< Hebrew < Archive
This is the beginning lesson on family related vocabulary. The prerequisite lessons are the Hebrew Aleph-Bet and Greetings. Another lesson with more advanced family vocabulary is at Hebrew/Family2.
- אֵם
- mother (f) (singular)
- אִמָהו֗ת
- mothers (f) (plural)
- אִמָּא
- mommy (f) (singular)
- אָב
- father (m) (singular)
- אָבו֗ת
- fathers (m) (plural) (Note: The ending, ו֗ת, is usually feminine-plural, but this is an exception. (It is feminine plural because in the sight of God we are considered His Bride; i.e. Israel is espoused to God)
- אַבָּא
- daddy (m) (singular)
- בַּת
- daughter (f) (singular)
- בָּנו֗ת
- daughters (f) (plural)
- בֵּן
- son (m) (singular)
- בָּנִים
- sons (m) (plural)
אַהֲבָה -- love (feminine) ahava
husband, wife
- אהב
- love (root)
- או֗הֵב
- loving
- הוּא אָב
- He is a father.
- שָׁלוֹם אֵם
- Hello, Mother.
Translate into Hebrew:
He is my father. She is my mother. (Add "ee" at the end to say "my." Example: Hoo avee. (He is my father.)
Related Lessons
- Hebrew/Family2
- Hebrew/People
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