WEME stands for Websphere Everyplace Micro Environment which is another name for the IBM J9 VM technology. This technology spans various CPU platforms such as ARM, SuperH, PowerPC, Xscale, X86, and MIPS. Found deployed on PocketPC, QNX, Linux OSE, VxWorks, MontaVista Linux, Qualcomm Brew, Nokia's Series80(SymbianOS) and uiTron("WorkplaceClientTech MicroEd". IBM Workplace Client Technology, MicroEdition.).
CLDC Implementation
- MIDP 2.0
- CLDC 1.1
CDC Implementation
- Foundation Profile
- Personal Profile
The information provided can be used to determine what optional APIs are accessible on diverse platforms that use J9/WME such as the embedded Linux flavours, PocketPC, Qualcomm Brew, PalmOS, and etc.
See Also
- Wikibooks
- "WorkplaceClientTech MicroEd". IBM Workplace Client Technology, MicroEdition. http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/info/WorkplaceClientTech_MicroEd_ds050604.pdf.
Trademark Notices
J2ME, Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other Trademarks are property of their repsective owners.