godown, depository, treasury, elevator
- 苦しめる, くるしめる -to torment, to harass, to inflict pain
- 包む, くるむ -to be engulfed in, to be enveloped by, to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress i
- 呉れ呉れも, くれぐれも -repeatedly, sincerely, earnestly
- 呉れる, くれる -to give, to let one have, to do for one, to be given
- 玄人, くろうと -expert, professional, geisha, prostitute
- 黒字, くろじ -balance (figure) in the black
- 君主, くんしゅ -ruler, monarch
- 愚痴, ぐち -idle complaint, grumble
- ぐっと -firmly, fast, much, more
- ぐらい -approximately
- 群, ぐん -group (math)
- 軍艦, ぐんかん -warship, battleship
- 群集, ぐんしゅう -(social) group, crowd, throng, mob, multitude
- 軍事, ぐんじ -military affairs
- 軍備, ぐんび -armaments, military preparations
- 軍服, ぐんぷく -military or naval uniform
- 刑, けい -penalty, sentence, punishment
- 頃, けい -time, about, toward, approximately (time)
- 傾, けい -lean, incline
- 系, けい -system, lineage, group
- 経過, けいか -passage, expiration, progress
- 軽快, けいかい -rhythmical (e.g. melody), casual (e.g. dress), light, nimble
- 警戒, けいかい -warning, admonition, vigilance
- 計器, けいき -meter, gauge
- 契機, けいき -opportunity, chance
- 敬具, けいぐ -Sincerely yours
- 軽減, けいげん -abatement
- 掲載, けいさい -appearance (e.g. article in paper)
- 傾斜, けいしゃ -inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip
- 形成, けいせい -formation
- 形勢, けいせい -condition, situation, prospects
- 軽率, けいそつ -rash, thoughtless, careless, hasty
- 携帯, けいたい -carrying something
- 形態, けいたい -form, shape, figure
- 刑罰, けいばつ -judgement, penalty, punishment
- 経費, けいひ -expenses, cost, outlay
- 警部, けいぶ -police inspector
- 軽蔑, けいべつ -scorn, disdain
- 経歴, けいれき -personal history, career
- 経路, けいろ -course, route, channel
- 汚す, けがす -to disgrace, to dishonour
- 汚らわしい, けがらわしい -filthy, unfair
- 汚れ, けがれ -uncleanness, impurity, disgrace
- 汚れる, けがれる -to get dirty, to become dirty
- 獣, けだもの -beast, brute
- 吝嗇, けち -stinginess, miser, miserliness, skinflint, tightwad, niggard, pinching pennies
- 結核, けっかく -tuberculosis, tubercule
- 血管, けっかん -blood vessel
- 決行, けっこう -doing (with resolve), carrying out (i.e. a plan)
- 決算, けっさん -balance sheet, settlement of accounts
- 決勝, けっしょう -decision of a contest, finals (in sports)
- 結晶, けっしょう -crystal, crystallization
- 結成, けっせい -formation
- 結束, けっそく -union, unity
- 傑, けつ -excellence
- 決意, けつい -decision, determination
- 決議, けつぎ -resolution, vote, decision
- 結合, けつごう -combination, union
- 決断, けつだん -decision, determination
- 欠乏, けつぼう -want, shortage, famine
- 蹴飛ばす, けとばす -to kick away, to kick off, to kick (someone), to refuse, to reject
- 貶す, けなす -to speak ill of
- 煙たい, けむたい -smoky, feeling awkward
- 煙る, けむる -to smoke (e.g. fire)
- 家来, けらい -retainer, retinue, servant
- けれど -but, however
- 圏, けん -sphere, circle, range
- 権, けん -authority, the right (to do something)
- 権威, けんい -authority, power, influence
- 兼業, けんぎょう -side line, second business
- 権限, けんげん -power, authority, jurisdiction
- 健在, けんざい -in good health, well
- 懸賞, けんしょう -offering prizes, winning, reward
- 検事, けんじ -public prosecutor
- 健全, けんぜん -health, soundness, wholesome
- 見地, けんち -point of view
- 賢明, けんめい -wisdom, intelligence, prudence
- 倹約, けんやく -thrift, economy, frugality
- 兼用, けんよう -multi-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes
- 権力, けんりょく -power, authority, influence
- 劇団, げきだん -troupe, theatrical company
- 激励, げきれい -encouragement
- 月謝, げっしゃ -monthly tuition fee
- げっそり -being disheartened, losing weight
- 月賦, げっぷ -monthly installment
- 下痢, げり -diarrhoea
- 原, げん -original, primitive, primary, fundamental, raw
- 原形, げんけい -original form, base form
- 現行, げんこう -present, current, in operation
- 原作, げんさく -original work
- 原子, げんし -atom
- 元首, げんしゅ -ruler, sovereign
- 原書, げんしょ -original document
- 減少, げんしょう -decrease, reduction, decline
- 現場, げんじょう -actual spot, scene, scene of the crime
- 元素, げんそ -chemical element
- 原則, げんそく -principle, general rule
- 現像, げんぞう -developing (film)
- 現地, げんち -actual place, local
- 限定, げんてい -limit, restriction
- 原点, げんてん -origin (coordinates), starting point
- 原典, げんてん -original (text)
- 減点, げんてん -subtract, give a demerit
- 原爆, げんばく -atomic bomb
- 原文, げんぶん -the text, original
- 厳密, げんみつ -strict, close
- 原油, げんゆ -crude oil
- 言論, げんろん -discussion
- 故, こ -the late (deceased)
- 戸, こ -counter for houses
- 児, こ -child, the young of animals
- 巨, こ -big, large, great
- 恋する, こいする -to fall in love with, to love
- 溝, こう -10^38, hundred undecillion (American), hundred sextillion (British)
- 好意, こうい -good will, favor, courtesy
- 行為, こうい -act, deed, conduct
- 行員, こういん -bank clerk
- 交易, こうえき -trade, commerce
- 公演, こうえん -public performance
- 後悔, こうかい -regret, repentance
- 公開, こうかい -presenting to the public
- 航海, こうかい -sail, voyage
- 工学, こうがく -engineering
- 皇居, こうきょ -Imperial Palace
- 好況, こうきょう -prosperous conditions, healthy economy
- 抗議, こうぎ -protest, objection
- 鉱業, こうぎょう -mining industry
- 興業, こうぎょう -industrial enterprise
- 高原, こうげん -tableland, plateau
- 煌々と, こうこうと -brilliantly, brightly
- 考古学, こうこがく -archaeology
- 交互, こうご -mutual, reciprocal, alternate
- 工作, こうさく -work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering
- 耕作, こうさく -cultivation, farming
- 鉱山, こうざん -mine (ore)
- 講習, こうしゅう -short course, training
- 交渉, こうしょう -negotiations, discussions, connection
- 高尚, こうしょう -high, noble, refined, advanced
- 行進, こうしん -march, parade
- 香辛料, こうしんりょう -spices
- 口述, こうじゅつ -verbal statement
- 控除, こうじょ -subsidy, deduction
- 向上, こうじょう -elevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress
- 降水, こうすい -rainfall, precipitation
- 洪水, こうずい -flood
- 公然, こうぜん -open (e.g. secret), public, official
- 抗争, こうそう -dispute, resistance
- 構想, こうそう -plan, plot, idea, conception
- 拘束, こうそく -restriction, restraint
- 後退, こうたい -retreat, backspace (BS)
- 光沢, こうたく -brilliance, polish, lustre, glossy finish (of photographs)
- 公団, こうだん -public corporation
- 好調, こうちょう -favourable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape
- 口頭, こうとう -oral
- 講読, こうどく -reading, translation
- 購読, こうどく -subscription (e.g. magazine)
- 購入, こうにゅう -purchase, buy
- 公認, こうにん -official recognition, authorization, licence, accreditation
- 光熱費, こうねつひ -cost of fuel and light
- 荒廃, こうはい -ruin
- 購買, こうばい -purchase, buy
- 好評, こうひょう -popularity, favorable reputation
- 交付, こうふ -delivering, furnishing (with copies)
- 降伏, こうふく -capitulation, surrender, submission
- 興奮, こうふん -excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal
- 公募, こうぼ -public appeal, public contribution
- 巧妙, こうみょう -ingenious, skillful, clever, deft
- 公用, こうよう -government business, public use, public expense
- 小売, こうり -retail
- 効率, こうりつ -efficiency
- 公立, こうりつ -public (institution)
- 小柄, こがら -short (build)
- 小切手, こぎって -cheque, check
- 国産, こくさん -domestic products
- 国定, こくてい -state-sponsored, national
- 国土, こくど -realm
- 告白, こくはく -confession, acknowledgement
- 国防, こくぼう -national defence
- 国有, こくゆう -national ownership
- 国連, こくれん -U.N., United Nations
- 漕ぐ, こぐ -to row, to scull, to pedal
- 焦げ茶, こげちゃ -black tea
- 個々, ここ -individual, one by one
- 箇箇, ここ -individual, separate
- 心地, ここち -feeling, sensation, mood
- 心得, こころえ -knowledge, information
- 心掛け, こころがけ -readiness, intention, aim
- 心掛ける, こころがける -to bear in mind, to aim to do
- 志, こころざし -will, intention, motive
- 志す, こころざす -to plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims (sights on)
- 心強い, こころづよい -heartening, reassuring
- 心細い, こころぼそい -helpless, forlorn, hopeless, unpromising, lonely, discouraging, disheartening
- 試み, こころみ -trial, experiment
- 試みる, こころみる -to try, to test
- 快い, こころよい -pleasant, agreeable
- 凝らす, こごらす -to freeze, to congeal
- 凝る, こごる -to congeal, to freeze
- 拵える, こしらえる -to make, to manufacture
- 孤児, こじ -orphan
- 拗れる, こじれる -to get complicated, to grow worse
- 故人, こじん -the deceased, old friend
- 梢, こずえ -treetop
- 個性, こせい -individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy
- 戸籍, こせき -census, family register
- 小銭, こぜに -coins, small change
- 固体, こたい -solid (body)
- 答え, こたえ -answer, response
- 堪える, こたえる -to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t
- 火燵, こたつ -table with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well
- 古代, こだい -ancient times
- こだわる -to fuss over, to be particular about, to be concerned about
- 誇張, こちょう -exaggeration
- 滑稽, こっけい -funny, humorous, comical, laughable, ridiculous, joking
- 国交, こっこう -diplomatic relations
- 骨董品, こっとうひん -curio
- 骨, こつ -knack, skill
- 固定, こてい -fixation
- 事柄, ことがら -matter, thing, affair, circumstance
- 悉く, ことごとく -altogether, entirely
- 言伝, ことづて -declaration, hearsay
- 殊に, ことに -especially, above all
- 事によると, ことによると -depending on the circumstances
- 孤独, こどく -isolation, loneliness, solitude
- 粉々, こなごな -in very small pieces
- 此の, この -this
- この間, このあいだ -the other day, lately, recently
- この頃, このごろ -recently
- 好ましい, このましい -nice, likeable, desirable
- 個別, こべつ -particular case
- 零す, こぼす -to spill
- 零れる, こぼれる -to overflow, to spill
- 細やか, こまやか -friendly
- 混む, こむ -to be crowded
- 込める, こめる -to include, to put into
- 篭る, こもる -to seclude oneself, to be confined in, to be implied, to be stuffy
- 固有, こゆう -characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, eigen-
- 雇用, こよう -employment (long term), hire
- 暦, こよみ -calendar, almanac
- 堪える, こらえる -to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t
- 孤立, こりつ -isolation, helplessness
- 懲りる, こりる -to learn by experience, to be disgusted with
- 此れ, これ -this
- 此れ等, これら -these
- 魂, こん -soul, spirit
- 根気, こんき -patience, perseverance, energy
- 根拠, こんきょ -basis, foundation
- 混血, こんけつ -mixed race, mixed parentage
- 昆虫, こんちゅう -insect, bug
- 根底, こんてい -root, basis, foundation
- 混同, こんどう -confusion, mixing, merger
- 今日は, こんにちは -hello, good day (daytime greeting id)
- 今晩は, こんばんは -good evening
- 根本, こんぽん -origin, source, foundation, root, base, principle
- 御, ご -go-, honourable
- 語彙, ごい -vocabulary, glossary
- 濠, ごう -moat
- 業, ごう -Buddhist karma, actions committed in a former life
- 号, ごう -number, issue
- 合意, ごうい -agreement, consent, mutual understanding
- 合議, ごうぎ -consultation, conference
- 強気, ごうぎ -great, grand
- 合成, ごうせい -synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compound
- 護衛, ごえい -guard, convoy, escort
- 語句, ごく -words, phrases
- 極楽, ごくらく -paradise
- ご苦労様, ごくろうさま -Thank you very much for your....
- 語源, ごげん -word root, word derivation, etymology
- 誤差, ごさ -error
- ご座います, ございます -to be (polite), to exist
- ご馳走, ごちそう -feast, treating (someone)
- ご馳走さま, ごちそうさま -feast
- 毎, ごと -each respectively
- 碁盤, ごばん -Go board
- ご無沙汰, ごぶさた -not writing or contacting for a while
- 誤魔化す, ごまかす -to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent
- 御免ください, ごめんください -May I come in?
- 御免なさい, ごめんなさい -I beg your pardon, excuse me
- 御覧なさい, ごらんなさい -(please) look, (please) try to do
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