< Indonesian
Kata Penghubung - Conjunctions / Filler
Dan - And
- Saya dan Budi makan roti dan pisang-pisang - I and Budi eat bread and bananas
Atau - Or
- Kamu mau makan atau minum? - Do you want to eat or drink?
Tapi - But
Kata ini memiliki beberapa bentuk - This has several forms
- Tapi: Dia mau makan, tapi harus roti - S/he wants to eat, but it has to be bread
- Tetapi: Dia mau makan, tetapi Ana tidak mau - S/he wants to eat, but Ana doesn't want to
- Akan tetapi: Dia mau makan, akan tetapi ia tidak punya uang untuk makan - S/he wants to eat, but s/he doesn't have money for eating.
Kalau / Jika - If / When
- Kalau kamu mau makan, makanlah - If you want to eat, go ahead and eat
- Kalau sudah selesai makan, bereskanlah - When you finished eating, clean it up
The words Kalau and Jika are interchangeable
Karena - Because
- Karena kamu sudah makan, kamu harus belajar - Because you've eaten already, now you have to study
Walau / Walaupun - Although / Even Though
- Walaupun makanmu banyak, kamu tetap kurus - Even though you eat a lot, you're still thin
- Walau malam telah larut, Joni masih mencari makan keluar - Although it was late at night, Joni still went out to look for food
Meski / Meskipun - Although
Synonymous to walau and walaupun.
Juga - Also
- Saya juga mau makan di kantin - I also want to eat at the canteen.
Bahkan - Even/Even more so
- Ia bahkan pergi tanpa sempat makan - S/he is even went out without having a meal first
Jadi / Maka - So/Therefore
- Jadi, setelah ini kita mau makan kemana? - So, where do we want to eat after this?
- Saya makan maka saya kenyang - I ate therefore I'm full
- Makanan disini murah, maka dari itu pengunjungnya banyak - The food here is cheap, therefore it has a lot of visitors
The phrase maka dari itu is very often used to mean therefore.
Sehingga - And so / Resulting that
- Makanku empat kali sehari, sehingga pengeluaranku bertambah - I eat four times a day, as a result my expenses have increased.
Supaya - So that
- Saya makan supaya saya hidup - I eat so that I live
Agar - So that / In order to
Synonymous with supaya. It is often used together "agar supaya" to mean in order to, but using either one is fine.
Hanya - Only
- Silakan makan sepuasnya, hanya jangan dibawa pulang - Please eat all you can, only don't bring any home
Saja - Only / Just)
Synonymous with hanya. However, if both are being used together as one phrase (i.e. in hanya saja), it means however, or rather "the catch is".
Lagi - Again
- Kami pergi makan di tempat yang sama lagi - We are going to eat at the same place again
If it is used in the front of the sentence, we should use the phrase sekali lagi or lagi-lagi to mean again, or rather one more time.
- Sekali lagi, mereka makan di restoran Italia yang sama itu - Once again, they eat at the same Italian restaurant
Lagipula - Moreover
- Sayangnya saya tidak bisa makan lagi, lagipula makanannya sudah habis semua - It's a pity that I can eat no more, moreover, the food is all gone already
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