Installation varies based on your available method. Some methods require different hardware modifications such as a Jtag or serial connector (outside the scope of this wiki) ALWAYS backup current firmware. If you flash a 2mb dump over the existing firmware you will lose the modems original certificates forever.
JtagUtility Instructions:
If your modem is currently running infinite firmware it is recommended to restore it to stock, like it was out of the box. To do this you restore your 2MB backup that i hope you made before flashing infinite. The commands are as follows:
detect ldram 9fc00000 (A File Open dialog will appear, find your 2MB backup file and click open) program 9fc00000 200000
It is recommended you make a backup before flashing haxorware (or any other hacked firmware) onto your modem. To create a 2MB backup with JtagUtility, enter the following commands:
detect getram 9fc00000 200000 save 9fc00000 200000 (A save as dialog will appear, choose where to save your 2MB backup)
To program haxorware to your modem using JtagUtility, issue the following commands:
detect ldram 9fc10000 A File Open dialog will appear, find the haxorware firmware file you want (haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin) and click open program 9fc10000 130000
After the flashing is complete, reboot your modem and enjoy Haxorware
Flashing over serial:
Diagnostic cable instructions (requires noisy bootloader):
Set your computers ip to Set up a TFTP server with haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin in its root Connect to modem with hyperterminal or putty (with changed CR/LF to LF) While modem is turning on press p (you should get a prompt) If you do not get a prompt for pressing p, your modem does not have a noisy bootloader, and you will have to use JTAG Set the Modem IP to Leave everything else at their defaults (just press enter) When you get at the bootloader menu press d Enter as TFTP IP Enter haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin as filename It should download (the dots indicate progress) When asked what image to save to, answer 1 Answer y to the "Store uncompressed image" prompt press b once you are back at the menu to boot the modem
USBJTAG Instructions:
If your modem is currently running infinite firmware it is recommended to restore it to stock, like it was out of the box. To do this you restore your 2MB backup that i hope you made before flashing infinite. The commands are as follows:
detect ldram 9fc00000 (A File Open dialog will appear, find your 2MB backup file and click open) program 9fc00000 200000
It is recommended you make a backup before flashing haxorware (or any other hacked firmware) onto your modem. To create a 2MB backup with usbjtag enter the following commands:
detect getram 9fc00000 200000 save 9fc00000 200000 (A save as dialog will appear, choose where to save your 2MB backup)
To program haxorware to your modem using USBJTAG, please overwrite your usbjtag.def with the one from this archive. After that, start USBJTAG and choose the SB5101 profile (Tools->Config will open the profile selection dialog) Then issue the following commands:
detect ldram Firmware (A File Open dialog will appear, find haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin and click open) program Firmware
After the flashing is complete, reboot your modem and enjoy Haxorware
USBJTAGNT Instructions:
If your modem is currently running infinite firmware it is recommended to restore it to stock, like it was out of the box. To do this you restore your 2MB backup that i hope you made before flashing infinite. The commands are as follows:
detect ldram 9fc00000 (A File Open dialog will appear, find your 2MB backup file and click open)
It is recommended you make a backup before flashing haxorware (or any other hacked firmware) onto your modem. To create a 2MB backup with usbjtag enter the following commands:
detect getram 9fc00000 200000 save 9fc00000 200000 (A save as dialog will appear, choose where to save your 2MB backup)
To program haxorware to your modem using USBJTAGNT Start USBJTAGNT and choose the SB5101Mod profile (Tools->Config will open the profile selection dialog) Then issue the following commands:
detect ldram Firmware (A File Open dialog will appear, find haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin and click open) program Firmware
After the flashing is complete, reboot your modem and enjoy Haxorware
USBJTAG NT is just Li Shao's way to get more money out of users by planned hardware obsolescence (otherwise the USBJTAG NT software would support the regular USBJTAG as well).
Upgrading from previous shelled firmware (infinite) or Haxorware 1.0
Set your computers ip to Set up a TFTP server with haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin in its root Make sure the haxorware webgui isn't currently open Connect to modem with hyperterminal or telnet to the IP Enter your username and password cd /ip ipconfig 1 release y dload -i 1 -l -f haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin y cd / reset
Haxorware 1.1 should now boot
Upgrading from Haxorware 1.1
Make sure the modem's cpu usage is low, so if it's currently scanning for downstream make it stop by going to the web shell and doing cd /docsis scan_stop The safest time to do the Firmware Upgrade is when the modem is fully operational and online. Then use the Firmware Upgrade page on the WebGUI, find haxorware11revXX-XXXX.bin and upload it to the modem in the Firmware section Reboot the modem using the WebGUI or otherwise, and the new version of Haxorware should now boot