< Handbook of Genetic Counseling
Trisomy 18
- What do you know about why you have been referred?
- What do you know about the triple screen? What is your understanding of your test results?
- What questions or concerns would you like to address today?
- Overview of session:
- Family and medical history
- Explanation of maternal serum screening
- Overview of results and what they mean
- Explanation of genes and chromosomes
- Information on Trisomy 18
- Options for the future
Prenatal Intake
- Important to obtain information on pregnancy and family history to help assess potential risks to pregnancy
- Prenatal intake
- How many times have you been pregnant? Any previous miscarriages or stillbirths?
- History of infertility?
- LMP beginning of November? EDC middle of August?
- Any illness - infections, colds, fever, rashes?
- Any bleeding?
- Any exposures - X-rays (including dental), smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, medications?
- Any problems with pregnancy?
- Personal background - occupation, religion, ethnicity, chronic illnesses for consultand and partner
- Consanguinity?
- Family history
- Review information obtained previously
- Any history of miscarriages, infertility, stillbirths, birth defects?
- Other chronic illnesses, learning problems, health problems that we did not discuss?
Maternal serum screening
- Background
- Screening test
- Not a diagnostic test
- Used to identify women who are at increased risk for certain birth defects
- These women then offered diagnostic testing
- Negative or "normal" result does not mean that a child will not have a birth defect
- Positive result is not a diagnosis of an abnormality
- Can identify women at increased risk for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, or open neural tube defects
- Blood test
- Fetal and placental products can be detected in mother's blood serum during pregnancy
- Can be offered from 14-22 weeks but most accurate at 16-18 weeks
- Screening test
- Indirect measure of levels of three substances in mother's blood
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
- Produced by liver of fetus and excreted into amniotic fluid
- Passes into mother's bloodstream and concentration rises gradually throughout pregnancy
- Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
- Pregnancy hormone made by the placenta
- Level peaks at 10 weeks and declines throughout pregnancy
- Unconjugated estriol (uE3)
- Hormone made by fetus and placenta
- Level increases throughout pregnancy
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
Risk assessment
- Laboratory calculates a woman's risks based on levels of three substance plus other factors
- Gestational age
- Marker levels change throughout pregnancy
- Inaccurate dates are common reason for false positive
- Gestational age can be confirmed by ultrasound
- Maternal age
- Multiple gestations
- Maternal weight
- Increased weight means increased blood volume
- Markers will be diluted in serum and their concentration lower
- Maternal race
- Diabetic status
- Insulin-dependent diabetics have increased risk for neural tube defects
- Tend to have lower AFP levels, so use lower AFP cutoff
- Gestational age
- Your specific results:
- Every pregnancy has 3-5% risk for congenital malformation
- Background risk
- Most of these problems cannot be detected prenatally
- As a woman's age increases, her risk for certain birth defects increases
- Risk figures for your pregnancy:
- ONTD: ________
- Down Syndrome: ________ compared to age associated risk _______
- Trisomy 18: ________ compared to age associated risk _______
- Screen positive for increased risk for Trisomy 18
- Occurs when AFP, hCG, and uE3 levels are all lower than expected
- Evaluation of screening performance
- Up to 100 of every 1,000 women who take test will have abnormal result (up to 10%)
- Only 3 of those 100 women will have a baby with a birth defect
- Most abnormal test results indicate dates are wrong or another factor above has not been accurately accounted for
- Important to remember that test cannot identify all birth defects
- Abnormal result could be normal variation
- Sometimes no explanation for abnormal results - increased risk for 3rd trimester complications
- Test can detect:
- 60% of Trisomy 18
- 80% of ONTD
- 60% Down Syndrome
- Up to 100 of every 1,000 women who take test will have abnormal result (up to 10%)
- Every pregnancy has 3-5% risk for congenital malformation
Genes and Chromosomes
Trisomy 18
- Clinical picture
- Can cause heart problems, kidney problems and other health issues
- Usually fatal within first year of life
- Children that survive have severe mental retardation
- Increased risk for pregnancy loss
Options for further testing
- Ultrasound
- Confirm gestational age or identify multiple fetuses to help interpret triple screen results
- Can detect many major birth defects - rule out 95% of NTDs if visualization is not limited
- Many fetuses with Trisomy 18 have certain "markers" that can be identified on ultrasound
- Growth retardation
- Single umbilical artery
- Heart problems
- Polyhydramnios
- Can't diagnose chromosomal abnormalities
- Amniocentesis
- Performed after 15 weeks
- Diagnostic test for some conditions
- 99.7% accuracy for fetal chromosome analysis
- Detects 96% of open neural tube defects by testing AFAFP
- Cannot detect all birth defects or mental retardation
- Risk of pregnancy loss due to procedure is 0.5%
- Explain amniocentesis if interested
- Insert needle into abdomen through uterus to take sample of amniotic fluid that contains cells from fetus used for karyotyping
- Procedure:
- Ultrasound to locate fetus and placenta
- Abdomen cleaned with betadeine and local anesthetic (xylocaine) used to numb outer layer of skin
- Physician inserts needle in abdomen through uterus under ultrasound guidance
- Needle inserted 1-2 minutes
- May feel some discomfort similar to menstrual cramp
- Fluid is sent to lab and results ready in 1-2 weeks
- Recommendations
- No strenuous activity for 24 hours
- Notify doctor if severe cramping, bleeding or leakage of fluid because there is very small risk of infection
- Rh negative mothers should take RhoGAM
Potential Psychosocial Issues
- Emphasize the importance of choice
- Religious beliefs impact decisions about testing and termination
- Anger, distrust because of family physicians advice
- Anxiety, sadness, disbelief, fear concerning possibility of Trisomy 21
- Provide reassurance when possible
- Explain benefits of prenatal diagnosis to help prepare emotionally, mentally, and socially for birth of child with chromosome abnormality
- False positive may cause unnecessary anxiety
Support Groups
Trisomy 18 Foundation at www.trisomy18.org
- Creasy RK, and Resnik R, eds. (1994) Maternal-Fetal Medicine 62-84.
- "Maternal Blood Screening." (2001) March of Dimes Fact Sheet. http://www.modimes.org.
- Gardner RJM, and Sutherland GR. (1996) Chromosome Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling 325-371.
- Milunsky A, ed. (1998) Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment 179-23**
The information in this outline was last updated in 2002.
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