< Hindi

Family relation names in Hindi are very specific to the speaker. For example, your father's brother and your mother's brother are not both just "uncle"; you would differentiate and address them using specific terms to indicate the precise relationship. These terms can vary a bit from place to place. The following are some standard examples.

Often the honorific suffix जी is added to names to denote respect. It is very common to use when referring to or especially addressing an elder, and sometimes for others depending on customs or the situation.

The transliteration is in ITRANS form, which allows for exact mapping of Devanagari characters to the Roman script.


Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Father's father(grandfather)दादा or बाबा
Father's mother(grandmother)दादी
Mother's father(maternal grandfather)नाना
Mother's mother(maternal grandmother)नानी


Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Motherमाँ , माता , अम्मा
Fatherपापा , पिता , बाबा , अप्पा

Siblings, Cousins, and Siblings-in-Law

Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Elder Brotherभैया, भइया, बड़ा भाई
Younger Brotherछोटा भाई
Sisterबहन, बेहेन, बहिन
Elder Sisterदीदी, बड़ी बेहेन, बड़ी बहन, बड़ी बहिन
Younger Sisterछोटी बेहेन, छोटी बहन, छोटी बहिन
Husband's sisterननद
Father's sisterबुआ
Elder Sister's husbandजीजा
Younger Sister's husbandबहनोई
Husband's elder brother(brother-in-law)जेठ
Husband's younger brotherदेवर
Elder brother's wifeभाभी, भौजी, भौजाई
Younger brother's wifeभयो
Wife's Sisterसाली
Wife's elder Brotherभाई साहब
Wife's younger Brotherसाला
Wife's Brother's wifeसहलज
Husband's Sister's Husbandनन्दोई
Wife's sister's husbandसाढ़ू or हमज़ुल्फ़
Husband's elder brother's wifeजेठानी
Husband's younger brother's wifeदेवरानी

Note: There is no direct word for 'cousin' in Hindi, rather phrases like uncle's/aunt's son/daughter, are used to regard a cousin when there is a need to be specific, if not, then simply they are regarded as just brother/sister (भाईबहन).

Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Father's brother's son (cousin)(चचेरा) भाई
Father's brother's daughter (cousin)(चचेरी) बहन
Father's sister's son (cousin)(फुफेरा) भाई
Father's sister's daughter (cousin)(फुफेरी) बहन
Mother's brother's son (cousin)(ममेरा) भाई
Mother's brother's daughter (cousin)(ममेरी) बहन
Mother's sister's son (cousin)(मौसेरा) भाई
Mother's sister's daughter (cousin)(मौसेरी) बहन

Children and Children-in-Law

Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Sonबेटा or पुत्र
Daughterबेटी, पुत्री or जाई
Son's Wifeबहू
Daugther's Husbandदामाद or जमाई
Niece भतीजी or भांजी
Nephew भतीजा or भांजा


Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Son's son (grandson)पोता
Son's daughter (granddaughter)पोती
Daughter's son (grandson)नाती, नवासा or दोहता
Daugther's daughter (granddaughter)नातिन, नवासी or दोहती

Spouses and parents-in-law

Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Wifeपत्नी or बीवी
Spouses' Mother (Mother-in-law)सास
Spouse's Father (Father-in-law))ससुर
Fiancé or Fiancéeमंगेतर

Aunts and uncles

Relation in English Relation in Hindi
Father's younger brother (uncle)चाचा, काका or छोटे पापा
Father's younger brother's wife (aunt)चाची, काकी or छोटी मम्मी
Father's elder brother's (Uncle)ताया, ताऊ or बड़े पापा
Father's elder brother's wife (Aunt) Father's sister's husbandफूफा
Mother's brotherमामा or मामू
Moth Mother's younger sisterमौसी, मासी
Mother's younger sister's husbandमौसा
Mother's elder sister's husband (Uncle)ताया or ताऊ
Mother's elder sister (Aunt)ताई


  • McGregor, R.S, ed. The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, Oxford university press. 1993
  • Snell, Rupert Teach yourself Hindi: A complete guide for beginners. Lincolnwood, IL : NTC Publishing Group, 1992. ISBN 0-8442-3863-5
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