< Handbook of Genetic Counseling
First Trimester Screening
- Screen low-risk population to identify those at higher risk to give birth to child with a chromosome abnormality
- Normal result does not mean that there are no abnormalities
- Abnormal result indicates that diagnostic testing by amniocentesis or CVS is warranted
- Consists of ultrasound and blood test
- Performed between 10th and 14th week of pregnancy
- Biochemical screening
- Blood draw done by finger stick onto filter paper
- May be taken between 8 weeks, 4 days and 13 weeks, 3 days
- Measures levels of substances found in the blood of all pregnant women
- FreeBeta Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements
- Glycoprotein derived from the placenta
- Serum levels tend to be high in patients carrying a fetus affected with Down Syndrome (average = 1.9 MoM)
- Serum levels significantly reduced in patients carrying a fetus affected with Trisomy 18 (average = 0.18 MoM)
- Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A)
- Produced by trophoblast of placenta
- Significantly reduced in blood of women carrying fetuses with Down Syndrome (average = 0.44 MoM)
- Significantly reduced in blood of women carrying fetuses with Trisomy 18 (average = 0.32 MoM)
- FreeBeta Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements
- Ultrasonagraphic findings
- Measure nuchal translucency (NT)
- Amount of fluid that accumulates behind the neck of the baby
- Echo-free space between skin and soft tissue overlying cervical spine
- Present only during first trimester
- About 30-86% of fetuses with increased nuchal translucency have chromosomal abnormality
- Increased in fetuses with chromosome abnormalities, cardiac defects, and certain genetic syndromes
- Greater than 3.5 mm is considered out of normal range
- Increased NT is not diagnostic of chromosome abnormality
- Lymphedema seen in NT may be result of fetal cardiac abnormalities
- Usually resolves in second trimester
- No consensus on how to measure nuchal translucency resulting in conflicting results about effectiveness
- Amount of fluid that accumulates behind the neck of the baby
- Measured transbdominally in 95% of cases and transvaginally in other 5%
- Procedure takes between 15 and 30 minutes
- Measure nuchal translucency (NT)
Detection Rate
- Biochemical screening without NT
- Identifies greater than 60% of Down Syndrome
- Identifies 90% of Trisomy 18
- About 1 in 25 women with an increased risk based on screening will have baby with Down Syndrome
- Biochemical screening with NT
- Identifies about 90% of Down Syndrome
- Identifies up to 97% of Trisomy 18
- False positive rate is 5%
- About 1 in 17 women with an increased risk based on screening will have baby with Down Syndrome
- Cannot screen for open neural tube defects so AFP testing still recommended in 2nd trimester
- Cannot identify all birth defects
Benefits and Limitations of Testing
- Benefits
- Helps reduce maternal anxiety at earlier gestational age
- Allows patient to have CVS for diagnosis in 1st trimester
- Allows for 1st trimester termination of affected fetus
- Not an invasive procedure - no risk to mother or to fetus
- Limitations
- Currently not covered by insurance
- Only screens for two out of possible thousands of genetic conditions
- Screening will miss about 10% of Down Syndrome
- Still requires invasive procedure for diagnosis
- Not as sensitive if multiple pregnancies
- Patient specific risks rely on accuracy of clinical information that is interpreted for results of test
Research Study at Magee-Womens Hospital
- Eligibility criteria: women 18-45 between 10 and 14 weeks
- To determine if first trimester screening is an effective method to detect Down Syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities
- If risk higher than 1 in 270, can continue routine prenatal care, undergo CVS at 10-13 weeks, or have amniocentesis after 15 weeks
- Women who choose to participate must provide information on pregnancy outcome
- Responsible for all costs, including blood sample, ultrasound, and genetic counseling
- "ACOG Committee Opinion: First Trimester Screening for Fetal Anomalies with Nuchal Translucency." American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. http://www.medem.com
- "NIH News Release: First Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome Possible, NICHD-Funded Study Finds." National Institutes of Health. http;//www.nih.gov
- "Screening for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18 Syndrome, and Open Neural Tube Defects in the First Trimester." GeneCare Medical Genetics Center". http://www.genecare.com
- Spencer K. "Accuracy of Down Syndrome Risks Produced in a First-Trimester Screening Programme Incorporating Fetal Nuchal Translucency Thickness and Maternal Serum Biochemistry." Prenatal Diagnosis (2002) 22;244-246.
The information in this outline was last updated in June 2002.
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