< Guide to Unix < BSD
DragonFly BSD
- FreeBSD
- FreeBSD Hypertext Manual Pages also includes manual pages from other Unix-like systems
FreeBSD Documentation Project
This list is taken from http://www.freebsd.org/docs/books.html
- The FreeBSD FAQ (faq) "Frequently Asked Questions, and answers, covering all aspects of FreeBSD."
- The FreeBSD Handbook (handbook) "A constantly evolving, comprehensive resource for FreeBSD users."
- The FreeBSD Developer's Handbook (developers-handbook) "For people who want to develop software for FreeBSD (and not just people who are developing FreeBSD itself)."
- The FreeBSD Architecture Handbook (arch-handbook) "For FreeBSD system developers. This book covers the architectural details of many important FreeBSD kernel subsystems."
- The Porter's Handbook (porters-handbook) "Essential reading if you plan on providing a port of a third party piece of software."
- "Design Overview of 4.4BSD" The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System (design-44bsd) "Donated by Addison-Wesley, provides a design overview of 4.4BSD, from which FreeBSD was originally derived."
- "Printserving" The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide (corp-net-guide) "Donated by Addison-Wesley, provides an in-depth look at using FreeBSD to provide printing services to Windows, NT, and Novell hosts."
- The FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors (fdp-primer) "Everything you need to know in order to start contributing to the FreeBSD Documentation Project."
- OpenBSD
- OpenBSD Manual Pages
- OpenBSD FAQ supplement to manual pages
- Related Projects
- OpenSSH and OpenSSH FAQ
- OpenBGPD border gateway protocol
- OpenNTPD network time protocol
- OpenCVS reimplementation of CVS source version control
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