Density is possibly one of the most useful properties when studying matter. Each substance has a unique density. Density is determined by using the "density formula". The density formula is as follows: D=M/V or Density equals Mass over (divided by) Volume. Density is the amount of matter that can be placed in one cm3 of space. The following section discusses the uses of density and the density formula.
Using the Formula
The variables of the density formula can be rearranged to solve the equation for different measurements. The density formula is capable of solving for Mass when Density and Volume are known, Volume when Density, and Mass are known, and Density when Mass and Volume are known.
- D=M/V (Density equals Mass over Volume)
- M=VxD (Mass equals Volume times Density)
- V=M/D (Volume equals Mass over Density)
As a property
All substances have different densities although two densities may be similar and even undetectably different by some instruments, all densities are different because in each substance, the atoms are packed together in a different way. Solids are the most dense, because their atoms are packed closest together. Liquids are less dense then solids, and gasses are the least dense.
Vocabulary and Questions
- Density is a measurement of the amount of a substance that can fit into one cubic centimeter of space
- Density Formula D=M/V: Density equals mass over volume
- Variables are placeholders in an equation that represent a number that is not yet known
Covering the Reading
- If copper has a density of 8.96 g/cm3 how much mass would a piece with a volume of 34cm3 have?
- If a material has a mass of 52.457 g and a volume of 13.5cm3, then what is the density of the material?
Critical Thinking
- Are there any other variables that the density formula can be rearranged to solve? why or why not?