< Georgia Water < Laws

Georgia Boat Safety Act, O.C.G.A. §§ 52-7-1 to 77

Summary of the Act

General Description
This Act governs use of motor boats, yachts, jetskis, and other boats. It is illegal operate a boat or supervise a minor while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Boat regulations
Boats are divided into four classes: Class A is less than 16 feet in length; Class 1 between 16 and 26 feet; Class 2 is between 26 and 40 feet; and Class 3 is 40 feet or more. All motorized boats must have a registration number, which should be displayed on the front half of the boat (52-7-6). Every boat must contain the following: at least one personal floatation device for every person on board, lights from sunset to sunrise, a whistle or horn, and a fire extinguisher (52-7-8). A life preserver must be worn while riding a jetski. The jetski must have an working lanyard-type engine cutoff switch or a self-circling device (52-7-8.2).
Sewage and Toilets
It is illegal to discharge waste from a boat toilet into fresh water. Any marine toilet must have a holding tank that can only be emptied by pumping out. A holding tank may only be pumped out at an approved facility.

History of the Act

Specific provisions of the Act

Administration of the Act

Effectiveness of the Act

Relevance for State Water Plan


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