< JLPT Guide < JLPT N1 Vocabulary
- 嗚呼, ああ -Ah!, Oh!, Alas!
- 相, あい -together, mutually, fellow
- 相変わらず, あいかわらず -as ever, as usual, the same
- 愛想, あいそ -civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces
- 相対, あいたい -confrontation, facing, between ourselves, no third party, tete-a-tete
- 間柄, あいだがら -relation(ship)
- 愛憎, あいにく -likes and dislikes
- 合間, あいま -interval
- 曖昧, あいまい -vague, ambiguous
- 敢えて, あえて -dare (to do), challenge (to do)
- 仰ぐ, あおぐ -to look up (to), to respect, to depend on, to ask for, to seek, to revere, to drink, to take
- 垢, あか -dirt, filth
- 亜科, あか -suborder, subfamily
- 銅, あかがね -copper
- 証, あかし -proof, evidence
- 赤字, あかじ -deficit, go in the red
- 明かす, あかす -to pass, spend, to reveal, to divulge
- 赤ちゃん, あかちゃん -baby, infant
- 明白, あからさま -obvious, overt, plainly, frankly
- 赤らむ, あからむ -to become red, to redden, to blush
- 明るい, あかるい -bright, cheerful
- 上がり, あがり -1. slope, advance income, crop yield, ascent, rise, advance, death, spinning, completion, stop, finish, after
- 上がる, あがる -to enter, to go up, to rise, to climb up, to advance, to appreciate, to be promoted, to improve, to call on,
- 商人, あきうど -trader, shopkeeper, merchant
- 空間, あきま -vacancy, room for rent or lease
- 諦め, あきらめ -resignation, acceptance, consolation
- 呆れる, あきれる -to be amazed, to be shocked
- 悪, あく -evil, wickedness
- 灰, あく -puckery juice
- あくどい -1. gaudy, showy, excessive, 2. vicious
- 悪日, あくび -unlucky day
- 明くる, あくる -next, following
- 憧れ, あこがれ -yearning, longing, aspiration
- 顎, あご -chin
- 麻, あさ -flax, linen, hemp
- 明後日, あさって -day after tomorrow
- 朝寝坊, あさねぼう -oversleeping, late riser
- 浅ましい, あさましい -wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject
- 字, あざ -section of village
- 欺く, あざむく -to deceive
- 鮮やか, あざやか -vivid, clear, brilliant
- あざ笑う, あざわらう -to sneer at, to ridicule
- 味わい, あじわい -flavour, meaning, significance
- 東, あずま -east, Eastern Japan
- 焦る, あせる -to be in a hurry, to be impatient
- 彼処, あそこ -1. (uk) there, over there, that place, 2. (X) (col) genitals
- 値, あたい -value, price, cost, worth, merit
- 値する, あたいする -to be worth, to deserve, to merit
- 私, あたし -I (fem)
- 当たり, あたり -hit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood
- 当たり前, あたりまえ -usual, common, ordinary, natural, reasonable, obvious
- 他人, あだびと -another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger
- 彼方此方, あちこち -here and there
- 彼方, あちら -1. there, yonder, that
- 彼方此方, あちらこちら -here and there
- 悪化, あっか -deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption
- 呆気ない, あっけない -not enough, too quick (short long etc.)
- 悪口, あっこう -abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking
- あっさり -easily, readily, quickly
- 圧迫, あっぱく -pressure, coercion, oppression
- 扱い, あつかい -treatment, service
- 集まる, あつまる -to gather, to collect, to assemble
- 誂える, あつらえる -to give an order, to place an order
- 圧力, あつりょく -stress, pressure
- 当て, あて -object, aim, end, hopes, expectations
- 宛, あて -addressed to
- 当て字, あてじ -phonetic-equivalent character, substitute character
- 当てはまる, あてはまる -to apply (a rule)
- 当てはめる, あてはめる -to apply, to adapt
- 宛てる, あてる -to address
- 跡継ぎ, あとつぎ -heir, successor
- 後回し, あとまわし -putting off, postponing
- 貴女, あなた -you, lady
- 彼の, あの -that over there
- 溢れる, あふれる -to flood, to overflow, to brim over
- 油絵, あぶらえ -oil painting
- 炙る, あぶる -to scorch
- あべこべ -contrary, opposite, inverse
- 甘える, あまえる -to behave like a spoiled child, to fawn on
- 甘口, あまくち -sweet flavour, mildness, flattery, stupidity
- 雨具, あまぐ -rain gear
- 天, あまつ -heavenly, imperial
- 網, あみ -net, network
- 天地, あめつち -heaven and earth, the universe, nature, top and bottom, realm, sphere, world
- 操る, あやつる -to manipulate, to operate, to pull strings
- あやふや -uncertain, vague, ambiguous
- 危ぶむ, あやぶむ -to fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust
- 過ち, あやまち -fault, error, indiscretion
- 誤る, あやまる -to make a mistake
- 歩み, あゆみ -walking
- 歩む, あゆむ -to walk, to go on foot
- あら -oh, ah, saw-edged perch (Niphon spinosus)
- 予め, あらかじめ -beforehand, in advance, previously
- 荒らす, あらす -to lay waste, to devastate, to damage, to invade, to break into
- 粗筋, あらすじ -outline, summary
- 争い, あらそい -dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest
- 改まる, あらたまる -to be renewed
- 荒っぽい, あらっぽい -rough, rude
- 凡ゆる, あらゆる -all, every
- あられ -kind of cookie, cartoon character
- 現われ, あらわれ -embodiment, materialization
- 現われる, あらわれる -to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to express oneself
- 有難う, ありがとう -Thank you
- 有様, ありさま -state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth
- 有りのまま, ありのまま -the truth, fact, as it is, frankly
- 或る, ある -a certain..., some...
- 或いは, あるいは -or, possibly
- 彼此, あれこれ -one thing or another, this and that, this or that
- 合わす, あわす -to join together, to face, to unite, to be opposite, to combine, to connect, to add up, to mix, to match, to
- 合わせ, あわせ -joint together, opposite, facing
- 慌ただしい, あわただしい -busy, hurried, confused, flurried
- 慌てる, あわてる -to become confused (disconcerted disorganized)
- 暗殺, あんさつ -assassination
- 暗算, あんざん -mental arithmetic
- 暗示, あんじ -hint, suggestion
- 案じる, あんじる -to be anxious, to ponder
- 安静, あんせい -rest
- 案の定, あんのじょう -sure enough, as usual
- 余り, あんまり -not very (this form only used as adverb), not much, remainder, rest, remnant, surplus, balance, excess, rema
- 依, い -depending on
- 良い, いい -good
- 伊井, いい -that one, Italy
- 否, いいえ -no, nay, yes, well
- いい加減, いいかげん -moderate, right, random, not thorough, vague, irresponsible, halfhearted
- 言い訳, いいわけ -excuse, explanation
- 家出, いえで -running away from home, leaving home
- 家主, いえぬし -landlord
- 如何, いかが -how, in what way
- 生かす, いかす -to revive, to resuscitate, to make use of
- 雷, いかずち -thunder
- 如何に, いかに -how?, in what way?, how much?, however, whatever
- 如何にも, いかにも -indeed, really, phrase meaning agreement
- 怒り, いかり -anger, hatred
- 怒る, いかる -to get angry, to be angry
- 歪む, いがむ -to warp, to swerve, to deflect, to be crooked, to be distorted, to be bent, to incline, to slant, to be perv
- 粋, いき -chic, style, purity, essence
- 域外, いきがい -outside the area
- 意気込む, いきごむ -to be enthusiastic about
- 経緯, いきさつ -1. details, whole story, sequence of events, particulars, how it started, how things got this way, 2. c
- 行き違い, いきちがい -misunderstanding, estrangement, disagreement, crossing without meeting, going astray
- 行き成り, いきなり -suddenly
- 異議, いぎ -objection, dissent, protest
- いく -to come, to orgasm
- 軍, いくさ -war, battle, campaign, fight
- 戦, いくさ -war, battle, campaign, fight
- 育成, いくせい -rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion
- 幾多, いくた -many, numerous
- 活ける, いける -to arrange (flowers)
- 異見, いけん -different opinion, objection
- 意向, いこう -intention, idea, inclination
- 移行, いこう -switching over to
- いざ -now, come (now), well, crucial moment
- 碑, いしぶみ -stone monument bearing an inscription
- 衣装, いしょう -clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress
- 意地, いじ -disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite
- 苛める, いじめる -to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastise
- 移住, いじゅう -migration, immigration
- 弄る, いじる -to touch, to tamper with
- 何れ, いずれ -where, which, who, anyway, anyhow, at any rate
- 異性, いせい -the opposite sex
- 遺跡, いせき -historic ruins (remains relics)
- 依然, いぜん -still, as yet
- 依存, いそん -dependence, dependent, reliance
- 委託, いたく -consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit
- 悪戯, いたずら -tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischief
- 頂, いただき -(top of) head, summit, spire
- 戴きます, いただきます -expression of gratitude before meals
- 至って, いたって -very much, exceedingly, extremely
- 痛む, いたむ -to hurt, to feel a pain, to be injured
- 痛める, いためる -to hurt, to injure, to cause pain, to worry, to bother, to afflict, to be grieved over
- 炒める, いためる -to stir-fry
- 労る, いたわる -to pity, to sympathize with, to console, to care for, to be kind to
- 市, いち -market, fair
- 位地, いち -place, situation, position, location
- 一々, いちいち -one by one, separately
- 一概に, いちがいに -unconditionally, as a rule
- 一見, いちげん -unfamiliar, never before met
- 一言, いちげん -single word
- 一日, いちじつ -(1) one day, (2) first of month
- 一定, いちじょう -fixed, settled, definite, uniform, regularized, defined, standardized, certain, prescribed
- 著しい, いちじるしい -remarkable, considerable
- 一同, いちどう -all present, all concerned, all of us
- 一人, いちにん -one person
- 一部, いちぶ -1. one copy e.g. of a document, 2. a part, partly, some
- 一部分, いちぶぶん -a part
- 一別, いちべつ -parting
- 一面, いちめん -one side, one phase, front page, the other hand, the whole surface
- 一目, いちもく -a glance, a look, a glimpse
- 一様, いちよう -uniformity, evenness, similarity, equality, impartiality
- 一律, いちりつ -evenness, uniformity, monotony, equality
- 一連, いちれん -a series, a chain, a ream (of paper)
- 一括, いっかつ -all together, batch, one lump, one bundle, summing up
- 一気, いっき -drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer)
- 一挙に, いっきょに -at a stroke, with a single swoop
- 一切, いっさい -all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely
- 一心, いっしん -one mind, wholeheartedness, the whole heart
- いっそ -rather, sooner, might as well
- 一帯, いったい -a region, a zone, the whole place
- 一敗, いっぱい -one defeat
- 一変, いっぺん -complete change, about-face
- 何時, いつ -when, how soon
- 何時か, いつか -sometime, someday, one day, some time or other, the other day, in due course, in time
- 何時でも, いつでも -(at) any time, always, at all times, never (neg), whenever
- 何時の間にか, いつのまにか -before one knows, unnoticed, unawares
- 何時までも, いつまでも -forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely
- 何時も, いつも -always, usually, every time, never (with neg. verb)
- 意図, いと -intention, aim, design
- 営む, いとなむ -to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a business
- 暇, いとま -free time, leisure, leave, spare time, farewell
- 異動, いどう -a change
- 挑む, いどむ -to challenge, to contend for, to make love to
- 稲光, いなびかり -(flash of) lightning
- 古, いにしえ -antiquity, ancient times
- 祈り, いのり -prayer, supplication
- 鼾, いびき -snoring
- 今更, いまさら -now, at this late hour
- 未だ, いまだ -as yet, hitherto, not yet (neg)
- 移民, いみん -emigration, immigration, emigrant, immigrant
- 厭々, いやいや -unwillingly, grudgingly, shaking head in refusal (to children)
- 卑しい, いやしい -greedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile
- いやに -awfully, terribly
- 厭やらしい, いやらしい -detestable, disagreeable
- 愈々, いよいよ -more and more, all the more, increasingly, at last, beyond doubt
- 意欲, いよく -will, desire, ambition
- 苛々, いらいら -getting nervous, irritation
- 入口, いりくち -entrance, gate, approach, mouth
- 衣料, いりょう -clothing
- 威力, いりょく -power, might, authority, influence
- 入る, いる -to get in, to go in, to come in, to flow into, to set, to set in
- 衣類, いるい -clothes, clothing, garments
- 色々, いろいろ -various
- 異論, いろん -different opinion, objection
- 所謂, いわゆる -the so-called, so to speak
- 印, いん -seal, stamp, mark, print
- 員, いん -member
- 印鑑, いんかん -stamp, seal
- 陰気, いんき -gloom, melancholy
- 隠居, いんきょ -retirement, retired person
- 上下, うえした -high and low, up and down, unloading and loading, praising and blaming
- 浮かぶ, うかぶ -to float, to rise to surface, to come to mind
- 受かる, うかる -to pass (examination)
- 含嗽, うがい -gargle, rinse mouth
- 受け入れ, うけいれ -receiving, acceptance
- 受け入れる, うけいれる -to accept, to receive
- 受け継ぐ, うけつぐ -to inherit, to succeed, to take over
- 受け付ける, うけつける -to be accepted, to receive (an application)
- 受け止める, うけとめる -to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take
- 受け取り, うけとり -receipt
- 受身, うけみ -passive, passive voice
- 動き, うごき -movement, activity, trend, development, change
- 潮, うしお -tide
- 氏, うじ -family name
- 渦, うず -swirl
- 埋まる, うずまる -to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled
- 嘘つき, うそつき -liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness), fibber
- 打ち合わせ, うちあわせ -business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment
- 打ち合わせる, うちあわせる -to knock together, to arrange
- 打ち切る, うちきる -to stop, to abort, to discontinue, to close
- 打ち消し, うちけし -negation, denial, negative
- 打ち込む, うちこむ -to drive in (e.g. nail stake), to devote oneself to, to shoot into, to smash, to throw into, to cast int
- 団扇, うちわ -fan
- 内訳, うちわけ -the items, breakdown, classification
- 訴え, うったえ -lawsuit, complaint
- 鬱陶しい, うっとうしい -gloomy, depressing
- 写し, うつし -copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript
- 空ろ, うつろ -blank, cavity, hollow, empty (space)
- 器, うつわ -bowl, vessel, container
- 雨天, うてん -rainy weather
- 腕前, うでまえ -ability, skill, facility
- 饂飩, うどん -noodles (Japanese)
- 促す, うながす -to urge, to press, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to)
- 唸る, うなる -to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to buzz, to sough
- 自惚れ, うぬぼれ -pretension, conceit, hubris
- 甘い, うまい -delicious
- 生まれつき, うまれつき -by nature, by birth, native
- 海路, うみじ -sea route
- 産む, うむ -to give birth, to deliver, to produce
- 埋め込む, うめこむ -to bury
- 梅干, うめぼし -dried plum
- 末, うら -top end, tip
- 裏返し, うらがえし -inside out, upside down
- 売り出し, うりだし -(bargain) sale
- 売り出す, うりだす -to put on sale, to market, to become popular
- 潤う, うるおう -to be moist, to be damp, to get wet, to profit by, to be watered, to receive benefits, to favor, to charm, t
- 五月蝿い, うるさい -noisy, loud, fussy
- 売れ行き, うれゆき -sales
- 浮気, うわき -flighty, fickle, wanton, unfaithful
- 上手, うわて -1. upper part, upper stream, left side (of a stage), 2. skillful (only in comparisons), dexterity (on
- 上回る, うわまわる -to exceed
- 植わる, うわる -to be planted
- 運営, うんえい -management, administration, operation
- うんざり -tedious, boring, being fed up with
- 運送, うんそう -shipping, marine transportation
- 運賃, うんちん -freight rates, shipping expenses, fare
- 云々, うんぬん -and so on, and so forth, comment
- 運搬, うんぱん -transport, carriage
- 運命, うんめい -fate
- 運輸, うんゆ -transportation
- 運用, うんよう -making use of, application, investment, practical use
- 会, え -understanding
- 重, え --fold, -ply
- えい -ray (fish)
- 映写, えいしゃ -projection
- 英字, えいじ -English letter (character)
- 衛生, えいせい -health, hygiene, sanitation, medical
- 映像, えいぞう -reflection, image
- 英雄, えいゆう -hero, great man
- 液, えき -liquid, fluid
- 役, えき -war, campaign, battle
- 閲覧, えつらん -inspection, reading
- 獲物, えもの -game, spoils, trophy
- 襟, えり -neck, collar, lapel, neckband
- 縁, えん -chance, fate, destiny, relation, bonds, connection, karma
- 塩, えん -salt
- 艶, えん -charming, fascinating, voluptuous
- 園, えん -garden (esp. man-made)
- 円滑, えんかつ -harmony, smoothness
- 縁側, えんがわ -veranda, porch, balcony, open corridor
- 沿岸, えんがん -coast, shore
- 婉曲, えんきょく -euphemistic, circumlocution, roundabout, indirect, insinuating
- 演習, えんしゅう -practice, exercises, manoeuvers
- 演出, えんしゅつ -production (e.g. play), direction
- 演じる, えんじる -to perform (a play), to play (a part), to act (a part), to commit (a blunder)
- 演ずる, えんずる -to perform, to play
- 沿線, えんせん -along railway line
- 縁談, えんだん -marriage proposal, engagement
- 遠方, えんぽう -long way, distant place
- 円満, えんまん -perfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction, integrity
- 尾, お -tail, ridge
- 於, お -at, in, on
- 甥, おい -nephew
- 追い込む, おいこむ -to herd, to corner, to drive
- 美味しい, おいしい -delicious, tasty
- 追い出す, おいだす -to expel, to drive out
- 於いて, おいて -at, in, on
- お出でになる, おいでになる -to be
- 老いる, おいる -to age, to grow old
- 負う, おう -to bear, to owe
- 応急, おうきゅう -emergency
- 黄金, おうごん -gold
- 黄色, おうしょく -yellow
- 応募, おうぼ -subscription, application
- おおい -hey!
- 大方, おおかた -perhaps, almost all, majority
- 大柄, おおがら -large build, large pattern
- 大げさ, おおげさ -grandiose, exaggerated
- 大事, おおごと -important, valuable, serious matter
- 大ざっぱ, おおざっぱ -rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy
- 大筋, おおすじ -outline, summary
- 大空, おおぞら -heaven, firmament, the sky
- 大幅, おおはば -full width, large scale, drastic
- 大水, おおみず -flood
- 公, おおやけ -official, public, formal, open, governmental
- お蔭, おかげ -(your) backing, assistance
- お蔭様で, おかげさまで -Thanks to god, thanks to you
- 可笑しい, おかしい -strange, funny, amusing, ridiculous
- 犯す, おかす -to commit, to perpetrate, to violate, to rape
- 侵す, おかす -to invade, to raid, to trespass, to violate, to intrude on
- お菜, おかず -side dish, accompaniment for rice dishes
- 臆病, おくびょう -cowardice, timidity
- 遅らす, おくらす -to retard, to delay
- 遅れ, おくれ -delay, lag
- 起こす, おこす -to raise, to cause, to wake someone
- 行い, おこない -deed, conduct, behavior, action, asceticism
- 厳か, おごそか -austere, majestic, dignified, stately, awful, impressive
- 傲る, おごる -to be proud
- 長, おさ -chief, head
- 押さえる, おさえる -to stop, to restrain, to seize, to repress, to suppress, to press down
- お先に, おさきに -before, ahead, previously
- 収まる, おさまる -to be obtained, to end, to settle into, to fit into, to be settled, to be paid, to be delivered
- 納まる, おさまる -to be obtained, to end, to settle into, to fit into, to be settled, to be paid, to be delivered
- 治まる, おさまる -to be at peace, to clamp down, to lessen (storm terror anger)
- お産, おさん -(giving) birth
- 教え, おしえ -teachings, precept, lesson, doctrine
- 押し込む, おしこむ -to push into, to crowd into
- 惜しむ, おしむ -to be frugal, to value, to regret
- お喋り, おしゃべり -chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat, gossip, chatty, talkative, chatterbox, blabbermouth
- お洒落, おしゃれ -smartly dressed, someone smartly dressed, fashion-conscious
- 押し寄せる, おしよせる -to push aside, to advance on
- お祖父さん, おじいさん -grandfather, male senior-citizen
- お邪魔します, おじゃまします -Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you
- 雄, おす -male (animal)
- お世辞, おせじ -flattery, compliment
- 襲う, おそう -to attack
- 遅くとも, おそくとも -at the latest
- 恐らく, おそらく -perhaps
- 恐れ, おそれ -fear, horror
- 恐れ入る, おそれいる -to be filled with awe, to feel small, to be amazed, to be surprised, to be disconcerted, to be sorry, to b
- お大事に, おだいじに -Take care of yourself
- 煽てる, おだてる -to stir up, to instigate, to flatter
- 落ち込む, おちこむ -to fall into, to feel down (sad)
- 落ち着き, おちつき -calm, composure
- 落ち葉, おちば -fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves
- 落ちる, おちる -to fail (e.g. exam), to fall down, to drop
- おっかない -frightening, huge
- 仰っしゃる, おっしゃる -to say, to speak, to tell, to talk
- 乙, おつ -1. strange, quaint, stylish, chic, spicy, queer, witty, tasty, romantic, 2. 2nd in rank, second sign of the
- お使い, おつかい -errand
- お手上げ, おてあげ -all over, given in, given up hope, bring to knees
- 御手洗い, おてあらい -toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US)
- 弟, おと -younger brother
- 落とす, おとす -to drop, to lose, to let fall
- 訪れる, おとずれる -to visit
- 大人しい, おとなしい -obedient, docile, quiet
- 少女, おとめ -daughter, young lady, virgin, maiden, little girl
- お供, おとも -attendant, companion
- 衰える, おとろえる -to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away
- おどおど -coweringly, hesitantly
- 脅かす, おどかす -to threaten, to coerce
- 脅す, おどす -to threaten, to menace
- 驚き, おどろき -surprise, astonishment, wonder
- 同い年, おないどし -of the same age
- 女子, おなご -woman, girl
- お願いします, おねがいします -please
- 各, おのおの -each, every, either, respectively, severally
- 自ずから, おのずから -naturally, as a matter of course
- お早う, おはよう -Good morning
- お祖母さん, おばあさん -grandmother, female senior-citizen
- 怯える, おびえる -to become frightened, to have a nightmare
- 夥しい, おびただしい -abundantly, innumerably
- 帯びる, おびる -to wear, to carry, to be entrusted, to have, to take on, to have a trace of, to be tinged with
- 覚え, おぼえ -memory, sense, experience
- 御負け, おまけ -1. a discount, a prize, 2. something additional, bonus, an extra, 3. an exaggeration
- お巡りさん, おまわりさん -policeman (friendly term)
- お宮, おみや -Shinto shrine
- お襁褓, おむつ -diaper, nappy
- お目出度う, おめでとう -(ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!, an auspicious occasion!
- 面, おも -face
- 思い付き, おもいつき -plan, idea, suggestion
- 面白い, おもしろい -interesting, amusing
- 玩具, おもちゃ -toy
- 重なる, おもなる -main, principal, important
- 趣, おもむき -meaning, tenor, gist, effect, appearance, taste, grace, charm, refinement
- 赴く, おもむく -to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become
- 重役, おもやく -heavy responsibilities, director
- 重んじる, おもんじる -to respect, to honor, to esteem, to prize
- 重んずる, おもんずる -to honor, to respect, to esteem, to prize
- お休み, おやすみ -holiday, absence, rest, Good night
- お八, おやつ -1. (uk) between meal snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea, 2. mid-day snack
- 凡そ, およそ -about, roughly, as a rule, approximately
- 及び, および -and, as well as
- 及ぶ, およぶ -to reach, to come up to, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, to match, to equal
- 織, おり -weave, weaving, woven item
- 檻, おり -cage, pen, jail cell
- 折り返す, おりかえす -to turn up, to fold back
- 織物, おりもの -textile, fabric
- 織る, おる -to weave
- 俺, おれ -I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun)
- 愚か, おろか -foolish, stupid
- 疎か, おろそか -neglect, negligence, carelessness
- 終わる, おわる -to finish, to close
- 音色, おんいろ -tone color, tone quality, timbre, synthesizer patch
- 温和, おんわ -gentle, mild, moderate
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