This form of distance education could be developed in the Internet environment with the help of the interactive Web-based textbooks, e-mail, mailing lists, chats, asynchronous forums, computer modeling and simulation programs, etc. Teaching on the Net could be integrated with other forms and methods of distance teaching, enlisted above (for example, with broadcasting courses).
There are several types of web courses that refer to the various levels that they are used within the web that should be pointed out.
o A web-presence course would have all the general information about the course but does not provide any instruction.
o A web-enhanced course will take advantage of the web technology to distribute the course materials.
o The web-centric course makes more use of the web technology for greater access and interaction to course materials and even communications between teacher-to-students, student-to-student.
o Full web-courses can be accessed anywhere and anytime. These courses take full advantage of web technology for communication and interaction between teacher, students, and course materials
In her monograph [], "Innovations in Online Learning: Moving Beyond No Significant Difference," Dr. Carol A. Twigg says that web-based distance learning can run the gamut from "teacher-led distance learning programs... to more innovative, learner-centered programs that rely on a combination of high quality, interactive learningware, asynchronous and synchronous conversations, and individualized mentoring..."