Simple grids can be generated for rectangular domains which are adequate for many problems. They can have uniform or variable element sizes and can be made of hexahedral block or triangular prismatic elements. Each element in the grid is given a default zone number of 1.
Generate uniform blocks
- xl, nbx Domain length and number of blocks in the x-direction
- yl, nby Domain length and number of blocks in the y-direction
- zl, nbz Domain length and number of blocks in the z-direction
Generates a grid for a rectangular domain made up of uniform blocks. In this case, the grid is formed by subdividing the domain in the x-direction into nbx blocks, each of length xl/nbx. The domain is subdivided in a similar fashion in the y- and z-directions, using the other input parameters.
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Generate uniform prisms
Generates a grid for a rectangular domain made up of uniform prisms. Requires identical input to the routine Generate uniform blocks described above. In this case though, instead of generating block elements, this instruction generates prism elements by subdividing each block into two prism elements.
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Generate variable blocks
- nx Number of nodes in the x-direction
- xi(i),i=1,nx x-coordinates of the nx nodes.
- ny Number of nodes in the y-direction
- yi(i),i=1,ny y-coordinates of the ny nodes.
- nz Number of nodes in the z-direction
- zi(i),i=1,nz z-coordinates of the nz nodes.
Generates a grid for a rectangular domain made up of variably-sized blocks. It is almost identical to the generate uniform blocks instruction except that instead of entering a domain length in each direction we enter a list of coordinates, which are each used to define the position of a plane of nodes along that axis. The structure xi(i),i=1,nx is called an implied do and means that you must supply nx values for the array xi. One or more values can be entered per line until the read statement is satisfied, then a new line should be started for the next read statement.
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Generate variable prisms
Generates a grid for a rectangular domain made up of variably-sized prisms. Requires identical input to the routine Generate variable blocks described above. In this case though, instead of generating block elements, this instruction generates prism elements by subdividing each block into two prism elements.
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