< Introduction to Software Engineering
Basically, for every step in the development process there are tools available.
- Modelling and Case Tools: StarUML, objectiF, Visio, ArgoUML
- Writing Code: IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio; Compilers and Debuggers; SourceControl like CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, SourceSafe, Perforce
- Testing Code: Testing frameworks like JUnit, FIT, TestNG, HTMLUnit; Coverage with Clover, NCover; Profiling tools like EclipseProfile, Netbean’s Profiler, JProf, JProbe
- Automation: Build tools: make, Ant, Maven,
- Documentation: JavaDoc, Doxygen, NDoc; Wikis
- Project Management, Bug Tracking,Continuous Integration: Trac, Bugzilla, Mantis; CruiseControl, Hudson
- Re-engineering: Decompiler: JAD; Obfuscators
Some of these tools we have talked about before, but some we still need to learn about.
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