< Jánua Linguárum Reseráta < Vestibulum
←Caput VI | Jánua Linguárum Reseráta by [[Author:John Amos Comenius|John Amos Comenius]] Title |
Caput VII Dé Virtútibus | Of virtues |
Virtútés sectáre Víta vitia quæ léx vetat Patráns flágitia, est scelestus (néquam) Ut prúdéns sís, próspice fínem Aspice media, attende occásióní Occipe níl temere, délíberá diu, festíná lenté Rúmórí né créde, arcánum né vulgá Quod ignórás né affirmá aut negá Interrogá potius Estó temperáns, quum ésurís, céde. Quum sitís, bibe Heluónés vorant, & pótant. Prandium & coena tibi suffìciant. Jéntáculum & merendam né cúrá Jejúnáre aliquandó expedit Sóbrius nón est ébrius | Follow the virtues Shun the vices whichh the law forbids you He that commits evil is a villain In order to be wise, provide for the end Look for the means, attend to the occasion Begin nothing rashly, deliberate long, hasten slowly Do not believe rumours, do not divulge a secret Do not affirm or deny that which you do not know about Rather, ask Be temperate, when you are hungry, eat When you thirst, drink Gluttons eat and drink excessively Let dinner and supper suffice Do not care for breakfast and a snack Sometimes it is expedient to fast A sober man is not drunk |
Estó castus, gere té pudícé Estó modestus, nón procáx; taciturnus, nón loquáx Vós juvenés, colite senés Μanifésta nárrá, sécréta susurrá, occulta célá Quum quis loquitur, tacé Quum tibi quid dícit; auscultá Quum quid jubet, obtemperá Nólí té jactáre Nec sís arrogáns aut superbus Bona fáma est ingéns glória | Be chaste, carry yourself modestly Be modest, not impudent; silent, not talkative You young men, respect old men Tell things which are in plain view, conceal hidden things When someone speaks, be quiet When someone says something to you, pay attention When he commands something, obey Do not boast of yourself Do not be arrogant or proud A good repute is a great glory |
Hanc amáre est fás, spernere nefás Omnibus estó cómis, néminí blandus Adúlátor est odiósus Licet interdum jocárí, sed urbáné Rídére etiam licet, sed nón cachinnárí Vexámus jocó, taxámus sérió Increpámus quómodocumque Frúgális contentus est paucís Avarus est parcus, líberális largus Díves fatuus fídit Deó in cópiá Diffídit in inopiá | It is right to love, wrong to hate Be gently to all, flattering to none A flatterer is odious It is permitted to jest but civilly It is also permitted to laugh, but not cackle We annoy in jest, we rebuke seriously We complain in any kind of way A thrifty man is content with a few things A covetous man is sparing, a liberal man generous A foolish rich man trusts God in times of plenty He distrusts him in times of want |
Jústus appetit nihil aliéní Fúrárí turpe est Quod quis petit mútuó dá Quod mútuó accépistí redde Quod prómísistí præstá Quum egés, né pigeat poscere Quum datur, né pudeat súmere Quum impetrástí, age grátiás Fúr pendat fúrtum, aut pendeat in patibuló Poená sáné dignus est Donum grátís datur, præmium pró offició Mercés pró meritó | A just man desires nothing of another It is dishonest to steal Lend what another needs Return what you have borrowed Do what you have promised When you are in need, do not let it irk you to ask When something is given, do not be ashamed to take When you have taken, give thanks Let a thief pay for his theft, or let him hang on the gallows He is indeed worthy of punishment A gift is given freely, a reward for a service Wages for merit |
Pusillanimis nón est fortis In prosperís effertur. In adversís trepidat Tu estó ad operás alacris. Ótia linque ignávís Sí quid vís cónárí, débés prius contárí Et nunc rem aggredí Nec amplius cúnctárí | A man of weak spirit is not strong He is puffed up in prosperity He trembles in adveristy Be cheerful at your work Leave idleness to the sluggish If you wish to attempt something, then you should first assess it And then start on it And not delay further |
Fortúna est incónstáns, adfert miserós cásus Quós patiéns patitur Etiamsí gemat, fleat, plóret Cohibé íram, délinquentí parce. Déprecantí ignósce Læsit té quis? condóná é culpam Offendistí tú aliquem? pácá & plácá illum Injúriás toleráre satius est quam ulcíscí Malignus maledícit, stolidus minátur | Fortune is inconstant, bringing miserable chance events Which a patient man suffers Although he mourns, weeps, laments Hold in your anger, spare an offender Pardon those that plead forgiveness Has anyone hurt you? Forgive him the fault Have you offended anyone? Appease and placate him It is better to bear injuries than revenge them A malicious man curses, a foolish man threatens |
Superióribus estó obédiéns Æquálibus officiósus Ínferióribus affábilis Et eris omnibus amábilis Quícunque húmánus est, obviós salútat Salútantés resalútat Interrogantibus respondet. Postulantibus porrigit Egénís opitulátur, moestós sólátur Ignárós ínfórmat Cónsilií indigés cónsulit Invidet néminí, favet omnibus Véráx studet véritátí, mendáx mentítur. Amícus díligit, inimícus ódit Dolósus décipit, sincérus nón fallit Socius juvat, sodális collúdit Comes comitátur | be obedient to your superiors Courteous to your equals Gentle to your inferiors And you shall be amiable to all Whosoever is courteous, salutes those that he meets He salutes again those that salute him He answers those that ask He gives to those that ask He helps the needy, comforts the sad He informs the ignorant He advises those than need advice He envies no man, he favours all A true man studies for truth, a liar lies A friend loves, an enemy hates A crafty man deceives, a sincere man does not trick A companion helps, a partner plays with you A fellow accompanies |
Conclúsió | Conclusion |
Multáne supersunt? Pauca putó Ecce ultimus titulus Nam hoc Vestibulum est tantum exórdium Quod nón prolixú esse convenit Venimus ergó ad clausulam, víta tránsit velut umbra Quicquid nátum est moritur, omnia sunt vána Ó peccátor, mors té dévorábit Tandem íbis in sepulchrum. É lúce in tenebrás Tú proindé quisquis es Formídá ínfernum Désíderá cælum Peccáre nólí, né pereás | Does much remain? A little I think Look at the last title For this portal is only a beginning Which is not meant to be large We come to the end, life passes like a shadow Whatever is born dies, all things are vain O sinner, death will consume you And you will go to the grave Out of light into darkness You no matter who you are Fear hell Desire heaven Do not sin, lest you perish |
Hic subsistimus, nec addimus magis Acquiésce léctor Reliqua reperiés órdine Jánuam ingressus, órá ita Miserére nóstrí Benigné Salvátor Jésú Chríste Dá scientiam. Dá pietátem. Dá beátitúdinem Benedicte in sæcula sæculárum Ámén | Here we stay, nor do we add more Reader rest contented You shall find the rest in order Entering the gate, pray thus Have mercy on us O blessed Saviour Jesus Christ Grant us knowledge Grant us godliness Grant us blessedness O thou blessed for evermore Amen |
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