< IIS and FastCGI

A default fcgiext.ini file:

; -----------
; fcgiext.ini
; -----------
; This is the configuration file for the FastCGI handler for IIS 6.0.
; The FastCGI handler will look for this file in the same directory as
; fcgiext.dll. By default, the FastCGI installer will place this file into
; the %windir%\system32\inetsrv directory.
; The configuration for FastCGI is a collection of one or more applications.
; A FastCGI application consists of a pool of processes that each handle HTTP
; requests. Each process in the pool will handle one request at a time.
; After each request, the process will be returned to the pool to await
; another request. Each application is required to have its own section in
; the configuration file to specify its behavior.
; The main section of the fcgiext.ini file is the [types] section. This
; section associates file extensions from the URL with FastCGI applications.
; The general syntax is a follows:
; [types]
; abc=Application 1
; def=Application 2
; def:1701187997=Application 3
; *=Application 4
; *:1701187997=Application 5
; The above example consists of 5 mappings mapped as follows:
; - The file extension "abc" is associated with the FastCGI application
; named "Application 1".
; - The file extension "def" is associated with the FastCGI application
; named "Application 2".
; - The file extension "def" is associated with the FastCGI application
; named "Application 3", but only for requests made to the web site
; with the numeric identifier "1701187997". Note that site-specific
; mappings override non-site-specific mappings.
; - Requests with a file extension that does not have a specific mapping
; are associated with the FastCGI application named "Application 4".
; - Requests to the web site with the identifier "1701187997" with a file
; extension that does not have a specific mapping are associated with
; the FastCGI application named "Application 5".
; Note that application names are ASCII and should generally contain only
; alphanumeric characters, and spaces are allowed. Application names are
; case-insensitive.
; Note also that it is allowed for multiple mappings to be associated with
; the same FastCGI application.
; The following is a sample application section. Note that the name of
; the section must correspond to at least one mapping in the [types] section
; in order to be used:
; [Application 1]
; ExePath=string
; - The ExePath property specifies the executable for the FastCGI process,
; where 'string' is the full path to the executable. A non-empty string
; is required.
; Arguments=string
; - The Arguments property specifies any arguments to be passed to the
; FastCGI executable, where 'string' represents the arguments. Multiple
; arguments may be space delimited. If there is a space within the argument
; then this argument must be placed in quotes. This property is optional.
; EnvironmentVars=string
; - The EnvironmentVars property specifies optional environment variables
; that will be set in the FastCGI executable. If any of the supplied
; variable names collide with existing server variables, the ones specified
; in this property will be used. The format of the string is a comma
; delimited list in the form of 'name1:value1,name2:value2'. If a
; delimiting character, such as a comma, semicolon or slash is necessary in
; a value, it can be preceded by a '/' character (For example:
; 'name1:with/,commas,name2:with/;semicolon,name3:with//slash'. This
; property is optional.
; Protocol=string
; - Specifies the protocol used to communicate with the FastCGI process.
; The allowed values are 'NamedPipe' and 'Tcp'. If not specified, the
; default value is 'NamedPipe'.
; MaxInstances=n
; - Specifies the maximum number of processes that are allowed in the
; application's process pool. This number directly corresponds to the
; maximum number of concurrent requests that can be handled by the
; application. If not specified, the default value is 10.
; QueueLength=n
; - Specifies the maximum number of requests to this application that will
; be queued before the FastCGI handler starts returning errors to clients
; indicating that the application is too busy. If not specified, the default
; value is 1000.
; IdleTimeout=n
; - Specifies the time, in seconds, that a FastCGI process for this application
; is allowed to remain idle. If a process remains idle for longer than this
; period, it will be shut down. If not specified, the default value is
; 300 seconds.
; ActivityTimeout=n
; - Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a FastCGI process for this
; application is allowed to run without communicating with IIS. In practice,
; this timeout is used to detect and shut down 'hung' processes. If not
; specified, the default value is 30 seconds.
; RequestTimeout=n
; - Specifies the maximum allowed time, in seconds, for a request to this
; application. If a FastCGI process takes longer than this amount of time
; on a single request, it will be terminated. If not specified, the default
; value is 90 seconds.
; InstanceMaxRequests=n
; - Specifies the number of requests a FastCGI process for this application is
; allowed to handle. After handling this number of requests, it is shut
; down so that it can be replaced with a new process. If not specified, the
; default value is 1000.
; ResponseBufferLimit=n
; - Data from FastCGI processes is buffered before being returned to the client
; as responses. This property specifies the amount of response data, in
; bytes, that will be buffered for requests to this application. This buffer
; will be flushed to the client once it is full, or when the response is
; complete, whichever occurs first. If not specified, the default value is
; 4194304 (4MB).
; FlushNamedPipe=n
; - Specifies whether or not the named pipe between FastCGI processes for this
; application is flushed before shutting down the application. Possible
; values are 0 or 1. For most applications, 0 is the correct value. If you
; see processes hanging after InstanceMaxRequests has been reached, try
; setting this value to 1. If not specified, the default value is 0.
; UnhealthyOnQueueFull=n
; - If 1, the worker process hosting is flagged to IIS as unhealthy any time
; that the application's request queue is filled. IIS checks health whenever
; it does a ping to the worker process. If that worker process has been
; flagged as unhealthy, it (along with everything it is hosting) will be
; recycled. If not specified, the default value is 0.
; IgnoreExistingFiles=n
; - If 1, this application will ignore any requests where the target file
; exists on the file system, so that IIS can serve them normally. This
; feature is useful in the case where the FastCGI handler is installed as
; a wildcard script map. If not specified, the default value is 0. Note
; that this feature only applies only to IIS 6.0.
; IgnoreExistingDirectories=n
; - If 1, this application will ignore any requests where the target is a
; directory on the file system, so that IIS can serve them normally. This
; feature is useful in the case where the FastCGI handler is installed as
; a wildcard script map. If not specified, the default value is 0. Note
; that this feature only applies only to IIS 6.0.
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