< Handbook of Management Scales

Opinion seeking (alpha > 0.8)


The authors conducted five studies to develop two scales: opinion leadership and opinion seeking. Hereby, data from more than 1,100 respondents were used. The authors strived for unidimensionality, reliability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.


Opinion seeking happens when individuals search out advice from others when making a purchase decision.


This short questionnaire is about popular rock music and rock music recordings [fashion; environmentally friendly products]. Please read each statement carefully. For each of the statements below, please circle the number that most closely matches your view of the opinions stated. The items are scaled from 1 to 7, with a higher number meaning stronger agreement.

  • When I consider buying a CD or tape [clothes; "green" products], I ask other people for advice.
  • I don't need to talk to others before I buy CDs or tapes [fashionable clothing; products that are good for the environment].
  • I rarely ask other people what music [fashions; environmentally friendly products] to buy.
  • I like to get others' opinions before I buy a CD or tape [new clothes; "green" products].
  • I feel more comfortable buying a recording [fashion item; product that is good for the environment] when I have gotten other people's opinions on it.
  • When choosing rock music [fashionable clothing; a "green" product], other people's opinions are not important to me.

Some items are reverse-coded.


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