< Horticulture Rots
Rots | |
Type: | Fungi, Bacteria, or Nematodes |
Conditions: | Wet conditions, wounds. |
Rot is a symptom that can have many causes, such as bacteria, fungi, or nematodes. The organisms that cause rots can either be the primary infectious agent, or more commonly opportinistic organisms that enter through wounds or following infection by other pathogens.
Symptoms and Signs
Rots are grouped by the part of the plant affected.
- Damping Off describes the rotting of seeds or young seedlings, especially in flats.
- Root Rots affect the root system, and are frequently lethal. They are most common in wet soils, particularly among plants not adapted to wet conditions.
- Crown Rots affect the crowns of herbaceous plants, where the root system meets the stems and foliage. Crown rots often appear when a plant's crown has been covered by mulch or leaves.
- Stem Rots affect the plant stems.
- Cambium Rots affect the cambium layer of woody plants, leading quickly to wilt.
- Wood Rots affect the internal woody tissue of woody plants.
- Fruit Rots affect the fruits, either while still on the plant or more often post-harvest.
Rot-causing Organisms
- Exclusion: Avoid wounding plants.
- Cultivation: Ensure well-drained soils.
- Cultural Controls: Ensure good air circulation. Rotate to crops not affected by known pathogens of any affected crop.
- Physical Removal: Removing the rotted tissue, and some of the surrounding tissue to ensure removal of the causal organism.
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