Spreadsheet software is software designed to create spreadsheets and or worksheets. These spreadsheets and worksheets are created to organize data and complete mathematical computations. Spreadsheets are made up of rows and columns that vertically and horizontally connect to make cells. A group of cells is most associated with the range of certain cells. A combination of spreadsheets, and/or worksheets, are called a workbook. Workbooks are commonly used in the accounting and business profession and or may also be used for personal
Spreadsheets provide a way for students to process data and report results. The word spreadsheet has become almost synonymous with mathematics. Data is arranged on a grid, in rows and columns, and the program automatically calculates and re-calculates values. This promotes mathematics instruction because once students enter the data they must have a true understanding in order to use the correct computer command or formula to get the needed result. Data can easily be turned into a graphic which helps with visual learning. Teachers can use spreadsheets to calculate student marks, create schedules, or to develop examples for math lessons. Spreadsheet activities can range from easy (shading cells to create a picture) to difficult (calculating interest and payments on a car purchase). Return to Using Technology to Enhance Mathematics Instruction.