In GtkRadiant, there are two different types of Keyboard and Mouse Commands, first, we have those normal keyboard shortcuts we find in every other application. Those are commands which can be executed through the menus or toolbar as well as using a key on the keyboard or the mouse. But in GtkRadiant, there are also quite a lot of things which only can be done with the mouse, so these are very important to learn.
On this page, the mouse buttons are called MMB, LMB, and RMB where MMB is the middle mouse button (the mouse wheel button) and LMB and RMB are the left and right mouse buttons respectively. If a D is after the MMB, LMB, or RMB, this means the mouse it to be dragged, not just clicked. SCROLL means scrolling the scroll wheel. If using the MMB doesn't work, make sure you have activated 3 button mouse in the preferences. D means you should drag the mouse.
Mouse Commands
2D View
Key | Name | Description |
LMBD | Create/Manipulate Brush | Drag to create a brush when none is selected, or manipulate the brush when one or more brushes are selected. |
SHIFT+LMBD | Rubber band selection | This will create a rubber band, which you can drag around objects to select them. |
SHIFT+LMB | Select a Brush | This will select the brush you click on. |
MMB | Angle Camera | Makes the camera look where the MMB was pressed. |
RMBD | View Pan | This will pan the view around. |
SHIFT+RMBD | Zoom | This will also zoom in and out, same as the scroll wheel does. |
RMB | Entity menu | This will open the creation menu, a click on an entity will create that entity where clicked. |
SCROLL | Zoom | This will zoom in and out. |
3D View
Key | Name | Description |
LMBD | Manipulate Brush | Manipulate the brush when one or more brushes are selected. |
SHIFT+LMBD | Rubber band selecion | This will create a rubber band, which you can drag around objects to select them. |
MMB | Copy Texture | Click the MMB on any surface to make its texture the current one. |
SHIFT+CTRL+MMB | Paste Texture | Use this on a surface to paste the current texture onto that surface. |
SHIFT+LMB | Select a Brush | This will select the brush you click on. |
CTRL+SHIFT+LMB | Select a face of a brush. | This will select a single face of a brush you click on. |
RMB | Look Around | RMB in the 3D window and you will be able to free-look (do not hold RMB). |
RMB,CTRL | Strafe/Up-Down | RMB, CTRL while in free-look hold CTRL to strafe and move up/down. |
RMB,CTRL+SHIFT | Strafe Forward | RMB, CTRL+SHIFT while in free-look hold CTRL+SHIFT to strafe forward/backward. |
SCROLL | Move Around | Move around in your map. Can be used together with the free-look. |
Key | Name | Description |
E | Drag Edges Mode | Toggles edge manipulation mode on/off. Edges are represented by blue dots on the brush. |
V | Drag Vertex Mode | Toggles vertex manipulation mode on/off. Vertices are represented by green dots on the brush. |
X | Brush Clip mode | Toggles brush clipping mode on/off. |
I | Invert Selection | Inverts the current selection. |
H | Hide Selected | This hides all selected brushes (shift+h to show unhide them). |
N | Entity Window | This brings up the entity properties window. |
J (Q in 1.4) | Dimensions | Shows the dimensions of the current selection (in map units). |
J (in 1.4) | Type Of Selection | 3 modes of selection for a brush: select borders, select borders and layers or select only layers. |
S | Surface Inspector | Lets you change the texture alignment and such on the selected surface(s). |
SHIFT+S | Patch Surface Inspector | Lets you change the texture alignment and such on the selected patch(es) |
T | Texture Browser | This brings up the texture browser window. |
SPACE BAR | Clone Selection | Creates a duplicate of the currently selected objects. |
BACKSPACE | Delete Selection | Deletes all currently selected objects. |
ESC | Unselect Selection | Deselects all currently selected objects. |
CTRL+[NUMBER] | Brush [number] sided | Creates a [number] sided brush. |
SHIFT+X | Show/Hide crosshair | Show/Hide crosshair in 2D view. The crosshair snaps onto the grid. |
SHIFT+A | In texture browser: when selecting a texture, select all brushes with that texture In 3D view: when selecting an entity, select entities of that type | |
CTRL+ALT+E | Select whole func_group after one brush/mesh of it was selected | |
CTRL+SHIFT+R | Select region | |
L | Open/hide entity list window |