This project was imported from a pre-existing book. Keep in mind that, since then, dedicated individuals working to provide free, open information have added their own contributions.
Sharon Bewick
Dr. Bewick received her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Mount Allison University. She then went on to complete a Ph.D. at Princeton University where she studied the electronic properties of organic crystals (for example, piezoelectricity). Currently, Dr. Bewick works at the University of Tennessee, where she hopes to use game theoretical models to learn more about how immune systems fight off viruses and bacteria.
Jonathan Edge
Jonathan Edge currently teaches chemistry and physics at Arleta High School. He has been a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District for 9 years, and has previously worked as an environmental chemist. Edge is a 1984 graduate of Whittier College, and in his spare time he enjoys bicycling and building model airplanes.
Therese Forsythe
Therese Forsythe is currently a programs consultant for high schools in Nova Scotia, but has spent ten years teaching chemistry. She spends most of her time in-servicing teachers in the pedagogy surrounding science and math teaching and taking care of her two beautiful boys.
Richard Parsons
Richard Parsons graduated from San Jose State University in 1967 with a BA in Physical Science with a Chemistry Option and received his MA in 1968 in the same major. He taught high school honors Chemistry, Physics, and Advanced Placement Chemistry for 35 years and was the Science Department chairman for 25 years in the Santa Clara Unified School District. Mr. Parsons retired in 2000, but continued to teach Advanced Placement Chemistry part-time for an additional 5 years. In the early '80s, he co-authored an in-district course (including a textbook, lab book, and teacher's guide) in Integrated Science. The course was taught in all the district's high schools for 15 years. This material was adapted from the original CK-12 book that can be found here. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License