Git is an open source distributed version control system (DVCS), mainly used for source code management (SCM), with an emphasis on speed. Git was initially designed and created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. Git operates on a decentralized architecture, so every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with a complete history and full revision-tracking capabilities, and is not dependent upon network access or a central server.
Unlike popular non-distributed predecessors, such as Subversion and CVS, Git only needs a central server for one thing: publishing changes to users of that server. You can equally share changes directly with other people without the need to consult a central hub.
Also unlike the monolithic design of Subversion and CVS, Git follows the typical Unix philosophy with a great many small components that do single atomic tasks. Of course, only a few of the dozens of separate commands are often used. Most commands are for specialized actions, and a good portion are designed to be called by shell scripts rather than users.
Table of Contents
- Obtaining Git
- Introduction
- Branching & merging
- Beyond the basics
- Internal structure
- Interactive staging
- Rebasing
- Submodules and Superprojects
- Interacting with other SCMs
- git-svn
- others?
- Hosting
- Setting up a Server
- Appendixes