Read gms transport boundary conditions
- gmsfile Name of the file which contains the GMS boundary condition data.
Reads a GMS boundary condition file which has been produced by the FEMWATER module and extracts pertinent transport boundary condition information.
Currently, only Dirichlet and Cauchy transport boundary conditions are recognized by HydroGeoSphere. Also, this feature only works for a single species. If more than one species is present in the simulation, use the instructions specified concentration and specified third-type concentration to define the input data.
Dirichlet (first-type) boundary conditions can be assigned in GMS using the Select Boundary Nodes tool in the 3D mesh module. Once the appropriate nodes are chosen, you can assign the boundary condition using the Assign Node/Face BC... tool under the FEMWATER menu option. In the GMS Node BC dialog, you can select either Constant or Variable concentration to produce a static or time-variable concentration function.
Cauchy (third-type) boundary conditions can be assigned in GMS using the Select Boundary Faces tool in the 3D mesh module. Once the appropriate faces are chosen, you can assign the boundary condition using the Assign Node/Face BC... tool under the FEMWATER menu option. In the GMS Node BC dialog, you should select Flux then Constant or Variable to produce a static or time-variable mass flux function.
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