Using do
blocks as an alternative monad syntax was first introduced way back in the Simple input and output chapter. There, we used do
to sequence input/output operations, but we hadn't introduced monads yet. Now, we can see that IO
is yet another monad.
Since the following examples all involve IO
, we will refer to the computations/monadic values as actions (as we did in the earlier parts of the book). Of course, do
works with any monad; there is nothing specific about IO
in how it works.
Translating the then operator
The (>>)
(then) operator works almost identically in do
notation and in unsugared code. For example, suppose we have a chain of actions like the following one:
putStr "Hello" >>
putStr " " >>
putStr "world!" >>
putStr "\n"
We can rewrite that in do
notation as follows:
do { putStr "Hello"
; putStr " "
; putStr "world!"
; putStr "\n" }
(using the optional braces and semicolons explicitly, for clarity). This sequence of instructions nearly matches that in any imperative language. In Haskell, we can chain any actions as long as all of them are in the same monad. In the context of the IO
monad, the actions include writing to a file, opening a network connection, or asking the user for an input.
Here's the step-by-step translation of do
notation to unsugared Haskell code:
do { action1 -- by monad laws equivalent to: do { action1
; action2 -- ; do { action2
; action3 } -- ; action3 } }
action1 >>
do { action2
; action3 }
and so on, until the do
block is empty.
Translating the bind operator
The bind operator (>>=)
is a bit more difficult to translate to and from the do
notation. (>>=)
passes a value, namely the result of an action or function, downstream in the binding sequence. do
notation assigns a variable name to the passed value using the <-
do { x1 <- action1
; x2 <- action2
; mk_action3 x1 x2 }
The curly braces and the semicolons are optional if every line of code is indented to line up equally (NB: beware the mixing of tabs and spaces in that case; with the explicit curly braces and semicolons indentation plays no part and there's no danger).
and x2
are the results of action1
and action2
. If, for instance, action1
is an IO Integer
then x1
will be bound to an Integer
value. The two bound values in this example are passed as arguments to mk_action3
, which creates a third action. The do
block is broadly equivalent to the following vanilla Haskell snippet:
action1 >>= (\ x1 -> action2 >>= (\ x2 -> mk_action3 x1 x2 ))
The second argument of the first (leftmost) bind operator (>>=
) is a function (lambda expression) specifying what to do with the result of the action passed as the bind's first argument. Thus, chains of lambdas pass the results downstream. The parentheses could be omitted, because a lambda expression extends as far as possible. x1
is still in scope at the point we call the final action maker mk_action3
. We can rewrite the chain of lambdas more legibly by using separate lines and indentation:
(\ x1 -> action2
(\ x2 -> mk_action3 x1 x2 ))
That shows the scope of each lambda function clearly. To group things more like the do
notation, we could show it like this:
action1 >>= (\ x1 ->
action2 >>= (\ x2 ->
mk_action3 x1 x2 ))
These presentation differences are only a matter of assisting readability.[1]
The fail method
Above, we said the snippet with lambdas was "broadly equivalent" to the do
block. The translation is not exact because the do
notation adds special handling of pattern match failures. When placed at the left of either <-
or ->
, x1
and x2
are patterns being matched. Therefore, if action1
returned a Maybe Integer
we could write a do
block like this...
do { Just x1 <- action1
; x2 <- action2
; mk_action3 x1 x2 }
...and x1
be an Integer
. In such a case, what happens if action1
returns Nothing
? Ordinarily, the program would crash with an non-exhaustive patterns error, just like the one we get when calling head
on an empty list. With do
notation, however, failures are handled with the fail
method for the relevant monad. The do
block above translates to:
action1 >>= f
where f (Just x1) = do { x2 <- action2
; mk_action3 x1 x2 }
f _ = fail "..." -- A compiler-generated message.
What fail
actually does depends on the monad instance. Though it will often rethrow the pattern matching error, monads that incorporate some sort of error handling may deal with the failure in their own specific ways. For instance, Maybe
has fail _ = Nothing
; analogously, for the list monad fail _ = []
The fail
method is an artifact of do
notation. Rather than calling fail
directly, you should rely on automatic handling of pattern match failures whenever you are sure that fail
will do something sensible for the monad you are using.
Example: user-interactive program
We are going to interact with the user, so we will use putStr
and getLine
alternately. To avoid unexpected results in the output, we must disable output buffering when importing System.IO
. To do this, put hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
at the top of your do
block. To handle this otherwise, you would explicitly flush the output buffer before each interaction with the user (namely a getLine
) using hFlush stdout
. If you are testing this code with ghci, you don't have such problems.
Consider this simple program that asks the user for their first and last names:
nameDo :: IO ()
nameDo = do putStr "What is your first name? "
first <- getLine
putStr "And your last name? "
last <- getLine
let full = first ++ " " ++ last
putStrLn ("Pleased to meet you, " ++ full ++ "!")
A possible translation into vanilla monadic code:
nameLambda :: IO ()
nameLambda = putStr "What is your first name? " >>
getLine >>= \ first ->
putStr "And your last name? " >>
getLine >>= \ last ->
let full = first ++ " " ++ last
in putStrLn ("Pleased to meet you, " ++ full ++ "!")
In cases like this, where we just want to chain several actions, the imperative style of do
notation feels natural and convenient. In comparison, monadic code with explicit binds and lambdas is something of an acquired taste.
Notice that the first example above includes a let
statement in the do
block. The de-sugared version is simply a regular let
expression where the in
part is whatever follows from the do
Returning values
The last statement in do
notation is the overall result of the do
block. In the previous example, the result was of the type IO ()
, i.e. an empty value in the IO
Suppose that we want to rewrite the example but return an IO String
with the acquired name. All we need to do is add a return
nameReturn :: IO String
nameReturn = do putStr "What is your first name? "
first <- getLine
putStr "And your last name? "
last <- getLine
let full = first ++ " " ++ last
putStrLn ("Pleased to meet you, " ++ full ++ "!")
return full
This example will "return" the full name as a string inside the IO
monad, which can then be utilized downstream elsewhere:
greetAndSeeYou :: IO ()
greetAndSeeYou = do name <- nameReturn
putStrLn ("See you, " ++ name ++ "!")
Here, nameReturn
will be run and the returned result (called "full" in the nameReturn
function) will be assigned to the variable "name" in our new function. The greeting part of nameReturn
will be printed to the screen because that is part of the calculation process. Then, the additional "see you" message will print as well, and the final returned value is back to being IO ()
If you know imperative languages like C, you might think return
in Haskell matches return
elsewhere. A small variation on the example will dispel that impression:
nameReturnAndCarryOn = do putStr "What is your first name? "
first <- getLine
putStr "And your last name? "
last <- getLine
let full = first++" "++last
putStrLn ("Pleased to meet you, "++full++"!")
return full
putStrLn "I am not finished yet!"
The string in the extra line will be printed out because return
is not a final statement interrupting the flow (as it would be in C and other languages). Indeed, the type of nameReturnAndCarryOn
is IO ()
, — the type of the final putStrLn
action. After the function is called, the IO String
created by the return full
will disappear without a trace.
Just sugar
As a syntactical convenience, do
notation does not add anything essential, but it is often preferable for clarity and style. However, do
is not needed for a single action, at all. The Haskell "Hello world" is simply:
main = putStrLn "Hello world!"
Snippets like this one are totally redundant:
fooRedundant = do { x <- bar
; return x }
Thanks to the monad laws, we can write it simply as
foo = do { bar } -- which is, further,
foo = bar
A subtle but crucial point relates to function composition: As we already know, the greetAndSeeYou
action in the section just above could be rewritten as:
greetAndSeeYou :: IO ()
greetAndSeeYou = nameReturn >>= (\ name -> putStrLn ("See you, " ++ name ++ "!"))
While you might find the lambda a little unsightly, suppose we had a printSeeYou
function defined elsewhere:
printSeeYou :: String -> IO ()
printSeeYou name = putStrLn ("See you, " ++ name ++ "!")
Now, we can have a clean function definition with neither lambdas or do
greetAndSeeYou :: IO ()
greetAndSeeYou = nameReturn >>= printSeeYou
Or, if we have a non-monadic seeYou
seeYou :: String -> String
seeYou name = "See you, " ++ name ++ "!"
Then we can write:
-- Reminder: fmap f m == m >>= (return . f) == liftM f m
greetAndSeeYou :: IO ()
greetAndSeeYou = fmap seeYou nameReturn >>= putStrLn
Keep this last example with fmap
in mind; we will soon return to using non-monadic functions in monadic code, and fmap
will be useful there.
- ↑ Actually, the indentation isn't needed in this case. This is equally valid:
Of course, we could use even more indentation if we wanted. Here's an extreme example:
action1 >>= \ x1 -> action2 >>= \ x2 -> action3 x1 x2
While that indention is certainly overkill, it could be worse:action1 >>= \ x1 -> action2 >>= \ x2 -> action3 x1 x2
That is valid Haskell but is baffling to read; so please don't ever write like that. Write your code with consistent and meaningful groupings.action1 >>= \ x1 -> action2 >>= \ x2 -> action3 x1 x2
- ↑ This explains why, as we pointed out in the "Pattern matching" chapter, pattern matching failures in list comprehensions are silently ignored.