< GNU Health


The Reporting module provides an easy interface for gathering summary statistics on a variety of metrics, including patients, health professionals, and more.

Demographics Summary

This entry generates a demographics report within the provided timeframe.

To generate the report, click the menu entry and a new window should appear. Select the institution and relevant dates for the report, then click Open. The generated report should open in your default word processor.

The report includes a patient census, age pyramid, and more.

Patient Evaluations

This view provides a summary of all patient evaluations on the system. As it is a readonly list view, you cannot edit nor add to this information.

Top Diseases

This entry generates a disease report outlining the number of cases of a certain disease group within the provided timeframe.

To generate the report, click the menu entry and a new window should appear. Select the disease group (e.g., vascular), relevant dates for the report, number of records, and click Open.

A list should appear with diseases and cases. To see a graph view, use the Switch view button.

Note: At the moment, many diseases do not have defined groups. Consequently, the report is invariably sparse and of limited value but hopefully that will change soon!

Injury Surveillance System Registration

This view provides a summary report of the Injury Surveillance System (ISS), including injuries, patients, and more. As it is a readonly list view, you cannot edit nor add to this information.

Specialties by health professionals

As the title suggests, this view provides a list of health professionals and their specialties. As it is a readonly list view, you cannot edit nor add to this information.

Evaluations Report

This entry generates a report of patient evaluations grouped by health professional, specialty, or sector.

To generate the report, click the menu entry and a new window should appear. Select the relevant dates, grouping (by health professional, specialty, etc.), and click Open.

A list should appear of your selected grouping and correspending evaluations. To see a graph view, use the Switch view button.

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