Service processes (composite reliability = 0.77)
The authors follow a two-phased approach to develop multi-item scales that measure dimensions of service orientation in the context of business-to-business e-commerce. Service orientation was conceptualized as a third-order construct comprised of five combinative service competency bundles: service climate; market focus; process management; human resource policy; and metrics and standards.
One of these five second-order dimensions, process management, consists of two first-order dimensions: information and communication technologies implementation and service processes.
The characteristics of the key processes, both front-line and back-office, designed and managed to deliver service, e-service, and higher productivity.
- My organization’s processes provide outstanding support on delivering high-value services. (0.82)
- We have processes to monitor customers’ purchases from order to delivery. (0.42)
- Our processes help employees focus on activities important to our customers. (0.68)
The second item was dropped due to low regression weight (or lower than remaining items).