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Basic colour constants that may be used to specify colour
Hexadecimal Value | Colour |
&H0 | Black |
&HFF | Red |
&HFF00 | Green |
&HFFFF | Yellow |
&HFF0000 | Blue |
&HFF00FF | Magenta |
&HFFFF00 | Cyan |
&HFFFFFF | White |
The RGB Colours Program
This program shows you the RGB colours. You can change the values of each colour from 0 - 255 and you will see the special mixed colour, when you hit the commandbutton.
Out of 3 decimal numbers, one hexadecimal number is build as a string using the following code:
sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&"
To get the program going , you will need 1 commandbutton, 1 drawingarea, 3 textboxes and 3 textlabels.
What does it look like? See it here ( in German )
The Code:
PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click() DIM sHex AS String DIM r AS Integer DIM g AS Integer DIM b AS Integer IF Textbox1.text = "" THEN Textbox1.Text = 0 IF Textbox2.text = "" THEN Textbox2.Text = 0 IF Textbox3.text = "" THEN Textbox3.Text = 0 r = Val(Textbox1.Text) g = Val(Textbox2.Text) b = Val(Textbox3.Text) sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" DrawingArea1.BackColor = Val(sHEX) END
The Sunset Program
When you need a background for a program, you can use this little color sunset program.
You will need a drawing area on your form to get the program going. You can choose different colours when you use the following scheme:
Blue RGB(0, 0, i) Red RGB(i, 0, 0) Green RGB(0, i, 0) Yellow RGB(i, i, 0) Violett RGB(i, 0, i) Türkis RGB(0, i, i) Gray RGB(i, i, i)
What does it look like ?
The Code
PUBLIC SUB Form_Open() DIM r AS Integer DIM g AS Integer DIM b AS Integer DIM h AS Integer DIM he AS Integer DIM sHex AS String r = 0 g = 0 FOR b = 0 TO 255 sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" Draw.begin(DrawingArea1) Draw.Forecolor= Val(sHEX) Draw.LineWidth=5 he = DrawingArea1.Height h = he * b \ 255 Draw.Line(0, h, DrawingArea1.Width, h) Draw.End NEXT END
You can make the program better, when you add the following code and change the border of the form to Resizeable.
PUBLIC SUB Form_Resize() DrawingArea1.Move(0, 0, ME.ClientWidth, ME.ClientHeight) END
The Spectrum program
The natural colour spectrum is shown in the following program using a slidebar.
You need a drawing area and a slidebar as controls.
' Gambas class file PUBLIC SUB Form_Open() drawingarea1.BackColor = &HC2020C& scrollbar1.minvalue = 1 scrollbar1.maxvalue = 1120 END PUBLIC SUB ScrollBar1_Change() drawingarea1.BackColor = Val(spektrum(scrollbar1.value)) END PUBLIC FUNCTION spektrum(ss AS Integer) AS String x AS Integer sHEX AS String s AS Integer r AS Integer g AS Integer b AS Integer s = 0 FOR x = 1 TO 255 'red to yellow r = 255 b = 0 sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(x,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" s = s + 1 'PRINT s IF s = ss THEN RETURN sHEX NEXT 's = 255 FOR x = 255 TO 1 STEP -1 'from yellow to green g = 255 b = 0 sHEX = Hex$(x,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" s = s + 1 'PRINT s IF s = ss THEN RETURN sHEX NEXT 's = 510 FOR x = 1 TO 255 'from green to cyan r = 0 g = 255 sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(x,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" s = s + 1 'PRINT s IF s = ss THEN RETURN sHEX NEXT 's = 765 FOR x = 255 TO 1 STEP - 1 'from cyan to blue r = 0 b = 255 sHEX = Hex$(r,2) & Hex$(x,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" s = s + 1 'PRINT s IF s = ss THEN RETURN sHEX NEXT 's = 1020 b = 255 FOR x = 1 TO 100 'from blue to violett g = 0 sHEX = Hex$(x,2) & Hex$(g,2) & Hex$(b,2) sHEX = "&H" & sHEX & "&" b = b - 2 s = s + 1 'PRINT s 'PRINT shex IF s = ss THEN RETURN sHEX NEXT 's = 1120 END
Maybe you can change the program, so that the colour value is shown in a textbox. 1. Get a textbox out of the toolbox. 2. Add the following code
textbox1.text = spektrum(scrollbar1.value)
in the part PUBLIC SUB ScrollBar1_Change()