Resource reconfiguration (alpha = 0.81)
Four items were used to measure resource configuration. These items were adapted from Wei & Wang (2010), Helfat et al. (2007), Marsh & Stock (2006) and Zahra et al. (2006).
The authors define resource reconfiguration as the ability of a firm to reconfigure, realign and reorganize their resources in response to changes in the firm’s external environment (Wei & Wang, 2010; Helfat et al., 2007; Marsh & Stock, 2006; Zahraet al., 2006).
- We realign our firm resources and processes in response to environmental changes. (0.62)
- We reconfigure our resources and processes in response to the dynamic environment. (0.92)
- We restructure our resource base to react to the changing business environment. (0.74)
- We renew our resource base in response to the changing business environment. (0.67)
(1 = disagree strongly, 7 = agree strongly)
- Ambulkar/Blackhurst/Grawe (2015): Firm’s resilience to supply chain disruptions: Scale development and empirical examination. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 33–34, pp. 111–122
The first two items use the phrase “resources and processes”; this could be confusing, as resources and processes describe different concepts. The last two items use the term “resource base”; do survey participants really understand what is meant by this term?
The mean values ranged between 4.5 and 5.3. Given that a 7-point scale was used, future researchers could slightly adapt the items in order to shift the mean value closer to the center (e.g., “We always align” rather than “We align”).