- Provides movement for the body
- Helps create heat
Vertebral Column
The inferior and superior vertebral notches of two disks form the intevertebral foramen through which spinal nerves pass.
C1 Atlas: Has transverse processes on each side with an anterior tubercle process at the back. On the Articular facet, the occipital condyles move. Lateral are the transverse foramina which houses the vertebral artery
C2 Axis: Has another pair of articular facets lateral to the Dens-an odontoid process which projects upwards into the atlas. The transverse ligament run across this to keep it in place.
Spinal Vertebrae: Costal facet is posterior to the transverse costal facet (costal=rib).
Lumbar vertebrae: No costal facets, doesn't carry ribs.
Upper extremities: 60 bones: humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metaparpals, phalanges.
Pelvic Girdle 2 ossa coxa each os coxa = three fused bones
Lower extremities: 60 bones: femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges (sing. phalanx)
Iliopsoas (2 parts)
Iliacus Origin: Iliac Fossa, Insertion: Lesser trocanter femur, Function: Hip, medial rotation of femur. Psoas major Origin: Vertebra, Insertion: " ", Function: " "
Tensor Fasciae Latae Insertion: Origin: Iliac Crest, Insertion: Tibia, lat. condyle, Hip flexor muscle.
Gluteus maximus Origin: Ilium and sacrum, Insertion: Femur, Function: Abduction and lateral rotation.
Gluteus minimus, medius Origin: Ilium, Insertion: Greater Trochanter femur, Function: Abduction, medial rotation.
Adductor longus Pubis, Femur, adduct Femur
Gracilus Pubis, Tibia, adduct Femur
Quadriceps Rectus femoris: Ilium, Tibia, knee extension Vastus lateralis: Femur, Tibia, knee extension V. medialis: Femur, Tibia, knee extension V. Intermedius: Femur, Tibia, knee extension
Sartorius: Ilium, Tibia medial, Flexes knee.
Foot Gastrocnemius Femur, Calcaneous, Plantar Flexion
Soleus Tibia and fibula, calcaneous, plantar flexion
Tibialis anterior Tibia, Metatarsal 1, med. cuneiform, Dorsal flexion
Skeletal muscles: striated, multinucleated Epi, peri, endo mysium
Muscle fiber Saredemma: transverse Tubules Sarcoplasm: myofibrils, glycogen myoglobin (binds O2)
Myofibrils are organelles composed of chains of proteins called filaments. Myofilaments: filaments in the myofibrils
A triad of transverse structures around the bands of muscle. Transverse cisternae on the sides and tubule going down the middle
Actin: Rounded spiral protein Tropomyosin: wraps around the actin Troponin complex ball sitting on top of tropomyosin Myosin: protein bands that attract actin