< Game of Games < Game Mechanics

Card mechanics have a certain element of randomness, but there are elements of strategy by holding on to certain cards. There are no equal results as each card is unique unlike dice results.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana

Number Name Role Effect/Power
None (0 or 22) The Fool Protagonist
1 The Magician
2 The High Priestess
3 The Empress
4 The Emperor Grant or Revoke Social Status
5 The Hierophant
6 The Lovers Set emotional attachments to Characters
7 The Chariot
8 Strength
9 The Hermit
10 Wheel of Fortune Fate/Destiny
11 Justice Arbiter/Judge
12 The Hanged Man
13 Death
14 Temperance
15 The Devil Antagonist
16 The Tower
17 The Star
18 The Moon
19 The Sun
20 Judgement
21 The World Demiurge Create World Elements

Minor Arcana

Swords / Spades / Air
Wands / Clubs / Fire
Coins / Diamonds / Earth
Cups / Hearts / Water





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