< German < Appendices < Vocabulary
Marine life
German | English Name | Detailed Information |
der Tunfisch/Thunfisch | Tuna Fish | A large and active predatory schooling fish of the mackerel family. Found in warm seas, it is extensively fished commercially. |
der Alligator | Alligator | A large semi-aquatic reptile similar to a ↓crocodile↓ but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China. |
das Krokodil | Crocodile | A large predatory semi-aquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin, using submersion and stealth to approach prey unseen. |
der Bartenwale (Wal/Walfisch) | Baleen Whale | A whale that has plates of whalebone in the mouth for straining plankton from the water. |
der Barrakuda / Pfeilhecht | Barracuda | A large, predatory tropical marine fish with a slender body and large jaws and teeth. |
der blaue Fisch | Blue Fish | A predatory blue-colored marine fish that inhabits tropical and temperate waters |
der Hummer | Lobster | A large marine crustacean with a cylindrical body, stalked eyes, and the first of its five pairs of limbs modified as pincers (die Kneifzange). |
der Wels die Seekatze | Cat Fish | A freshwater or marine fish with whisker like barbels around the mouth, typically bottom-dwelling. |
die Muschel / Venusmuschel | Clam | A marine bivalve mollusk with shells of equal size. |
das Tritonshorn die Trompetenschnecke | Conch | A tropical marine mollusk with a spiral shell that may bear long projections and have a flared lip. |
die Algen | Seaweed | Large algae growing in the sea or on rocks below the high-water mark. |
die Krabbe | Crab | A crustacean with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers. |
die Koralle | Coral | A hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas. |
der Delphin | Dolphin | A small gregarious toothed whale that typically has a beak like snout and a curved fin on the back. |
der Aal | Eel | A snakelike fish with a slender elongated body and poorly developed fins, proverbial for its slipperiness. |
der Zitteraal | Electric Eel | An eel like freshwater fish of South America, using pulses of electricity to kill prey, to assist in navigation, and for defense. |
der See-Elefanten | Elephant Seal | A large seal that breeds on the west coast of North America and the islands around Antarctica. The male is much larger than the female and has a very thick neck and an inflatable snout. |
der Salamander | Salamander | A newt like amphibian that typically has bright markings, and that once was thought to be able to endure fire. |
der Fisch | Fish | A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water. |
der Frosch | Frog | A tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping. |
der Schleierschwanz / Goldfisch | Goldfish | A small reddish-golden Eurasian carp, popular in ponds and aquariums. |
der Schellfisch | Haddock | A silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of North Atlantic coastal waters, related to the cod. |
die Qualle / Meduse | Jellyfish | A free-swimming marine coelenterate with a jelly like bell- or saucer-shaped body that is typically transparent and has stinging tentacles around the edge. |
der Meeresengel | Angelfish | Any of a number of laterally compressed deep-bodied fish with extended dorsal and anal fins, typically brightly colored or boldly striped, including. |
das Weichtier die Molluske | Mollusk | An invertebrate of a large phylum that includes snails, slugs, mussels, and octopuses. They have a soft, unsegmented body and live in aquatic or damp habitats, and most kinds have an external calcareous shell. |
- (1-23) das Insekt (-en): insect
- (1) die Libelle (-n): dragonfly
- (2) die Heuschrecke (-n): grasshopper
- (3) die Grille (-n): cricket
- (4) die Küchenschabe (-n): cockroach
- (5) die Gottesanbeterin (-nen): praying mantis
- (6) die Termite (-n): termite
- (7) der Floh (-"e): flea
- (8) die Laus (-"e): louse
- (9) die Fliege (-n): fly
- (10) die Mücke (-n): mosquito
- (11-14) der Käfer (-): beetles
- (11) der Mistkäfer (-): dung beetle
- (12) der Marienkäfer (-): ladybug
- (13) der Leuchtkäfer (-): firefly
- (14) der Hirschkäfer (-): stag beetle
- (15) die Raupe (-n): caterpillar
- (16) die Puppe (-n): chrysalis
- (17) der Schmetterling (-e): butterfly
- (18) die Seidenraupe (-n): silkworm
- (19) der Kokon (-s): cocoon
- (20) die Motte (-n): moth
- (21) die Ameise (-n): ant
- (22) die Biene (-n): bee
- (23) die Wespe (-n): wasp
Amphibians and reptiles
German | English Name | Detailed Information |
der Seggenrohrsänger | Aquatic Warbler | Any of a number of small insectivorous songbirds that typically have a warbling song. |
der Albatros | Albatross | A very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings. |
die Enten | Ducks | A waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait. |
die Gänse | Geese | A large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet, and a short broad bill. Generally geese are larger than ducks and have longer necks and shorter bills. |
der Schwan | Swans | A large waterbird with a long flexible neck, short legs, webbed feet, a broad bill, and typically all-white plumage. |
der Hund | dog | |
der Schäferhund | sheepdog | |
der Dalmatiner | Dalmatian | |
der Husky | Husky | |
der Wolf | wolf | |
der Fuchs | fox | |
der Welpe | puppy | |
die Katze | cat | masc. der Kater |
die Maus | mouse | also for computer mouse |
die Ratte | rat | |
der Hamster | hamster | |
die Chinchilla | chinchilla | in Austria das Chinchilla |
das Meerschweinchen | guinea-pig | |
das Kaninchen | rabbit | coll. Karnickel |
der Hase | bunny, hare | coll. Mümmelmann |
das Frettchen | ferret | |
der Iltis | foumart | |
das Eichhörnchen | squirrel | |
der Biber | beaver | |
das Murmeltier | marmot | |
der Siebenschläfer | fat dormouse | In Germany, June 27 is Siebenschläfertag |
die Bisamratte | muskrat | |
der Bär | bear | |
der Braunbär | brown bear | |
das Reh | roe deer | |
der Hirsch | deer | |
der Elch | elk | |
das Rentier | rendeer | |
die Fledermaus | bat | |
der Igel | hedgeshog | |
der Luchs | lynx | Augen wie ein Luchs haben |
der Seehund | seal | |
die Kuh | cow | |
der Ochse | ox | |
der Bulle | bull | insult to a police man |
die Ziege | goat | swear word for a girl |
der Steinbock | ibex | |
das Kalb | calf | |
das Pferd | horse | arch. Ross |
das Fohlen | colt | |
das Schaf | sheep |
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