Organizational resilience (alpha = 0.83; AVE = 0.63; CR = 0.83)
A new scale was developed to measure organizational resilience. Statements from conceptual supply chain risk management research were used to generate items. Items were adapted to fit the context of the research and they were discussed with researchers and practitioners. They were further refined.
Following Ponomarov & Holcomb (2009), organizational resilience can be described as “the capacity to adjust and maintain desirable functions under challenging or straining conditions” (p. 128).
Please rate the extent to the following items describe your logistics organization:
- Our logistics organization has a strong ability to cope with external risk or turbulence. (0.81)
- We are well prepared to sustain operations in a turbulent market environment and to recover quickly afterwards. (0.86)
- We have the capacity to adjust required functions under challenging or straining conditions. (0.70)
Items were measured with a 7-point Likert scales ranging from “1 = not at all” to “7 = to a very great extent”.
- Bühler/Wallenburg/Wieland (2016): Accounting for External Turbulence of Logistics Organizations via Performance Measurement Systems. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 21, No. 6
This research was focused on logistics organizations. Therefore, items might need to be adapted.