Introduction to the Demo Database
GNU Health default installation comes with no data. It's interesting, for academic and training purposes to have some demo data that exemplifies concepts and improves the learning curve.
The demo database is an ongoing project and it will be adapting to the each new GNU Health version. The clinical history will also grow with time.
For consistency sake, it's important to have the main characters information constant (family members name, birth dates and place, health centers, family doctors etc.). The information and characters are fictitious and we should try to make it valid for different cultures.
The Zenon-Betz Family
The story goes around the Betz family, and the main character, Ana Betz, a primary school teacher.
- Health Center: GNU Solidario Hospital in Las Palmas, Spain
- Family Doctor: Cameron Cordara
- ID: 765870
- Speciality: Family Medicine
- Institution: GNU Solidario Hospital
- Family: Zenon-Betz family
- John Zenon (SSN: 40556644)
- Ana Betz (Fed ID: ESPGNU777ORG) born October 4th, 1985, the main character
- Matt (SSN: 97234436), born March 15th 2010, their son
Demographics Information
- Sex: Female
- Marital Status: Married
- Profession: School teacher
- Education Level: University
- Domiciliary Unit
- Housing Conditions: Comfortable and good sanitary conditions
Patient Information
- Socio-Economic Status: Middle class
- Allergies: β-lactam hypersensitivity
- Diseases: Type 1 Diabetes diagnosed on November 10th 1993
- Medication: Insulin since November 10th 1993
- Genetic Information
- Family history
- Maternal Grandfather: Marfan's Syndrome (Q87.4)
- Father: Essential (primary) hypertension (I10)
- Disease Genes
- BRCA1: breast cancer 1, early onset
- Family history
- Obstetric Information: G1P1A0
- Newborn: Matt, epidural, vaginal birth
- Lifestyle
- Ex-smoker
- Addictions: No recreational drugs
- Sexuality: Heterosexual, monogamous, practices safe sex
- Safety: Motorcycle rider, uses helmet
Other Information
- Family information (Family functionality level, members, operational sectors...)
- Imaging (X-rays, CTs, MRIs...)
- Genetic info / risks
- Lab orders and results
- Clinical history of the family
Online Community Servers
We have two main community servers available in the Internet so you can connect and try the latest GNU Health. This is probably the simplest way to check out GNU Health for the first time.
- The GNU Health Federation community hub. Contains the latest stable version
- : This server holds the previous stable version of GNU Health HMIS and LIMS servers (3.2)
GNU Health Federation Community Hub The GNU Health Federation community hub. Contains the latest stable version of the following components :
- Thalamus message server
- Health Information System and Person Master Index
- GNU Health HMIS and LIMS nodes
- GNU Health WebDAV server and calendaring system
In addition, it's backed by the following servers
- openSUSE 15 Leap
- PostgreSQL 10
- Gunicorn 19
Connection to the GNU Health HMIS and LIMS
1. Install the GNU Health client (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD or other *NIX)
Proceed as explained in the GNU Health Client Installation section
2. Use the following server and credentials:
Note : The community server database resets itself everyday at 00:30 UTC , so we have clean demo data. That means that you can also play and experiment with it without fear of "breaking" the DB :) .
Connection to the Health Information System via Browser
You can connect to the community hub HIS using a secure connection :
Older stable version
This server holds the previous stable version of GNU Health HMIS and LIMS servers (3.2). It uses the same credentials, and the database name is health32
Development server
For developers : There is a developer database that runs on the latest development version. To connect to the developer community server, use port 9555, with the same credentials. Needless to say, the developer version is highly unstable, and is just for developers.
The Webdav server is at port 9080
Local Demo Database
This method should give the most up-to-date demo database.
As the gnuhealth user, use the GHealth demo DB installer, which you can find in the gnuhealth-3.x.x/scripts/demo folder that is created by untarring gnuhealth-latest.tar.gz.
$ ./ 36
This will download the demo database of version 3.6.x . It will also create the database locally.
$ editconf
You should see a line under the [database] section like this
path = /home/gnuhealth/attach
That is the value by default, so if you have not changed it, it should be OK.
Now enter the database through the GNU Health client
- Database: demo360
- Username: admin
- Password: gnusolidario
There is a user "admin_es" that uses the Spanish language.